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Russia’s Winning the Electronic War

You might be right. American technology has been battle tested and no doubt superior than any other. However, USA has attacked weakened countries and those which did not have technology to match it. Just look at American record since 1991 Gulf war.

In Syria, US has met an adversary thats very capable. Russia has its own drones, satellite GPS, precision guided weapons, stand off missiles and other capabilities developed at home. Russia is not a dependent nation for supply of weapons or of technology like Iraq, Libya, Syria before it. Russia is not some Middle East country America can arm twist or bomb into oblivion.

Hence, American technology is put up against comparable technology not sourced from America or its allies. This is where the test is. So far Russians have not disappointed but have actually impressed.

You comparing with the aricle have nothing to do, so about what are you talking. They can have missiles ore satelite, the fact is USA didn't use ther EW capaballity so you can't compare. Nothing more...
Russian Jamming System Blocks All NATO Electronics Inside Bubble 600 Km in Diameter over Syria
Editor’s Note…

This latest revelation follows the earlier report of the Russian cruiser mounted S-300 missile defense system deployed in the shore of Latakia. Both of these systems amount to what NATO’s supreme commander General Philip Breedlove described as the Russian A2/AD (anti-access/area denial) bubble in Syria.

(Update October 26, 2015: Russia overrides Middle East Cyber waves)


By Webster Tarpley

New Russian Jamming System Near Latakia Blocks All NATO Electronics Inside Bubble 600 Km in Diameter; Radar, Satellites, Communications All Disrupted; System Shifts Military Balance in Favor of Russia

A series of ominous developments over recent days, suggests that the neocon war party and its allies among the humanitarian bombers is gaining power over the US government, and is increasingly pushing President Obama aside.

When asked at a public appearance about whether US boots on the ground would be needed in Syria, Secretary Of State John Kerry replied: “Will we need to put enablers on the ground? I think so. The president hasn’t made the decision yet.”

On the same day, under tremendous pressure from utopian Secretary Of Defense Ashton Carter, Obama conceded a virtually open-ended commitment of US forces in Afghanistan. These developments come in the wake of earlier bellicose outbursts by both Carter and Kerry. And at the United Nations, humanitarian bomber Samantha Power has violated all norms of diplomatic decency by refusing to join in condemning the shelling of the Russian Embassy in Damascus in the midst of a pro-Putin and pro-Assad demonstration as an act of terrorism — obviously, out of concern for the tender sensibilities of the terrorist groups supported by the CIA.

From the combat zone in northern Syria comes news of the deployment of a new Russian electronic jamming system which can reportedly blind radar, disrupt electronic guidance systems, and interfere with satellite imagery as well. As a result, NATO is effectively blinded inside a bubble of 600 km in diameter centered on the Russian base at Latakia, reports, Thierry Meyssan from Damascus.

Russian Secret Weapon Deployed in Syria

The technology in question seems similar to the KRET Richag-AV system, although it apparently functions on a larger scale. A tactical version of this system was presented to journalists in the Russian city of Back in April 2015. As Sputnik reported then:

“The Richag-AV system, mounted on the Mi-8MTPR1 (a variant of the Mi-8MTB5-1 helicopter) is said to have no global equivalent. Its electronic countermeasures system is designed to jam radar, sonar and other detection systems in the aims of defending aircraft, helicopters, drones, ground and naval forces against air-to-air and surface-to-air defense systems within a radius of several hundred kilometers. It can be mounted on units from any branch of the armed forces, including helicopters and airplanes, as well as ground and ship-based forces. The Mi8-MTPR1-based Richag-AV platform, using multi-beam antenna arrays with DRFM technology, is designed to actively jam and thus ‘blind’ radar systems in order to defend against radio-electronic guided weapons systems. In a combat situation, the system would operate as part of an aviation shock attack group aimed at breaking through virtually any defense system, blinding everything up to and including the US MIM-104 ‘Patriot’ anti-aircraft missile system.”[i]

NATO supreme commander and US Air Force General Philip Breedlove was probably talking about this new KRET system when he addressed the German Marshall Fund on Monday, September 28. Here Breedlove had warned that Russia was creating an “A2/AD bubble” over the Syrian coast, and the eastern Mediterranean. A2/AD is the abbreviation for anti-access and area denial. Breedlove pointed out that Russia has already established such bubbles over the Baltic Sea at the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, and also over the Crimea and the black Sea.

