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Russians set up method to convert wire currency into Chinese yuan, sparking fears of alliance

The elites want global domination.

While the common people just want to live peacefully.

The elites hate Russia.

While common people want to make friends with Russia and everybody.
But at least rouble is not worth nothing outside Russia as you previously claimed.
First of all, there are not a thing in this world worth nothing. It always worth something, saying it worth nothing is a figure of speech, mean it worth a little.

Secondly Rouble cannot be traded, cannot be printed and most likely cannot be brought out of Russia, tell me how much would rouble worth?? The value of a currency is on how much tradable it can get, how much trust it guarantees, both cannot be applying at this point because of the monetary policy of Russia. Because basically Russia central bank is doing is they say how much it worth, then rouble worth the value the central bank says, it doesn't need to be real because you can't trade them.

Effectively, a kilogram of Potatoes worth more than the 34.99 rouble you pay for in Russian local supermarket 2 weeks ago. Why? Because I know how long I can feed my family with that Kilogram of Potatoes, but I wouldn't know how long that 35 rouble last.
But at least rouble is not worth nothing outside Russia as you previously claimed.
Russia central bank is sanctioned. if taking seriously, the rubbe is sanctioned because any transaction of rubbe must go thru the Russia central bank. In turn the rubbe is not worth outside Russia.
First of all, China cannot bail out Russian 1.4 Trillion economy with 60 billion increases of import.
But Russia doesnt need a bailout, BUT US GOV gets one every few years. You dont seem to understand global economics very well.
And that's before the current war in Ukraine coming into the equation.
irrlevant, Russia today is doing fine DESPITe all the sanctions and western support to Ukraine, Russia is strong today, that's clear, and US is more afraid of it today than ever.
Secondly, it's the artificial rate Russia is using on Rouble, they aren't broke because they make it that way, but seeing supermarket in Russia start closing their department early 1 by 1 and suffer 34% -200% inflation, they can't even hold up that artificial rate longer
LMAO- its not an artificial rate, you THINK its an artificial rate, money doesnt lie, and gold value is real, Russian economy smartly adjusted and adapted to neo-imperialist lying Dollar US govt
Finally, there is a limit on what China or India or whatever country can buy, you cannot increase the purchase indefinitely because that would flood the market and making said product devalue (See dumping of Solar Panel in EU) And the shut off of EU gas, oil and mineral market will eventually come back and haunt Russia when India and China market saturated.
there is no limit to what China can buy practically, cuz China has ALOT of real money, Just like US in its prime . Even US needs Chinese money today.
There is a reason why even UnionPay stop trading in Russia internally. But I seriously doubt you can figure it out.
go eat more US gov propaganda, Russia is integrating fully economically with China ,kicking dollars out of trade, buyign Chinese cars etc. and its successful

are you one of those Americans that trhink China today is the 2005 China? u sound like it.

China is a global power in consumer items, so Russia will get all it needs (for the most part) from China, and so far, Russia is getting it.

US govt has been SO STUPID with this ukraine war, its not even funny- made Russia- China- Iran TIGHTEn into an alliance-type group that has never happened as succesfully today as in history - Us wont be able to break that lock ,and NATo is too cowardly to challenge it- wellcome to hte new world order you stupidly created quicker.
But Russia doesnt need a bailout, BUT US GOV gets one every few years. You dont seem to understand global economics very well.

You don't seems to understand global economic very well.

The ENTIRE world uses USD, 58% of USD is in reserve, how exactly can US Dollars supply can ever satisfy this demand? You will need to print roughly 6 times the money the entire US need to be able to cover that. If we had done that, USD won't worth shit

USD are ALWAYS going to be in debt, seems like it's a concept you don't understand.

irrlevant, Russia today is doing fine DESPITe all the sanctions and western support to Ukraine, Russia is strong today, that's clear, and US is more afraid of it today than ever.

You have no idea how life is in Russia do you?

Set that aside, anyone who see how this Russian administration and military perform in Ukraine and still say they are "Strong" most likely need their head check.

LMAO- its not an artificial rate, you THINK its an artificial rate, money doesnt lie, and gold value is real, Russian economy smartly adjusted and adapted to neo-imperialist lying Dollar US govt

Hos is it not? Can Russian 206 billion worth of gold guarantee their entire 1.4 trillion economy?

Russian CANNOT replace the foreign currency they had depleted, and they stopped their currency trade since March. Rouble is worse than USD in term of its value, because literally this is the rate the Russian Central Bank said it is, without any guarantee.

I mean if Russian currency can be trade tomorrow, two things will happens.

1.) There will be line for Russian to take money out.
2.) The value of Rouble will collaspe

Tell me what do you think Russian government can guarantee their currency now? Don't tell me oil and gas profit, first of all, that's less than 400 billion pre-war. Secondly, those were private earning. Not Russian state earning.

there is no limit to what China can buy practically, cuz China has ALOT of real money, Just like US in its prime . Even US needs Chinese money today.

Sure, you go believe that.

go eat more US gov propaganda, Russia is integrating fully economically with China ,kicking dollars out of trade, buyign Chinese cars etc. and its successful

are you one of those Americans that trhink China today is the 2005 China? u sound like it.

You have no idea how much US Dollars is being trade in a single day. 8.5 trillions just by SWIFT alone. Try to dethrone this. That's 4 times what Russia and China combine GDP, and that's for a single day.

I mean, sure, if you think Russia and China can kick US dollar. Go ahead and believe that I am not stopping you

lol, Russian buying Chinese car? You do know what Russia said about Chinese Car in Russia? Especially after the Chinese dealer hike their price 100% even tho they were not sanctioning the Russian.

China is a global power in consumer items, so Russia will get all it needs (for the most part) from China, and so far, Russia is getting it.

Lol, Russia up Chinese import only by 29% since the war begin, but dropped 45% from EU, also, there are stuff Russia can;t get from China. Do you even know Russia is running out of seafood and bread? The Bread and Seafood isle in any Russian supermarket have close 4 hours early than before and usually have empty shelf.

And you said it like Russia can continue to buy consumer product like they do, When they are up 300%, a drone cost 40,000 rouble before the war cost 120,000, a Television cost 50,000 rouble before now cost 83,000. Unless you are saying Chinese are giving these item for Russia for free. you are dumb tp believe Russia will get all it needs from China....

US govt has been SO STUPID with this ukraine war, its not even funny- made Russia- China- Iran TIGHTEn into an alliance-type group that has never happened as succesfully today as in history - Us wont be able to break that lock ,and NATo is too cowardly to challenge it- wellcome to hte new world order you stupidly created quicker.

Again, you go believe that.

Russia is all but destroy, both economically and militarily, that has been done with 40 billions aid package with no NATO life loss. That's a bargain. China don't even help Russia that much, Chinese bank close shop in Russia, enact sanction price on Russia even they didn't sanction them. A lot of Russian I know think the Chinese betray them, do you even know that?
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