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S.Korea's economy no longer supported by China: BOK head

because contract manufacturing is moving out of China to India and Vietnam. you can see it in the corresponding increase in Korean exports to both Vietnam and India. Korean exports to India in Q1 surged by 20%, Korean trade with Vietnam in 2023 is expected to double.
So where the S.Korea overall trade deficit came from? There was no massive SK companies moving out China movement in recent two years.
China out-competing/undercutting Korean products is the real doom
problem is not China products. Neither anything made in China. competition is always good. That sounds weird but the problem is China. People don’t know China intentions. People know what Russia end game but nobody don’t know what is China end game. What China wants. Interesting times ahead.
People know what Russia end game but nobody don’t know what is China end game. What China wants. Interesting times ahead.
you have been saying these shit like China launching a war blah blah blah since I joined this forum, the problem is people like you always have this imaginary issues.
so let me asked you, what is US end game? We as a nation of 1.4 billion should just sitting at home and to be suffocated?

you have been saying these shit like China launching a war blah blah blah since I joined this forum, the problem is people like you always have this imaginary issues.
so let me asked you, what is US end game? We as a nation of 1.4 billion should just sitting at home and to be suffocated?

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Yes I know that map. The issue is not what the US wants. We know it. What China wants? People don’t know. I mean people=99 percent of world population. Viet people certainly know what you want.
Yes I know that map. The issue is not what the US wants. We know it. What China wants? People don’t know. I mean people=99 percent of world population. Viet people certainly know what you want.
No, Vietnamese don't have good understanding of China and Chinese even though they are in close proximity geographically, you people are mired in your own imaginations.
Whoever said Chinese and Vietnamese are ethnically similar should be jailed and tortured. One is the inferior vine-swinging jungle animal, while the other ruled the world for most of 5000 years.
Vietnamese monkey go eat your own shit, Yankees' shit and Japanese shit, Yankees agent orange shit must taste very good for the monkey that will make the deformed retarded ugly low life animal remember and love them for thousands of years, with the hallucination that it can shit on China and Huaren all the time and should dictate the West. Just go eat your own shit, monkey.
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problem is not China products. Neither anything made in China. competition is always good. That sounds weird but the problem is China. People don’t know China intentions. People know what Russia end game but nobody don’t know what is China end game. What China wants. Interesting times ahead.
China's endgame has always been the same as Russia's and Iran's, that is the total annihilation of America. It used to be vague in the past but is becoming plain obvious by now if you look at recent development in central Asia and Middle East.

Hopefully the re-emerging Eurasian world order will once again set human history onto the right path.
Vietnamese monkey go eat your own shit, Yankees' shit and Japanese shit, Yankees agent orange shit must taste very good for the monkey that will make the deformed retarded ugly low life animal remember for thousands of years, with the hallucination that it can shit on China and Huaren all the time and should dictate the West. Just go eat your own shit, monkey.
Hey behave yourself
China's endgame has always been the same as Russia's and Iran's, that is the total annihilation of America. It used to be vague in the past but is becoming plain obvious by now if you look at recent development in central Asia and Middle East.

Hopefully the re-emerging Eurasian world order will once again set human history onto the right path.
The very 1st step is to fukk up their mind, defeat their morale, then everything else falls into place.

Japan used to brag about their pretend aircraft carriers. Then China showed them can make much better ships in just 6 months (from end-to-end the Chinese helicopter carrier has 6 launch positions while the Japanese has 5). China showed them who had the bigger dick. Then the Japs began to shut up about their pretend AC now focusing on resurrecting the Yamato.

After the weather sheds from Fujian come off, America and the West will cry foul becoz will begin the era of the West being second rate to China Navy.

After China defeats the West in morale, it becomes very ez to hot war and win and send them back to the Middle Ages! Faction in low morale and spirit can no longer fight properly!
Hey behave yourself
These shameless Chingchong dogs, love China, hate the West, but still love living in the West, making money from the West.

Western governments should deport these HuaRen dogs back to China, so that these Chingchong dogs have a chance to eat 50 cents shit
These shameless Chingchong dogs, love China, hate the West, but still love living in the West, making money from the West.

Western governments should deport these HuaRen dogs back to China, so that these Chingchong dogs have a chance to eat 50 cents shit
let’s us stay calm and civil
Hey behave yourself
Tell that to that Vietnamese monkey that bites people as mad. I was provoked and insulted first by that Vietnamese idiot, he always shit on Chinese with his comments. Not you.
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