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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

PAF should opt for upgrades and improvement in JF17 (since we know alot about it) instead of buying a new weapons platform (which we don't know about and which is untried) ...
Some Chinese member on PDF posted image of a CAC version of Single engine 5th gen plane which was said to be shelved due to funds issue, but it can be JF-17 NG as there are news since long that stealthy version will be developed of JF-17.
Recently we did get some 1 Billion dollar credit line from Russia , time to use the credit line
PAF never wanted J-31 but another design.....however, due to recent western speculation, we can't say anything. One thing for sure is, PAF will procure Stealth Aircraft and it will most probably be from China. There is no question about it. Chinese would love to sell their next gen plane to a professional airforce like PAF.

Also, how the hell did 18 JF-17s go to China and no one noticed?


Dear, that is J-31 is just a prototype not full scale production model, at "Zhuhai Airshow 2014" FC-31 V.2.0 model was displayed which might become the production plane (picture below).

FC-31 v2.0.jpg
PAF never wanted J-31 but another design.....however, due to recent western speculation, we can't say anything. One thing for sure is, PAF will procure Stealth Aircraft and it will most probably be from China. There is no question about it. Chinese would love to sell their next gen plane to a professional airforce like PAF.

Also, how the hell did 18 JF-17s go to China and no one noticed?


Did PAF wanted this type of 5th gen jet design (picture below)?? it is concept posted by a Chinese PDF member and he claimed it is CACs design which also produced JF-17s, it might become JF-17 NG.

Drawing of Stealthy JF-17a.JPG
Two Type S3-2 technology demonstrators were completed in 2011,laying the foundation for the research and development of the WS12 with TVC and 9800kgf for a thrust-weight ratio of over 9:

View attachment 156023
No one is denying that China does not have the capacity to build an engine. However to the extent that we as outsiders know Chinas attempts at building a reliable WS10 have so far floundered badly. One has to extrapolate the scenario from there to other projects to say that China is yet 3-5yrs away from a reliable engine production. Once they have success I one project the rest of the projects will be completed quickly .
PAF should opt for upgrades and improvement in JF17 (since we know alot about it) instead of buying a new weapons platform (which we don't know about and which is untried) ...
yes JF-17 R&D and upgrades and improvement are base of our requirements.
But in presence of Russia and India (T-50) FGFA (India and Russia Joint Stealth Fighter) project the Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter in shape of J-31 will be very important.
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Worldwide media collective attention to China's fourth generation fighter: to subvert the existing concept of the fighter
7:03:00 PM Zhao Yan

Imagine the map of China's future fighterNovember 8, China's deputy commander of the Air Force take pride in the acceptance of CCTV Ho "face to face" column interview, said, according to the data reveal that China's fourth-generation fighters will soon be to conduct first flight, it is possible 8 to 10 years after the armed forces. A ripple. He revealed the news in the proud, the United States, "Aviation Week" website, the "Han Dynasty and the Defense Review" and other foreign media have speculated the performance of China's fourth-generation fighters, and possible difficulties encountered.Flexibility to overturn the traditional conceptGermany's "military technology" magazine that China is developing a fourth-generation fighter plane may be named F--14. The fourth-generation fighter planes (according to Russia's method of classification for the fifth-generation fighter) is the ability to meet the criteria for determining the "4S", that is super-maneuverability, supersonic cruise, the more visual range air combat and stealth capabilities. The fourth-generation fighters, and improved third-generation relative of three generations of half-planes, with the overwhelming technological advantage, is an unprecedented generational gap. At present, the world is already in service or access to the actual fourth-generation fighter plane developed by the United States with the "Raptor" F-22, F-35 and Russian T-50.The magazine is circulated through the imagination of online maps, China's fourth-generation fighter plane's aerodynamic shape was analyzed: The most unique design of aircraft outside the V-shaped full-motion tilting wing, replacing the vertical tail fin increases the level of the traditional structure of at the same time added a canard. Full-motion V-tail design for improving the aircraft stealth characteristics are very beneficial. And by reducing the control surface and the corresponding control mechanism also helps the aircraft to reduce weight and reduce drag. However, this design is bound to face a test of flight control system of the complex.Meanwhile, the planes will be installed telex flight control system for aircraft automatic stability control. From duck-style layout and belly of the inlet can be seen clearly that the overall design of the aircraft from the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation F -10 development experience gained and the extensive use of derived from the Russian MiG-1.44-type presentation machine technology.The magazine also considered that will be equipped with a -14 F active electronically scanned phased-array radar, with the same multi-objective operational capabilities. Moreover, it will be a major rival F-22A. At the same time, the United Kingdom, "Jane's Defense Weekly" reported that China's fourth generation of fighter aircraft models show proof of concept, the aircraft with the U.S. F-22A stealth fighters have some similarities, such as the built-in weapons, bomb compartment.Canada, "Han Defense Review," also published an article said that China's fourth-generation heavy fighter - F--14 is a new high-performance, multi-purpose, all-weather fighter. Aircraft, heavy-duty, low-cost-oriented thinking, high-performance, high survivability, high combat effectiveness of the design goals. "Han and Defense Review," also said that China's fourth-generation fighters will be extensive use of stealth materials and technology, aircraft taking off and landing performance, have been greatly improved its flexibility will completely subvert the people's fighter of existing concepts.