‘While Russia’s stated goal in moving into Syria is to fight the Islamic State, NATO’s top commander believes Russia’s new presence includes the first pieces of an intricate layer of defensive systems deployed to hinder U.S. and coalition operations in the region. “As we see the very capable air defense [systems] beginning to show up in Syria, we’re a little worried about another A2/AD bubble being created in the eastern Mediterranean,” said Breedlove to an audience at the German Marshall Fund Monday. A2/AD stands for anti-access/area denial. During the early stages of warfare, A2/AD could have been a moat around a castle, or spikes dug into the ground—anything to keep the enemy off a certain swathe of territory. In the 21st century, however, A2/AD is a combination of systems such as surface-to-air missile batteries and anti-ship missiles deployed to prevent forces from entering or traversing a certain area—from land, air or sea. According to Breedlove, the introduction of an A2/AD bubble in Syria would be Russia’s third denial zone around Europe. The first and oldest he said, was in the Baltics where the Russian naval base in Kaliningrad has robust anti-air capabilities. The second zone—originating from Russian-occupied Crimea—covers the Black Sea. “Russia has developed a very strong A2/AD capability in the Black Sea,” said Breedlove. “Essentially their [anti-ship] cruise missiles range the entire Black Sea, and their air defense missiles range about 40 to 50 percent of the Black Sea.”

In addition, the Russian military had provided a demonstration of their ability to blind even the sophisticated Aegis phased array radar, which is part of the equipment of modern US cruisers and destroyers. This incident came during the Crimean crisis of spring 2014, when the US sent a destroyer into the Black Sea. This ship was repeatedly buzzed up by a Russian Sukhoi-24 jet fighter, which was able to cripple the radar guidance the systems of the vessel. Here is a summary of the incident from Live Leak:

“The US destroyer USS Donald Cook, equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles entered the neutral waters of the Black Sea on April 10, 2014. The purpose was a demonstration of force and intimidation in connection with the position of Russia in Ukraine and Crimea. The appearance of American warships in these waters is in contradiction of the Montreux Convention about the nature and duration of stay in the Black Sea by the military ships of countries not washed by this sea. In response, Russia sent an unarmed bomber Su- 24 to fly around the U.S. destroyer. However, experts say that this plane was equipped with the latest Russian electronic warfare complex. According to this version, Aegis spotted from afar the approaching aircraft, and sounded alarm. Everything went normally, and the American radars calculated the speed of the approaching target. But suddenly all the screens went blank. Aegis was not working any more, and the rockets could not get target information. Meanwhile, Su-24 flew over the deck of the destroyer, did battle turn and simulated a missile attack on the target. Then it turned and repeated the maneuver. And did so 12 times.”[iii]


Russian SU-24 fighter: blinded Aegis radar on US destroyer in Black Sea, knocked out guidance for Tomahawk cruise missiles.


US Aegis destroyer firing cruise missile: shut down by new Russian jamming system

These developments only add to the urgency of a purge of the Obama cabinet, starting with Ashton Carter and John Kerry. In order to retain his authority, Obama needs to carry out some high profile firings, with special emphasis on warmonger officials who have insisted on going off the reservation. Obama would also be well advised to cancel the Trident Juncture ’15 NATO exercise in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. This drill presents too much danger of collisions between NATO and Russian forces and should not be held. Beware above all a flight forward by crazed neocons.

Related article

Russian Jamming System Blocks All NATO Electronics Inside Bubble 600 Km in Diameter over Syria
And an article seriously referencing to SputnikNews as a source is worth nothing!

Jus' sayin' Tay.
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