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Sad images coming from new york

Only in Hindu/Budhis countries they burn the body just like in India and Srilanka, most civilized nation dont do it and still respect the death by buried them properly inside the ground. They will use plastic to cover the death body and any way, how come the virus can still live if the body they rely on for living has already been death ?
Hindus probably do hold the most ritualistic funeral ceremony than people of any other religion.

Even when a body is put on funeral pyre it is accompanied by chant of Vedic mantras.
Only the closest relatives e,g son/brother/daughter etc give fire to the funeral pyre.

After the cremation, charred bones are collected to emerge them in a holy river or in the ocean.

All the those people who had gone to the funeral site come home to take bath and discards the cloths they are wearing for washing.

Then begins the 13 day Shradh or intense period of mourning when daily ritualistic pujas are hold for the peace of the departed soul.

But interestingly, in these 13 days period family members are forbidden to get out of homes expect when essential. They are forbidden to join any social gathering, to to temples or other public places and eat outside.This is probably 13 days quarantine Hindus follow since 3000 years, based on rules ascribed in the Vedas.

On the 12th day, all family members including extending family gather to holy bath and discard their old clothes and wear brand new ones. Close male members tonsure their heads.

On 13th day, the last day of the ritual, they invite everyone remember the departed soul and to have meals with them.

@Gandhi G in da house @Axomiya_lora @padamchen @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 @W.11
Hindus probably do hold the most ritualistic funeral ceremony than people of any other religion.

Even when a body is put on funeral pyre it is accompanied by chant of Vedic mantras.
Only the closest relatives e,g son/brother/daughter etc give fire to the funeral pyre.

After the cremation, charred bones are collected to emerge them in a holy river or in the ocean.

All the those people who had gone to the funeral site come home to take bath and discards the cloths they are wearing for washing.

Then begins the 13 day Shradh or intense period of mourning when daily ritualistic pujas are hold for the peace of the departed soul.

But interestingly, in these 13 days period family members are forbidden to get out of homes expect when essential. They are forbidden to join any social gathering, to to temples or other public places and eat outside.This is probably 13 days quarantine Hindus follow since 3000 years, based on rules ascribed in the Vedas.

On the 12th day, all family members including extending family gather to holy bath and discard their old clothes and wear brand new ones. Close male members tonsure their heads.

On 13th day, the last day of the ritual, they invite everyone remember the departed soul and to have meals with them.

@Gandhi G in da house @Axomiya_lora @padamchen @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 @W.11

Very similar to our rites.

Only as with our Vedic cousins, we still place bodies in the open on hill tops ope to the elements and birds of carrion.

It's amazing the mix of Astodans (bone pits, ossuaries) and funeral pyre sites in the IVC sites.

The fact that both existed side by side is further proven by the fact that one of the 16 fires that make up an Atash fire when it is consecrated comes from a funeral pyre

@Joe Shearer
Hindus probably do hold the most ritualistic funeral ceremony than people of any other religion.

Even when a body is put on funeral pyre it is accompanied by chant of Vedic mantras.
Only the closest relatives e,g son/brother/daughter etc give fire to the funeral pyre.

After the cremation, charred bones are collected to emerge them in a holy river or in the ocean.

All the those people who had gone to the funeral site come home to take bath and discards the cloths they are wearing for washing.

Then begins the 13 day Shradh or intense period of mourning when daily ritualistic pujas are hold for the peace of the departed soul.

But interestingly, in these 13 days period family members are forbidden to get out of homes expect when essential. They are forbidden to join any social gathering, to to temples or other public places and eat outside.This is probably 13 days quarantine Hindus follow since 3000 years, based on rules ascribed in the Vedas.

On the 12th day, all family members including extending family gather to holy bath and discard their old clothes and wear brand new ones. Close male members tonsure their heads.

On 13th day, the last day of the ritual, they invite everyone remember the departed soul and to have meals with them.

@Gandhi G in da house @Axomiya_lora @padamchen @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 @W.11
The thing is everyone is free to practice what he believes and one shouldnt be forced to believe one way or another neither should one be forced to justify his believes. Its their faith let them practice it. The thing is you should not force your values on others. In india they are cremating covid infected dead bodies which goes against the values of muslims and it is not necessary to cremate the body, safe burial options are in place and WHO has complete guidelines over it.
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