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Sad state of America. Using rubber bullets and tear gas on migrants

Sorry, but I don't support illegal immigration either. Having origin from a country like Pakistan, that was destroyed badly due to tons and tons of illegal immigration and refugees from Central Asia and Afghanistan, I know the final outcome.

If you want to enter, there are proper ways and means. Do it legally. Like someone pointed, immigration is not a human right.
They don't have to be. Their country, their right to discriminate.

Immigration is not a human right. National integrity and identity trumps globalism and multiculturalism.

i was stating for the record: US border patrol agents have procedures to follow and they are granted a bit of discretion by their superiors.

the biggest culprit in this saga is Mexico in allowing the caravan to pass through its territory knowing what the members of the caravan were upto
ii wa stating for the record: US border patrol agents have procedures to follow and they are granted a bit of discretion by their superiors.

That is fine.

However, Mexico is a Narco State where drug related violence has exceeded the worst of Iraq. The mexican drug cartels were cutting off more heads than ISIS. But that doesn't make for exciting headlines.

Nevertheless, American border guards should start shooting real bullets ... Democracy and human rights is for the past.... We live in a nationalist militaralized fake-news world... Its every man for themselves.

Let the mushroom clouds bloom.
That is fine.

However, Mexico is a Narco State where drug related violence has exceeded the worst of Iraq. The mexican drug cartels were cutting off more heads than ISIS. But that doesn't make for exciting headlines.

Nevertheless, American border guards should start shooting real bullets ... Democracy and human rights is for the past.... We live in a nationalist militaralized fake-news world... Its every man for themselves.

Let the mushroom clouds bloom.

mexican drug lords do not shoot at American border patrol agents unless they have a death wish
Amerikkka is using chemical weapons on women and children. Disgusting!
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Well, forcing the border is definitely an invasion; armed or unarmed. And any country has the right to stop an invading group of people.

It is very sad that little children are facing these things due to the actions of irresponsible adults.

I think the interim solution for this should be for US to give them temporary refuge there, send the US Army into their f*cked up country, topple the regime that is terrorising these innocent people, install a progressive South Korea-style or Japan system there that they did, and then send these folks back, so that they can lead normal lives in their own country.

Department of Homeland Security
17 hrs ·
Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen provided the following statement regarding the recent crisis on our southern border.

“Given the activities of the last 24 hours at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, I want to provide an update on what occurred and attempt to dispel many of the rumors and much of the misinformation circulating.

“First, the violence we saw at the border was entirely predictable. This caravan, unlike previous caravans, had already entered #Mexico violently and attacked border police in two other countries. I refuse to believe that anyone honestly maintains that attacking law enforcement with rocks and projectiles is acceptable. It is shocking that I have to explain this, but officers can be seriously or fatally injured in such attacks. Self-defense isn’t debatable for most law-abiding Americans.

“Second, the caravan is far larger and more organized than previous ones. There are 8,500 caravan members in Tijuana and Mexicali. There are reports of additional caravans on their way.

“Third, the overwhelming majority of these individuals are not eligible for asylum in the United States under our laws. Historically, less than 10% of those who claim asylum from #Guatemala, #Honduras, and #ElSalvador are found eligible by a federal judge. 90% are not eligible. Most of these migrants are seeking jobs or to join family who are already in the U.S. They have all refused multiple opportunities to seek protection in Mexico or with the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Seeking employment or family reunification are not grounds for asylum under our laws, or any international obligation. There are, however, legal ways to seek a job or to be reunited in the U.S.

“Fourth, the caravan members are predominately male. It appears in some cases that the limited number of women and children in the caravan are being used by the organizers as “human shields” when they confront law enforcement. They are being put at risk by the caravan organizers as we saw at the Mexico-Guatemala border. This is putting vulnerable people in harms way.

“Fifth, we cannot confirm the backgrounds and identities of all caravan members which possess a national security and public safety risk to our country. However, at this point we have confirmed that there are over 600 convicted criminals traveling with the caravan flow. This includes individuals known to law enforcement for assault, battery, drug crimes, burglary, rape, child abuse and more. This is serious. Additionally, Mexico has already arrested 100 caravan members for criminal violations in Mexico.

“Sixth, our Border Patrol agents and officers responded admirably and responsibly to the events on Sunday. It is a testament to their training and professionalism that no one was injured. The accepted use of nonlethal force (also used by the Obama Administration in 2013) prevented further injury to agents and a mass illegal rush across the border. We will not shy away from protecting our people. I ask parents to avoid violent caravan groups and refrain from attempts to illegally enter our country – these acts will put your children in danger.

“Seventh, I want to thank President Donald J. Trump again for the decision to send @DeptofDefense to the border to bolster our ports of entry and provide force protection for Customs and Border Protection. This decision likely prevented injuries to personnel and migrants or additional damage to property. Instead of “a political stunt,” as suggested by some, this was in fact the act of a leader concerned about the rule of law.

“Eighth, this Administration has been working nonstop to fix our immigration system to address the crisis at the border. We have proposed legislation and asked Congress to pass it. The President has repeatedly made clear what is needed to secure our border and negotiated in good faith. It is time for Congress to do its job. Absent Congressional action courts have misinterpreted existing laws and have made the job of law enforcement far more difficult. But the men and women of DHS will continue to do all we can to enforce the law and DHS and U.S. Department of State will continue negotiations with Mexico and our other partners in the region. We are optimistic that cross border collaboration can help make America, indeed the entire region, more secure.

“Finally, this Administration warned about the danger of the caravan. We predicted the violence we saw on Sunday. We prepared to address it with additional personnel and DOD deployments. We will continue to prepare for the next assault while looking for lasting solutions with Congress and our Mexican partners. As always, I want to thank those officers and agents in San Ysidro who, under tremendous strain, used professionalism and restraint to ensure that no one was injured as they were attacked themselves. I also thank DOD and our state & local law enforcement who were on scene to support our people.”
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Tear gas and pepper spray was used at the border 80 times during the Obummer administration. 27 times in 2013. None of these people had anything to say about it. What they are saying now that it was used during the Trump presidency is pure propaganda.

If they did not say anything then, cannot justify the act now. What happened was bad and must be condemned. Trump did wrong. In the same way Trump fired 110 cruise missiles on Syria for gas attacks and now gassed babies him self. But I will not compare it rather condemn the act and move on.
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If they did not say anything then

Precisely, the media didnt say shit when obummer did it (oh and he seperated the families too...the very pictures that was used to attack trump in media of kids in holding cells, were under obummer era).

Their dbl standard hypocrisy is in plain view....and you persist in using them as your only source.
Its their country, they get a say in who leaves n enters, ever heard of a visa. What would u do if someone tries to break into ur home, give them bunnies?

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