The U.S. definition of four generations of machines must meet the "4S" standards, while at present only F-22, F-35 and Russian T-50 to achieve this standard.Performance will exceed the U.S. F-22 In China's fourth-generation fighter and the U.S. F-22 "Raptor" and the issue of performance comparison, according to Russia's "The Independent" reported that Russian military experts, Vyacheslav Navarro, Dr. King believed that China's fourth-generation fighters in order to be able to fight F-22, does not imitate the United States or Russia's program will highlight the performance in order to air the primary design goals, and give up other multi-functional to ensure the "hollow" combat power to achieve the level of F-22.At the same time, China's Jian, deputy chief designer of Chang Chi-kao -10 In an interview with the Hong Kong media, "Wen Wei Po," an interview, said the two "It's hard to do the comparison." He said the U.S. F-22 is the most advanced aircraft, it has some features we do not know. U.S. F-22 early in the development of the objectives set, and finally successfully developed the original vision has changed, technically there are new features.However, Chang Chi-kao said that from China's economic strength to the research strength, you can talk about China's fourth-generation aircraft to reach beyond the F-22 level. But when they can reach beyond the prize is not the individual is estimated that a 10-year as a unit. R & D objectives will ultimately be met or exceeded F-22 level, we must look at scientific research and progress, through the flight test to verify, but also the need to prove actual combat.In addition, according to the U.S. "ship to air weekly" Web site reported on the 13th, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Andrew Brooks, that there is no reason not to use F-22 standards to measure China's new aircraft design, because technology can be exported. International Assessment and Strategy Research Center, Richard Fisher also believes that China's actual F-22 is aimed at the technical level.At the same time, the "Han Dynasty, and Defense Review," that China's fourth-generation fighters will not rule out the F-22 or F-35 as an object of study of the possibilities, but China's fourth-generation fighters, there are two major problems need to tackle key problems, namely, the engine and radar. However, Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" is that China will soon be the fourth-generation fighter plane flight, which indicates that China's high-thrust turbofan aircraft engines and active phased array radar, the two key technologies, has made a major breakthrough. China unveiled the air during the National Day this year, police -2.0 thousand early warning aircraft, use is made of solid-state active phased array radar.Reported that the Chinese public offering of professional journals, but also published a large number of relevant research results: the "fourth-generation non-afterburning engine performance of supersonic cruise research", "fourth-generation fighters of the concept of Integrated Avionics System", "the first four-generation fighter operational requirements ", etc.. Are reports bluntly said: China's aviation industry for aircraft and stealth technology for a long time on research and testing, in the structural design, materials and coatings research has made a lot of success is entirely possible through efforts designed to reach the fourth generation of requirements of stealth fighter planes.

Imagine the map of China's future fighterThe gap with the West getting smaller and smaller Maiden flight of China's fourth-generation fighters will soon shows that China has become the world's first three to enter the actual development process of the fourth-generation fighters of the country, already has a say in the field of high-end fighter. At present, although China's new generation military aircraft and Western countries there are gaps, but this gap is gradually being reduced, and smaller and smaller.At present, China can not only develop and produce a model of the aircraft, but also developed several series, and was a complete fighter aviation equipment system. Can be seen from this year's National Day military parade in front of empty police -2,000, empty police -200, including the back and the F -11 F -10, etc., which are independently developed by China.In particular, the forthcoming breakthrough in China's fourth-generation fighters, the Chinese 200-ton large-scale military aircraft, is also about to debut, and its successful development will compensate for the Chinese Air Force has long gaps in this area. It is reported that China Aviation Group, Hu Xiaofeng, general manager of Aircraft Corporation announced the November 4: "The Chinese Air Force military aircraft and a specific kind, 200-ton large aircraft will be unveiled at the end of the year."The U.S. "ship an empty magazine" site on the 13th reported that China's 200-ton large-scale military aircraft, using universal high-wing, T-tail design. Wing round the top of the fuselage, rather than in the middle of the fuselage, as this will affect the aircraft's available space. The main engine installed in the high protruding part of the high degree of cockpit electronics, all kinds of information through the electronic screen display 5 at a glance."Youth Reference" is reported that China's newly developed 200-ton large military aircraft, as if Il-76MD. Il-76MD is an improved version of Il -76, take-off weight of 200 tons, a maximum range of 9,000 kilometers, fully loaded range of 4,500 kilometers. IL -76, a former Soviet Union in the last century, developed in the late 60's long-range transport aircraft, capable of carrying 40 tons of military supplies all-weather flight.Reported that China's large military aircraft using advanced materials and engine technology, the main performance will be improved, close to the U.S. Air Force's "Globemaster" C-17 heavy transport aircraft.J -10 R & D success of the Chinese bid farewell to "imitation," the era of self-research and development into the new era of fighter planes; and fourth-generation fighter's first flight will mark a Chinese fighter R & D capability achieved leapfrog development, and its successful development and service will greatly enhance China's air capacity, change has long lagged behind developed countries in the face of aerial equipment.

Worldwide media collective attention to China's fourth generation fighter: to subvert the existing concept of the fighter - China Military Report

And this was in 2009!

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