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Russian T-90S The Best Tank...

Lucky, we don't. In age of nukes these are just good for scrapo metal ..

Thanks, you meant to say that all countries are fool because they have developed many weapons apart of nuclear including US, Russia, China, Britain and India etc....

If you ask me than nuke is just elephant teeth and Pakistan will never dare to use or nor any country
Thanks, you meant to say that all countries are fool because they have developed many weapons apart of nuclear including US, Russia, China, Britain and India etc....
They have done it primarily to engage in offensive wars. In Pakistan's case such a war is unthinkable -

  • Against India? Nearly 1.4 billion elephants, even if they are half starved and not toilet trained is enough to dump that idea. Unless we want to make repeat the past mistakes.
  • Against Afghanistan? Mountains are not tank country.
  • Against China. Love comes in the way.
  • Against Iran? 5,000 years of civilization ties.
  • Against Somali pirates? Mmmmmmm ......

The fact is right now the only defence, the first and last we have against the unsanitary billion plus hordes from the Ganga is ...


If you ask me than nuke is just elephant teeth and Pakistan will never dare to use or nor any country
True. But that dare works the other way as well. India will not dare Pakistan or tempt Pakistan. The question India has to answer is "do you feel lucky punk?" because the consequences will be dire !

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