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Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

I see apollon made an alt account for when he gets his 15th ban next lol

Only low IQ retards like u think world is black and white haha
Kid, try talking against Chinese government in China the way you can against Australian government in Australia. You didn't answer. You know you can't. It means somebody fought for the rights you are enjoying. Show some gratitude. This is about freedom which is a basic value. Eating, drinking and housing are basic needs which prisons provide. Similar to China.
Since Putin bases his regime on a corrupted alliance with a compromised church (the russian patriarch was a former KGB spy and prays for war...) he of course had a holy relic on his flagship. A piece of the cross from Jesus was on board in the ship chapell and went down with the ship.

In a religious way, this is a huge loss. And i wonder how they will spin that in their propaganda. Some users here like @Foinikas base their support for Putinism on their beliefes, that it will be some sort of orthodox empire.

They dont see how this regime uses religion for their perverted agenda.

For me, the sinking is a clear symbol and a message.
Anti Christ forces at work ?
Oh really!? I bet France takes the Noble Peace Prize in helping (themselves) in Africa, won't they! Or perhaps Britain must really pleased with itself when it made agreements with the Arabs against the Ottomans, to fight and once the Ottomans were toppled, betray the Arabs with the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Let's face the facts shall we, Europe (including the island nation of Britain) are as much helping Africa and the Middle East, as America has been in Central and South Americas. If helping Africa was so much on the priority list of Europe, then they would not have plundered, enslaved and colonized Africa as they have had for the last few centuries.

Oh and btw, your "Europe is rich" proclamation, is as hollow as the plunders the West looted as they rampaged across Africa, Asia and South America, trying to colonize those continents. And if you see this as fair game, then it is also fair game that tomorrow Russia will obliterate France, Netherlands, United States, Britain and German leaderships' hypocrisy and lies.

Reality check, Europe has squat diddly for fossil fuels, has a shrinking agriculture base and based on these two indices, Russia trumps both Europe and America put together. Your Najdi-Saudi puppets and their chums are already finding a backbone in the face of a Western collapse as a hegemon. So unless Ursula Von Meyer can pull a rabbit outta the hat, majority of Europeans will be turning into popscle, come Winter 2023!!

Did Not read your bla bla. But its important that we help allied players in the region like Egypt.

Nah, taking territory is pretty much the definition of victory.

No its not. In most cases it leads to collapse of the regime that started the attack
Kuwait's liberation was just. Saddam was a brutal dictator. But Americans only cared to go to war against him when he threatened their interests after he invaded Kuwait. They incited the Kurds and the Shias of Iraq to start a rebellion against Saddam and then they left them alone. And Saddam slaughtered them.

The question remains: Why do the Americans have the right to support dictators (for example Nicaragua,Guatemala,El Salvador,Cuba) and then point the finger at others when they do the same? What right do the Americans have to change regimes when they want,but cry foul when others do it? Why did NATO expand when the Cold War was over and there was little to no threat?

Why is it legal for Kosovo to leave Serbia but illegal for Crimea to leave Ukraine? Why is it freedom when the U.S. and British forces invade Iraq in 2003,but aggression when Russia helps the Syrian government? Why is it ok for Israel to invade Lebanon in 2006,but evil when Russia invades Georgia in 2008?

Israelis will say "To fight Hezbollah". Russians will answer "To protect the South Ossetians".

It's double standards. It's hypocrisy. It's lies. And NATO has used propaganda and lies too much in the last 30 years to justify bombing countries and changing regimes. They were silent when others did it or still do it.
Hi was wondering are you from Kuwait ? Or lived their previously by any chance?
Did Not read your bla bla. But its important that we help allied players in the region like Egypt.

No its not. In most cases it leads to collapse of the regime that started the attack

Well thanks for confirming what I already suspected of you.

Oh and congrats, you are now on my ignore list.

Good bye!!
Saddam used chemical weapons against the Iranian army. Wasn't he a threat back then?
he also used it against city . the only response was USA support for attacking cities in unsc, and German and Italian provide more sophisticated technologies for producing them
he also used it against city . the only response was USA support for attacking cities in unsc, and German and Italian provide more sophisticated technologies for producing them
Of course back then Saddam wasn't a brutal dictator...

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