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S-400,NASAMS,BMD and Now THAAD !! Is India preparing to tweaks it’s Nuclear Policies?


Aug 5, 2013
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SOURCE: AMIT PANDEY/ FOR MY TAKE / IDRW.ORG If sale of S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems from Russia to India rang alarm bells in Islamabad then India’s intent to procure NASAMS to secure its capital and also possible purchase of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile defense system supplemented by India’s own two-layered ballistic missile defense (BMD) to protect is major metros will raise considerable doubts in Islamabad about India’s intention about it’s Nuclear Policies.


Till now, India has maintained a ” No First Strike Nuclear policy ” which allowed Pakistan to escalate any future conventional war into a Nuclear war whenever it feels that conventionally superior Indian military will overwhelm them, but recent chatters in India’s Nuclear circle doesn’t hint at major tweaking which is gonna take place or already is in motion.

Off late prominent people who were previously associated with India’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC) or Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) have been openly advocating changes to India’s ” No First Strike Nuclear policy” specifically while dealing with Pakistan and allow India to carry out a pre-emptive nuclear strike which will literally save India’s major cities from becoming collateral damage in case Pakistan decided to Nuke India first.

India recently achieved Nuclear triad and it will still take few more years for India to have a desirable underwater nuclear force which can provide year-long second strike capabilities but with Tactical nuclear weapons being developed and Pakistan also planning to use those tactical nukes on its sub-sonic cruise missiles to be fired from underwater submarines, India’s NFU policy will mean Pakistan not only get the first punch but also will have enough arsenal at sea which it can unleash a second wave at second-tier cities or at the Indian military command which can literally neutralize India’s first strike capabilities considerably.

India’s heavy investment in the Anti-ballistic missile defense system suggests that India is contemplating to tweak its NFU policy due to changing scenarios in the region but also to strengthen India’s cold Start policy which has been in work now for many years now and will see smaller and fitter army which will trained to operate under nuclear clouds but also reduce Pakistan’s use of nuclear weapons which could only be possible if India severally reduces Pakistan militaries which can be tackled with.

India very well knows that Pakistan’s Nuclear triad will be based on Tactical nukes armed on a long-range sub-sonic missile which are not impossible to intercept but it also needs Anti-ballistic missile defense system which can intercept medium and long-range ballistic missiles which might survive India’s first strikes.

idrw.org . http://idrw.org/s-400nasamsbmd-and-...g-to-tweaks-its-nuclear-policies/#more-191153 .
Yet another reason for Pakistan to be focusing on the development of hypersonic missiles.
So India keep on getting milked for $$$$. Be it the Russians or Americans.

America's unflinching support for india serves American and British interests (the two horns of satan btw). And that is, india serves the role of a "punching bag" that (if all goes according to plan) China would be to busy fighting, to be able to unleash its full military might against any potential war against America. In other words, india would be America's first picket line, the second would be Japan and by that time America along with its "true blue" (white) Australia as ally, would finish off China. Primarily because China would be fighting wars on two fronts, india and Japan.

The devil leads the blind folded fools to their oblivion.
Looks like they really are afraid of being nuked soon. But these air defences just lower the threshold to a nuclear strike. Where in past india might be striked by mere 10 nuclear bombs after these missile defences pakistan will fire at least 100 nuclear missiles or bombs in place of 10 previously. Not to mention pakistaniz can now put 3 to 10 nukes on just 1 missile...
THAAD sale to India was just a brainfart of some internet troll. If the sale however happens and India gets access to the radar , Pakistan should worry.
Two neighbours A and B.
A is rich , B is dirt poor.
A decides to buy BMW, B responds by saying A was milked by MNC for lakhs of rs.
I guess u get the point.

No because A is an idiot of highest grade.

No matter how much A spends on weapons, they cannot neutralize Pakistani ballistic missiles threat at all due to close proximity with the neighbor. More ever, B is clever enough to develop strategic and tactical weapons which can neutralize any top rated defensive mechanism in the form of MIRVs, sub sonic cruise missiles hence putting A's billions $$$ into waste.
THAAD and NASMAS so far are just speculations with no agreement or memorandum being signed, neither is there any official document that says talks are in progress.
SOURCE: AMIT PANDEY/ FOR MY TAKE / IDRW.ORG If sale of S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems from Russia to India rang alarm bells in Islamabad then India’s intent to procure NASAMS to secure its capital and also possible purchase of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile defense system supplemented by India’s own two-layered ballistic missile defense (BMD) to protect is major metros will raise considerable doubts in Islamabad about India’s intention about it’s Nuclear Policies.


