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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

I think now everything will be Chinese in Pakistan :)
It USA isolate Pakistan and side with India to contain China. Yankees betrayed Pakistan at first. The market is open, USA can sell F35 to Pakistan! No one stops you. Just guess what India reaction if USA sell F35A to PAF, middle finger to yankees.Anyway, even India doesn't want USA cheap cheap F16V assembly line cause they do know what hide inside USA's skin.
It USA isolate Pakistan and side with India to contain China. Yankees betrayed Pakistan at first. The market is open, USA can sell F35 to Pakistan! No one stops you. Just guess what India reaction if USA sell F35A to PAF, middle finger to yankees.Anyway, even India doesn't want USA cheap cheap F16V assembly line cause they do know what hide inside USA's skin.
bro i am asking you soooo many times , translate that j31 poster and tell what it says about mass production
. .


  • 37d12f2eb9389b50a05f59728c35e5dde7116e6a.jpg
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It says:
1. High viability: multi spectra, wide frequency band,high performance stealthy design, low vulnerability design, high ECM ability.
2. Situation awareness: AESA and many other sensor equipment.
3.12 hang points(6 at bay, 6 at wing stations), 8 tons payload(2 tons at bay, 6 tons at wing station).
4. High performance domestic engine equipped to ensure high manuverabity, the performance adjacent to most other 5th gen fighters.
5. It's had 1250 KM combat radius( I guess assumed when carry weapons only in weapon bay status), air refueling capable.
6. Long Life span, high reliability, maintenance friendly-oriented, high sortie rate, healthy management system placed.
7. Low life circle cost.
. . . .
It says:
1. High viability: multi spectra, wide frequency band,high performance stealthy design, low vulnerability design, high ECM ability.
2. Situation awareness: AESA and many other sensor equipment.
3.12 hang points(6 at bay, 6 at wing stations), 8 tons payload(2 tons at bay, 6 tons at wing station).
4. High performance domestic engine equipped to ensure high manuverabity, the performance adjacent to most other 5th gen fighters.
5. It's had 1250 KM combat radius( I guess assumed when carry weapons only in weapon bay status), air refueling capable.
6. Long Life span, high reliability, maintenance friendly-oriented, high sortie rate, healthy management system placed.
7. Low life circle cost.
And the cost is around 70 million $..Less than Rafale, Eurofighter and F-35..
. . .
lol, if PAK have any capability to buy, operate and maintain F35? last time they want funds form US for F-16 purchase. Half of their weapons come from US Aids.
Yes half of our weapons come from 300 million military aid. DUMB A*S
Folks need To pay attention to atticates on this forum

Admin please address the lack of it

And the cost is around 70 million $..Less than Rafale, Eurofighter and F-35..
One thing I understand from my purchases of electronic items is that if price gap is huge, something is amiss in the much cheaper item.

A high quality product, be it Chinese or American, will never be cheap.


I was wrong it was 265 millions for capital expenditure. Most of the aid was and is operations related as Pakistan army will carry out operations and US will reimburse part of it. Last year close to half of the aid was withheld by defense department.

It is foolish for people to think that Pakistan who did multi billion$ deal with China for subs could not arrange extra$400 mil for Jets.
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