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Russia's defence industry boosted by India


isro slv are old projects and over. now they make pslv and gslv. but do they washed out the fact everything china makes are russian copycat or built under license? j-10, fc-1, j-11 all are made with russian help and designs.
isro slv are old projects and over. now they make pslv and gslv. but do they washed out the fact everything china makes are russian copycat or built under license? j-10, fc-1, j-11 all are made with russian help and designs.

Funny comment from a proud citizen of a country still failing to produce a decent rifle for more than half a decade and still counting:whistle:
Don't be a fool. Everyone copies stuff and and then improves them. The West has copied technology from Asia and the Arab world and improved upon them.

ummm.one question , what technology was copied from Arabs?could you shed some more light on that..dont say algebra..that was centuries back...what technology has been transferred from arab world in lets say 21st century?
Funny comment from a proud citizen of a country still failing to produce a decent rifle for more than half a decade and still counting:whistle:

must be early in the morning in thailand now.. did u just wake up from the wrong side of the bed? i see you sprinkling venom about india in every thread you visit!! wat's up? is it a daily nightmare for you??
I believe in those articles and so does everyone else who is not Indians.

USA told Canada to let India steal nuke secrets from the Candu reactors to build nukes.

this is the most stupidest and absurd comment i ever heard......... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: dude ru for real............. u should have taken some wrong medication or ur brain must have been fried of siting in front of the comp for a long time...... u are taking reference of HAQ blog all the members who knows that it is a pak propaganda website and a india hate blogg..................... it has zero credibility.......
and seriously man i have been reading ur posts not in this thread but most of the threads u have posted and i doubt that u don't have any iq at all.................. did Netherlands allow A Q Khan to steal their tech and did the chinies allow u to steal weapons grade uranium from them............ dude give us come credible source which is not a HAQ and propaganda website of india hater and give some credible source......... and do not brain fart...... :coffee::coffee:
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The guy is a known troller. Why is everyone soo eager to reply to his bullsh!t.:woot:
Just ignore him and continue with the discussions.

For one stop hiding behind false flag ,
Secondly even People from China and Pakistan do not question ISRO's capability
India has been launching satellites for other countries be it European , israel or south east asian for a long time
It is also a source of good Revenue
As far as INSAS assault Riffle were concerned these were developed during 1970s and 80s so now the army wants to replace them with a more modern gun
And let me tell u , whatever be the quality of gun u would not like to be in front of it
Funny comment from a proud citizen of a country still failing to produce a decent rifle for more than half a decade and still counting:whistle:

Yup, India is so backward. Can't even make a decent rifle. We are only good in making technologically lame, stone-age products like rockets and satellites and nuclear plants.

Why do you even bother comment !!
Funny comment from a proud citizen of a country still failing to produce a decent rifle for more than half a decade and still counting
I whole heartdly invite this guy to stand infront of the firing squad holding INSAS, pity we dont do that.
Why cant you read the title and answer...
Funny comment from a proud citizen of a country still failing to produce a decent rifle for more than half a decade and still counting:whistle:

U know y people brain fart........... because their head is full of S@#t...
man i agree that India is a country who cannot manufacture a decent rifle..... but unfortunately this poor country can manufacture nuclear reactors and ICBM anti aircraft missile SAM..... tanks and fighter jets
which are comparatively low tech when compared to rifel................ now can u tell me how much technologically supreme Thailand is when compared to india and in what way they are ahead of india,

sorry MODS i know its out of topic but to stop molawchai from trolling i have been compelled to go off topic.........
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