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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

China's engine industry is matrured, all we gonna do is keep developing better one. We had start to study VCE engine, hope it will be a sucess.
Rafale has superior electronics with similar payload capacity,additional aesa radar vs pesa for mki and having far lower rcs.
Not to mention spectra and much better sensor fusion.

M-88 engine has 6000 hours life compared to al-31 with 1500 hours and lacking fadec

Oii.. dude..bhai... sirjiii.... I know it.... My quotes and comments are not for general public.

Its for my beloved friend @wanglaokan only.
Why you guys not try to integrate France avionics and weapons on super MKI?
Rfi for Meteor BVR is issued before As far .We also going for indigenous Platforms well RWR tarang mk2 was success in MKI plus Astra We also use Israeli targeting pods for Mki Elta EL/M-8222 a self-protection jammer developed by Israel Aircraft Industries is the MKI's standard EW pod, which the Israeli Air Force uses on its F-15s .Maybe it will get upgraded in future
The core engine of WS15 with TW ratio 10 had started to undergo ground test since year 2012, i think it will mature before year 2018.
Imagine the Chinese coming up with a supercruise engine in the near future -- don't you think they are capable of doing it? If it were to happen, then many here would get a heart-attack!

China is on the right path...... they haven't waited for all the technologies to mature and are testing various powerplants and technologies...... things will mature and in the mean time they will accumulate data that you, I and others could only wish for.

Now look at it from a neutral PoV........ in their J31 and J20 projects, they have almost EVERYTHING sorted out, other than the engines......... how long before they have that sorted out too? I feel it won't be that long!
They have already completed WS-10 and they are working on WS-13 they would soon come up with that too as for Indians let them live in dreams each dream of Indians will shatter
Great technical answer like i expected from u.:pakistan:
give me source that india is in the development stages with russia to develop 180 kn class engine and as for WS 15 we dont have any technical data so why you r assuming that it is inferior to 117S, let wait and see:angel:
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