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The star safire mod in Herc requires cutting the radome, and making an installation frame. For the bulkhead wiring, there are existing vias which must have been used. That does not mean the two can be compared.

The PAF fitted the SAFIRE system onto the C-130's NOSE bulkhead in house..
The C-130 has a pressurized bulkhead much like an airliner..

just a thought.
I would prefer to not discuss rumors with trolling Indians. However, to answer your frothing B.S:

Pakistan already produces wire harnesses for aircraft, and many avionics systems are products in Pakistan. You will be wrong to underestimate the technical capability of Pakistani engineers here. Exterior body and internal wiring and avionics are three different areas, if you even know the difference. Why can't it be fixed by Pakistan? What is so space age about fixing electronics?
As an electrical engineer, what experience do you have with commercial or military avionics? How does your experience translate to military microwave and conventional avionics? What do you know about DO 160, 178, and 254? I feel nothing, and even more so, a standing bias against anything Pakistani, which deflowers you from having any rational thought or discussion.

Enough said!
:lol: What the hell does this mean??? using domestic resources?? R u serious???? if damage has been done to the planes exterior body or the internal wiring and avionics. These things can't be fixed by Pakistan. Only the designers of the product can fix. As an electrical engineer I can tell you that the avionics in the planes are extremely complex when it comes to wiring of embedded systems all over the plane.

You guys need to stop being idiots. Stop making rumours to make yourself feel proud. We have ICBMs but can't test. We have UAV but can't fly. Entire defence industry of Pakistanis based on rumours by internet warriors.
:lol: What the hell does this mean??? using domestic resources?? R u serious???? if damage has been done to the planes exterior body or the internal wiring and avionics. These things can't be fixed by Pakistan. Only the designers of the product can fix. As an electrical engineer I can tell you that the avionics in the planes are extremely complex when it comes to wiring of embedded systems all over the plane.

You guys need to stop being idiots. Stop making rumours to make yourself feel proud. We have ICBMs but can't test. We have UAV but can't fly. Entire defence industry of Pakistanis based on rumours by internet warriors.

The only IDIOT here is proving to be you.....sitting in Canada you consider yourself some kind of a judge delivering verdict on Pakistan's capabilities and defence industry. Perhaps you should deliver your banter to your motherland and expose the fact that Pakistan defence is just based on rumours....who knows, Indians may shift their obsession elsewhere. !! :haha:
Well we do have 8 AWACs , and that is more then sufficient for operational excellence
How does DRDO, Raytheon, NRIET, or SAAB produce AESA modules?
They go buy COTS components, and integrate them. You would know that if you have ever seen one. Apparently, you have no clue. Only a few countries in the world make semiconductor amplifiers, GaAs or GaN, and they are not the only only ones making microwave modules.

interesting if they have repaired using domestic resources.
But how will they produce TRMM AESA modules,as they don't have home grown semiconductor facility.
The only IDIOT here is proving to be you.....sitting in Canada you consider yourself some kind of a judge delivering verdict on Pakistan's capabilities and defence industry. Perhaps you should deliver your banter to your motherland and expose the fact that Pakistan defence is just based on rumours....who knows, Indians may shift their obsession elsewhere. !! :haha:

Doesn't matter where I sit. I am an engineer and deal with the industry. I can tell you that it is practically impossible to fix a damaged plane parts, avionics or the radar. Even Canada won't be able to do it. You have to go to the original manufacturers. I don't know why pakistanis are so naive and immature.
The star safire mod in Herc requires cutting the radome, and making an installation frame. For the bulkhead wiring, there are existing vias which must have been used. That does not mean the two can be compared.

I am referring to cutting the bulkhead.. not the wiring..
The rumor in question is repairing of a damaged bulkhead section in the nose of the SAAB.
My assessment shows that the nose damage theory has already gone for a six, since they have admitted to have loosing the whole of the aircraft already. IF there was only nose radome damage, it would already have been recovered by now. My personal feeling is that the situation maybe a little more complex.
I am referring to cutting the bulkhead.. not the wiring..
The rumor in question is repairing of a damaged bulkhead section in the nose of the SAAB.
:lol: What the hell does this mean??? using domestic resources?? R u serious???? if damage has been done to the planes exterior body or the internal wiring and avionics. These things can't be fixed by Pakistan. Only the designers of the product can fix. As an electrical engineer I can tell you that the avionics in the planes are extremely complex when it comes to wiring of embedded systems all over the plane.

