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Russian Warships to Patrol Syrian Coast

Roughly exposes the vulnerabilities of their a/c's :tup:

and it also exposes your stupidity.

you believe the bombers will have a free flight all the way to the carrier? those in the video doesn't even have stealth capability while the Aircraft carriers USA has are filled with long range radars (E-2) that can detect the ships and send some fighters to destroy them.
Roughly exposes the vulnerabilities of their a/c's :tup:

lol, that scene is from a movie. It was scripted. The lack of the 500km outer defense (fighters) ring around the carrier is selfexplanatory.

you missed biggest daddy liar Fox news and now let us have an example and a laugh at Fox sister station Sky News aka as Sky lies

And Aryan_B just makes the internet stupid with his dubious sources, biased agenda, hipocrisy, superficial knowledge and a hidden inferiority syndrome.

Also dumbass, before you go on dribbling about multipolarity:
it's a Russian ship, not ships.
It's en route to relieve the ship that is already there.
This would have happened in any case and is in no way related to how things are in Syria.
lol, that scene is from a movie. It was scripted. The lack of the 500km outer defense (fighters) ring around the carrier is selfexplanatory.

that is why I said "roughly", which unfortunately some people missed. It remains a fact that a/c s are very vulnerable to missile attacks, especially the kind which Russia has.:tup:
that is why I said "roughly", which unfortunately some people missed. It remains a fact that a/c s are very vulnerable to missile attacks, especially the kind which Russia has.:tup:

I would agree somewhat with that, however important to note is also the fact the Soviets didn't trust fully this concept as well (they questioned if enough bombers would make it through the carrier defense rings to the launch points and if enough missiles would actually hit the carrier), that's why they developed nuclear tipped missiles for destroying carrier groups.
I would agree somewhat with that, however important to note is also the fact the Soviets didn't trust fully this concept as well (they questioned if enough bombers would make it through the carrier defense rings to the launch points and if enough missiles would actually hit the carrier), that's why they developed nuclear tipped missiles for destroying carrier groups.

Also that is why new missle is developed - Kh-32(successor of Kh-22) - rumoured to have 1000km range with up to Mach 6 speed.
I would agree somewhat with that, however important to note is also the fact the Soviets didn't trust fully this concept as well (they questioned if enough bombers would make it through the carrier defense rings to the launch points and if enough missiles would actually hit the carrier), that's why they developed nuclear tipped missiles for destroying carrier groups.

Aside from what zzzz said, it should be common knowledge that some form of (tactical) nuke warheads may be necessary for destroying the whole carrier group. Although it is possible to do so with conventional warhead. Russia is estimated to have a very large tactical nuclear arsenal, more than the US.

The thing is, Russian defence policy is simple, unlike the United States. Russia does not seek to dominate the world. US does. That is why it needs a very large navy to instill fear in other, weaker nations and make them bow down to US. Russia is not like that. Russia will just have to launch supersonic+ missiles tipped with tactical nuclear warheads to take out the very large US navy if it comes down to that. We don't seek to dominate the world or oppress nations, unlike the US.
oppress nations, unlike the US.

a bit hypocritic of you to say that when it was you who installed sycopaths in eastern European countries who was ruthless against it's own population and was a puppet of yours. and not in eastern Europe only but in many countries in Earth.
PressTV, Pravda, Antiwar, Iran, Syra :lol: Spare me of that crap.

Here is the fact: not a SINGLE foreign fighter was captured in Syria so far.

I dont know why you post that pathalogical liar again and again.

Galloway's lie exposed - YouTube

what the hell are blabbering and lying about,zhid? 13 French special ops were captured in Syria according to Western media.19 according Voltairenetwork and Syrian army claimed 120 French paratroopers captured.

Thirteen French officers 'captured by Syrian Army' | Partisan Lines

Also 40 Turkish officers were captured in Syria.

Turkey fears this development after a diplomatic crisis erupted with Syria when more than 40 Turkish intelligence officers were captured by the Syrian army. Over the past week, Turkey has been conducting intensive negotiations with Syria in order to secure their freedom, and Syria insists that their release will be conditioned on the extradition of Syrian officers and soldiers that defected and are currently in Turkey.
Report: U.S. drones flying over Syria to monitor crackdown - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Syrian are fighting terrorist funded by other countries. This fact is undeniable. The Gulft states and the West have said they fill fund these groups. At this point, Assad is the only legitimate head of state. The opposition are terrorist.

When Western government actively fund these group, you can expect them to be neutral in their portrayal of the situation. I am a news junkie and there is not one time in the Wester news media question who these people who have surface to air missile and other weaponry to fight against a state army. Most of the news report are taken from the opposition accounts as fact. If the West have free media, then why are all the media report so similar. The same blue print was carried out in Libya.

With all this massacre in Libya by the state army, not one picture of a mass grave of people. Of course, the American have already forgotten about the Libyan. Remember how much the American say they care about Libyan.

People need to wake up.
Russia is still in a big dream , China has taken over but Putin and his expansionist , imperial thoughts isnt over. They cant live long on oil and gas , every $1 drop on oil will result in billions of loss . A 1.8 trillion economy isnt enough to be even close to be near USA and china .

Russia loves wars because it then sells so much weapon , it was russian weapons that killed million in africa.

I didint see anyone saying anything to russians when they massacred the Chechens.
Nope, those terrorists come from outside.

Why is Turkey supporting FSA? I m not in favour Bashar Assad but I cant favor toppling governments using foreign backed terrorists.

Those who lecture the world that Taliban are terrorists as they are opposing occupation in their own country by this gang of rich nations are actually openly supporting terrorism in Syria. Its a new model of war on the cheap. That country's people fight among themselves without knowing that their blood is fulfilling someone else's strategic goals.
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