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Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin


Aug 12, 2015
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Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin
  • 6 minutes ago


Exit polls in Russia's presidential election predict the return of Vladimir Putin for another six-year term.

A Russian state exit poll gave him 73.9% of the vote, easily defeating his closest competitor.

The result - which had been widely predicted - is a marked improvement from his victory of 2012.

But some election observers have warned of widespread cases of ballot stuffing and other irregularities.

Theresa May may not be so happy with the results so let's wait that when media claims the elections were not fair.
Congrats to the Russian People and the Honorable Leader of the Great nation Mr Putin on his reelection if there is a post of Grand Vazir , please consider this humble peasant for the Job :smokin:
Theresa May may not be so happy with the results so let's wait that when media claims the elections were not fair.

Putin has the advantage of not having credible opponents,so there's no clear alternative to the Russian voters.

There's no doubt about Putin winning this election,however the doubt will be about the % of votes..... videos are emerging of election officials and "independent monitors" caught cheating with the votes.... so.
Putin has the advantage of not having credible opponents,so there's no clear alternative to the Russian voters.

There's no doubt about Putin winning this election,however the doubt will be about the % of votes..... videos are emerging of election officials and "independent monitors" caught cheating with the votes.... so.
Mate, if Putin does not have any credible opposition, why would he need cheating/rigging etc
Mate, if Putin does not have any credible opposition, why would he need cheating/rigging etc
Because with any "Totalitarian regime and Figure"...the only legitimacy you have is proportionnal to the size of your support form the population...

More ppl vote for you, better you can govern and legitimate your "position" upon them...

Dictator 101...

And in this case..;that "condition" was shattered... Putin didn't get what he wanted... even with Fraud... And that mean one thing to the the Russians... " He is not what he was"...

____ Copy paste

What is even more funnier in this Election...is those Live Cam in polling station... as a "move" to counter voting fraud...
Those Live were seen since Minute 1 till the End... and Even being seen by the world... Many did stuffed the ballot box ...

Here few among Dozens and Dozens...
Even with Fraud..;Putin got very low result... Was a tragedy for the Russian Tsar... or wannabe Tsar...

@HannibalBarca why would they do so especially on camera. I'm pretty sure these women know about the cameras. They are rather doing a disservice and discrediting even the genuine vote for Putin and there is no doubt that he is the most popular leader in Russia even western analysts believe so. I have met a lot of Russians abroad and also visited Russia twice and found Russian people really like him for plenty of reasons.

Oh no.
This was so unexpected, a total shocker.
what did you expect? can you even tell the name of opponent without searching online?
@HannibalBarca why would they do so especially on camera. I'm pretty sure these women know about the cameras. They are rather doing a disservice and discrediting even the genuine vote for Putin and there is no doubt that he is the most popular leader in Russia even western analysts believe so. I have met a lot of Russians abroad and also visited Russia twice and found Russian people really like him for plenty of reasons.

Why? the answer is quite simple...
"What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh."

They did it for so long... decades and decades of Fraud... That became normal...
And they know about the vids...since they are not "Secret"... they are public, streaming around the globe, and broadcasting even on national TV...

Many polling station, did refrain from fraud, thx to those Cam... That's why Putin "Results" are not as he wanted...
But many others didn't care...and did as Usual...
Mostly in Chechnya... where last turnout for putin was 99%...

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