Till now, India has maintained a ” No First Strike Nuclear policy ” which allowed Pakistan to escalate any future conventional war into a Nuclear war whenever it feels that conventionally superior Indian military will overwhelm them, but recent chatters in India’s Nuclear circle doesn’t hint at major tweaking which is gonna take place or already is in motion.

Off late prominent people who were previously associated with India’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC) or Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) have been openly advocating changes to India’s ” No First Strike Nuclear policy” specifically while dealing with Pakistan and allow India to carry out a pre-emptive nuclear strike which will literally save India’s major cities from becoming collateral damage in case Pakistan decided to Nuke India first.

India recently achieved Nuclear triad and it will still take few more years for India to have a desirable underwater nuclear force which can provide year-long second strike capabilities but with Tactical nuclear weapons being developed and Pakistan also planning to use those tactical nukes on its sub-sonic cruise missiles to be fired from underwater submarines, India’s NFU policy will mean Pakistan not only get the first punch but also will have enough arsenal at sea which it can unleash a second wave at second-tier cities or at the Indian military command which can literally neutralize India’s first strike capabilities considerably.

India’s heavy investment in the Anti-ballistic missile defense system suggests that India is contemplating to tweak its NFU policy due to changing scenarios in the region but also to strengthen India’s cold Start policy which has been in work now for many years now and will see smaller and fitter army which will trained to operate under nuclear clouds but also reduce Pakistan’s use of nuclear weapons which could only be possible if India severally reduces Pakistan militaries which can be tackled with.

India very well knows that Pakistan’s Nuclear triad will be based on Tactical nukes armed on a long-range sub-sonic missile which are not impossible to intercept but it also needs Anti-ballistic missile defense system which can intercept medium and long-range ballistic missiles which might survive India’s first strikes.

idrw.org . http://idrw.org/s-400nasamsbmd-and-...g-to-tweaks-its-nuclear-policies/#more-191153 .

Yawn.. Another PR news!!
No because A is an idiot of highest grade.

No matter how much A spends on weapons, they cannot neutralize Pakistani ballistic missiles threat at all due to close proximity with the neighbor. More ever, B is clever enough to develop strategic and tactical weapons which can neutralize any top rated defensive mechanism in the form of MIRVs, sub sonic cruise missiles hence putting A's billions $$$ into waste.
B is so clever that it lacks behind A in every field.
To name a few....
Sc. N tech
Better life
No of kids in school
Foreign reserve

Infact B is doing so bad that back in 71 B's younger brother decided that I no longer want to live with him and today even B's younger brother is doing better than B.

So let's think before using the sentence "B is clever"
America's unflinching support for india serves American and British interests (the two horns of satan btw). And that is, india serves the role of a "punching bag" that (if all goes according to plan) China would be to busy fighting, to be able to unleash its full military might against any potential war against America. In other words, india would be America's first picket line, the second would be Japan and by that time America along with its "true blue" (white) Australia as ally, would finish off China. Primarily because China would be fighting wars on two fronts, india and Japan.

The devil leads the blind folded fools to their oblivion.
Not to indulge in conspiracy theories, but do you think at any point, the interests of Australia japan or India may collide with american interest? Don't you think when india or japan develops they may assert themselves as a military and economic powers and may have to go against America.

B is so clever that it lacks behind A in every field.
To name a few....
Sc. N tech
Better life
No of kids in school
Foreign reserve

Infact B is doing so bad that back in 71 B's younger brother decided that I no longer want to live with him and today even B's younger brother is doing better than B.

So let's think before using the sentence "B is clever"
Lol there is no poverty in india? Indian living standards are best in the world. Troll.
B is so clever that it lacks behind A in every field.
To name a few....
Sc. N tech
Better life
No of kids in school
Foreign reserve

Infact B is doing so bad that back in 71 B's younger brother decided that I no longer want to live with him and today even B's younger brother is doing better than B.

So let's think before using the sentence "B is clever"

India has the largest population of poor people on this planet. More than half of your population doesn't have basic sanitation in their homes. This is despite having a large economy, allegedly the largest democracy and having the full support of the Western powers.

Comparing India with Pakistan shows how miniscule your intellect really is. India can only be compared to China, because both countries have similar population, land area, and both countries began as developing nations. And the only reason I can think, why you wouldn't compare your country to China, is because India falls far behind China in comparison. This is due to India being plagued by corruption, bureaucracy and a whole lot of "dragging their feet" for anything to ever be accomplished.

Learn to think before you type.
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