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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

TOT is not possible. Not just because Pakistan industry is lacking but because those engines used on the J-11 copies aren't copies but licence productions from Russia and they are still working out the quality control issue perhaps in the tooling. Same said for the engines on this particular aircraft. RnD is expensive, ToT is cheaper and effective. You'll have to go the Russians for the engines, however its best to walk before you run, especially when you don't have large resources.
That being said, why would Pakistan buy this fighter? Its logical, the engines are quick to go so the fighter will be a great interceptor but twin engine fighter costs more in every spectrum. This may sound like a good idea from defense perspective but financially when Pakistan has already put in so much for the JF-17 I don't see this happening. PAF should be concerned with internal issues now and CAS for the frontier. Going up against the IAF especially in the future seems futile especially when they can hit your airbases in short notice. Bulk of the defense budget should be used for denial, ie Army, SAMs and Submarines.
Looks really good, i am amazed at the speed at which Chinese Engineers have designed and developed this....Great job..
Good Wishes for your wishes
i tink. twin engine fighter is not in list of PAF
For reliable sanction free option is J-31 . other option like TFX still far from reality and getting F-35 will be unlikely and costly for Pakistan so PAF should concentrate its effort to get this baby by 2020 -2023 with TOT
What configuration is posted of this bird if its true PAF may not go for it until they customize it as per their needs, PAF will not want JF-17s engine in a 5th gen plane, because it will be short legged like Mig-29s and those engines will not provide IR / Heat signature stealth from back of the plane which is a must for 5th gen plane to be stealth.
Loving the J31 what a beauty

Hate and admire the chinease

PAF is very lucky to have this option
This bird is for PLAN so PAF may not even go for it as China have more 5th gen projects to offer Pakistan exclusively like JF-17 project.
This bird is for PLAN so PAF may not even go for it as China have more 5th gen projects to offer Pakistan exclusively like JF-17 project.

Source: Shenyang J-31 5th generation fighter for Pakistan | Page 2
Like the J-20? Unlikely as the turnaround time for those engines powering the J-11s and J-20 prototypes is high. PAF likes these engines on the JF-17 which is why it was chosen over the J-10. Even though less thrust and consumes more fuel than the GE 404 its the turnaround time that PAF wants. Geographically Pakistan is NOT China. PAF does NOT have the luxury of times if any air force enters their airspace. j-31 would be great option, but financially? Does the PAF still believe in trying to counter IAF 1 vs 1? Not going to happen soon. If they want to deter IAF, then the JF-17 in numbers is a great option keeping in mind the IAF will have Raffles, Flankers and Migs for many decades to come. Will work well for airdefence. However, if the stealth features or the J-31 are good, then it may be better. But right now the stealth on the J-31 is not worth it. Still in the prototype stage though, wait n watch to see how it evolves. Building prototypes is easy, but takes time for flight testing especially the launch bays.
Good luck to Pakistan. When are you getting this plane?

2030 would be a good year to induct them, hopefully the economy is better by then and our traditional competitor (India) wouldve inducted their own 5th Gen jet by then.
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