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Russians set up method to convert wire currency into Chinese yuan, sparking fears of alliance

We are more anti west than Russia, in this regard we don't need incentives.
I know. You both are twins. You both are racists. It’s like a competition who hates the west more: russians or chinese? It’s just…Putin is dumb, Xi smarter. That’s why China living standard rising, while Russia sinking to the level of Africa.
They can buy oil, gas, copper, timber , coal , food....they can buy everything China really needs.
...and that's ok, the poor Russians can get exploited by China selling their natural resources at discounted prices in RMB. But it also means bilateral trade in RMB will artificially inflate your currency making Chinese exports to the West less competitive. The only choice that then remains is for China to buy more US/Euro to bring down the value of the RMB to keep exports competitive. Russia on the other hand will be limited to buying exclusively from China at whatever price the Chinese dream up, in economic terms Russia becomes a captive market for China.

If the above is Putin's master stroke the guy is dumber than bag of hammers.
Again, as I said before, unless UnionPay started accept Potatoes as currency.

Your copper company can't really spend "oil" if they take it as a payment in lieu of cash, your mining company would need to adjust their business model and build Oil Refinery to process those oil before they can be used. And I am sure as hell there are going to be protest if you start paying your miner Russian oil in lieu of payment...

You're quite ignorant, blind, uneducated, and only driven by your western ideologies. Rubles are in great demand in the west to buy Russian energies. China doesn't have to use Rubles to buy commodities from Russia because Russia accepts RMB. In February 2022, your words might not appear stupid. But since April, they became stupid. By Sept 2022, they are uneducated, fervor-driven, and disconnected from the truth.

...and that's ok, the poor Russians can get exploited by China selling their natural resources at discounted prices in RMB. But it also means bilateral trade in RMB will artificially inflate your currency making Chinese exports to the West less competitive. The only choice that then remains is for China to buy more US/Euro to bring down the value of the RMB to keep exports competitive. Russia on the other hand will be limited to buying exclusively from China at whatever price the Chinese dream up, in economic terms Russia becomes a captive market for China.

If the above is Putin's master stroke the guy is dumber than bag of hammers.
LOL.. your attempts to drive a wedge between China and Russia will fail inadvertently and has reflected your anxiety and worries only.
You're quite ignorant, blind, uneducated, and only driven by your western ideologies. Rubles are in great demand in the west to buy Russian energies.
This is how far I read before I burst out laughing........

China now uses rouble to pay for Russian oil and gas, soon EU will have to do it too.

You do know Russia completely shut off EU from oil and gas indefinitely, so what EU will pay Russia rouble for? Air in the Nord Stream 1??

Probably when Russia is out of Sanction.

Right now, with Sanction and Rouble being inflated artificially by Russian Central bank, making Russian Import market virtually non-existence, and Sanction have ate up the rest of Russian export, that wouldn't do much on SWIFT or USD as world dominant currency.

It's more like the Russian HAS to do it in order to survive.
lmao wtf r u talking about? US increased NIckel purchases from Russa from Mar- June 2022, China increased Gold, coal, gas, oil purchases from Russia.

RUSSIA IS NOT BROKe, that's a US lie- actually its US that isnt as wealthy as it looks.
LOL.. your attempts to drive a wedge between China and Russia will fail inadvertently and has reflected your anxiety and worries only.
in the infamous words of Don Vito Corleone "it's just business". You think China is going to be charitable with the Russians and pay market price for Russian energy? Especially when the Chinese will soon be the only remaining buyer of Russian oil and gas.

Finally, I don't have to drive a wedge between Russia and China. Putin trusts Xi only as far as he can throw him and the feeling is mutual. History is witness to the fact that the Russians and Chinese have always been mutually suspicious of each other.
Russia is nobody. Russia is just a Chinese vassal with a tenth of the population and a much smaller talent pool.
Russia is not a vassal of china, dont make bs on everyone is a vassal of china and make china responsible for their own deeds.

I know. You both are twins. You both are racists. It’s like a competition who hates the west more: russians or chinese? It’s just…Putin is dumb, Xi smarter. That’s why China living standard rising, while Russia sinking to the level of Africa.
You germans are most racists nazi descendants in the world, you people of such disgusting racial attitudes have no right to accuse chinese of racism, period.
lmao wtf r u talking about? US increased NIckel purchases from Russa from Mar- June 2022, China increased Gold, coal, gas, oil purchases from Russia.

RUSSIA IS NOT BROKe, that's a US lie- actually its US that isnt as wealthy as it looks.
First of all, China cannot bail out Russian 1.4 Trillion economy with 60 billion increases of import. And that's before the current war in Ukraine coming into the equation.

Secondly, it's the artificial rate Russia is using on Rouble, they aren't broke because they make it that way, but seeing supermarket in Russia start closing their department early 1 by 1 and suffer 34% -200% inflation, they can't even hold up that artificial rate longer

Finally, there is a limit on what China or India or whatever country can buy, you cannot increase the purchase indefinitely because that would flood the market and making said product devalue (See dumping of Solar Panel in EU) And the shut off of EU gas, oil and mineral market will eventually come back and haunt Russia when India and China market saturated.

There is a reason why even UnionPay stop trading in Russia internally. But I seriously doubt you can figure it out.
RUSSIA IS NOT BROKe, that's a US lie- actually its US that isnt as wealthy as it looks.

You too polite to Murica.

Murica is teetering on the edge of absolute bankruptcy.

The only question will Murica implode in orgy of internal civil war first or absolute bankruptcy first


Russia's plan is for the long run.

And this is just one part of Russia's global plan to challenge the West.

There are more than this.

USA is becoming the next USSR day by day, while Russia will become a leader of a free world.
I know. You both are twins. You both are racists. It’s like a competition who hates the west more: russians or chinese? It’s just…Putin is dumb, Xi smarter. That’s why China living standard rising, while Russia sinking to the level of Africa.
The cacausian hates any non white. You are just a tool to execute their plan under the disguise of freedom and human right in a foreign western land

Poor and pathetic things. :enjoy:
It's pretty common for fools to laugh at themselves, not realizing their words and actions were foolish instead of smart.
Well, sure, Russian currency is sought after, dude don't even know Russia currency cannot be sought after because they can't print much to satisfy the demand, otherwise it will devalue the currency. Which goes against what they had been trying to do in the last 6 months.

In reality, as in not in the dream you are living in, if Rouble is sought after, that is what kills Russia economy, because there is no way for Russia to guarantee more Rouble than they already had. They had already stopped Rouble from trading, and exchanged the remaining Forex Reserve in a much higher rate, what can they do other than print more Rouble to satisfy said demand??

But I have no objective of a fool never realise their action was foolish instead of smart, you nailed that about you right there.
Well, sure, Russian currency is sought after, dude don't even know Russia currency cannot be sought after because they can't print much to satisfy the demand, otherwise it will devalue the currency. Which goes against what they had been trying to do in the last 6 months.

In reality, as in not in the dream you are living in, if Rouble is sought after, that is what kills Russia economy, because there is no way for Russia to guarantee more Rouble than they already had. They had already stopped Rouble from trading, and exchanged the remaining Forex Reserve in a much higher rate, what can they do other than print more Rouble to satisfy said demand??

But I have no objective of a fool never realise their action was foolish instead of smart, you nailed that about you right there.
But at least rouble is not worth nothing outside Russia as you previously claimed.
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