You guys need to stop being idiots. Stop making rumours to make yourself feel proud. We have ICBMs but can't test. We have UAV but can't fly. Entire defence industry of Pakistanis based on rumours by internet warriors.

Seems to me you are more on a butt-hurt anti-Pakistan rant than demonstrating any trace of prowess gained by a degree.
Tell me, does the IAF send its M2Ks back to france everytime there is a fault with the wiring?
Or do they not.. like all M2K users have line level trace diagrams that allow them to trace a fault in particular component or wiring section and replace it??

Please.. live up to the BSc degree you claim.. instead of hiding under it.

My assessment shows that the nose damage theory has already gone for a six, since they have admitted to have loosing the whole of the aircraft already. IF there was only nose radome damage, it would already have been recovered by now. My personal feeling is that the situation maybe a little more complex.

And that is where it should be left.. because complex situations usually end up inviting the most nonsense of theories and trolls.
Your comment is subjective and a generalization...MROs around the world, hundreds of repair stations, and user airforces repair, overhaul, and uplife aircraft structural parts, avionics, and engines. It is practically impossible to educate biased individuals who know nothing about commercial and military aviation.

Doesn't matter where I sit. I am an engineer and deal with the industry. I can tell you that it is practically impossible to fix a damaged plane parts, avionics or the radar. Even Canada won't be able to do it. You have to go to the original manufacturers. I don't know why pakistanis are so naive and immature.
How does DRDO, Raytheon, NRIET, or SAAB produce AESA modules?
They go buy COTS components, and integrate them. You would know that if you have ever seen one. Apparently, you have no clue. Only a few countries in the world make semiconductor amplifiers, GaAs or GaN, and they are not the only only ones making microwave modules.
x band t/r modules already in testing phase as per astra microwave



CABS has successfully designed and developed a block of T/R modules designated Transmit-Receive Multi-Module (TRMM) and have productionised the device through M/s Astra Microwave Products Ltd., Hyderabad. The TRMM comprises eight T/R Modules having eight electronic power amplifiers and eight low-noise receivers. The device incorporates a heat-exchanger using forced air to keep its components within acceptable temperature limits. The realization of Phase Shifter, Attenuator and Switch in one single package has helped in appreciable compactness of the unit. Development of the Transmit-Receive Multi-Module (TRMM) was a significant and high-value indigenous effort as the technology, hitherto available only to a handful of advanced nations, could be, for the first time, engineered successfully to fully meet the needs of the Indian AEW&C system. The important fact about the indigenous TRMM is that the quantity required for the Indian AEW&C programme could be produced indigenously at less than 25% of the imported cost of an equvalent device.

we don't go ,buy and assemble them,we developed them using our own R&D.
What is the real purpose of this thread rather than repeat the same old stories once again.

This thread gives away nothing new that we do not already know...we all know what happened, a Saab got destroyed, and nobody mentioned that the whole fleet got destroyed and other BS things. Everyone concurred that one aircraft got destroyed while the other got only facial damage.

The bulkhead puncture theory was one put forward by VCheng and was just one in the long list of 'could haves should haves' and it had no solid proof to back it up. The theory that the front got hit also has no solid backing either. Similarly, the all Saabs destroyed or one destroyed or one damaged is also a shot in the dark.

Had Oscar not contributed to this thread, it would have been closed much earlier as it offers nothing new except another round of blame games, besides another main thread is already present regarding the Attack on ERIEYEs.
What is the real purpose of this thread rather than repeat the same old stories once again.

This thread gives away nothing new that we do not already know...we all know what happened, a Saab got destroyed, and nobody mentioned that the whole fleet got destroyed and other BS things. Everyone concurred that one aircraft got destroyed while the other got only facial damage.

The bulkhead puncture theory was one put forward by VCheng and was just one in the long list of 'could haves should haves' and it had no solid proof to back it up. The theory that the front got hit also has no solid backing either. Similarly, the all Saabs destroyed or one destroyed or one damaged is also a shot in the dark.

Had Oscar not contributed to this thread, it would have been closed much earlier as it offers nothing new except another round of blame games, besides another main thread is already present regarding the Attack on ERIEYEs.

Truth will come out, eventually.

It would be better for credibility if the release of facts, whatever they are, good or bad, is controlled in an accurate manner rather than not.
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