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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch


May 5, 2010
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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch


MOSCOW, July 2 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Proton-M rocket carrying three additional satellites for its Glonass global positioning and navigation network fell to ground shortly after launch early on Tuesday from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.

The launch was broadcast live by the Rossyia 24 television.

“There was an accident during the launch,” a space industry source told RIA Novosti.
It was the second unsuccessful launch of a Proton-M carrier rocket with DM-03 booster in the past three years.

Russia lost three Glonass satellites in December 2010 when a Proton-M veered off course and crashed in the Pacific Ocean. The rocket was also equipped with a DM-3 booster, designed and manufactured by the Energia space corporation.

A state investigation commission later concluded that Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 rocket booster. As a result, the amount of oxidant exceeded the norm by 1-1.5 tons and excessive weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit.

Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch | Russia | RIA Novosti
Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 rocket booster. As a result, the amount of oxidant exceeded the norm by 1-1.5 tons and excessive weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...falls-shortly-after-launch.html#ixzz2XrJfEoMD

Russia is making a joke of itself,,,,,They are far better than this ...
Russian Proton-M rocket crashes, erupts in ball of fire (PHOTOS, VIDEO) ? RT News
A Russian Proton-M rocket carrying three GLONASS navigation satellites crashed soon after takeoff from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur cosmodrome.

Immediately after takeoff, the rocket swerved to one side, tried to correct itself, but instead veered in the opposite direction. It then flew horizontally and started to come apart with its engines in full thrust.

Making a huge arch in the air, the rocket plummeted back to earth and exploded on impact close to another launch pad used for Proton commercial launches.

The crash was broadcast live across the country and fears of a possible toxic fuel leak immediately surfaced following the incident. While no such leak has been confirmed, the rocket was initially carrying over 600 tons of toxic propellants.

There have reportedly been no casualties to surroundings structures and the town of Baikonur was not affected.



Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 rocket booster. As a result, the amount of oxidant exceeded the norm by 1-1.5 tons and excessive weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...falls-shortly-after-launch.html#ixzz2XrJfEoMD

Russia is making a joke of itself,,,,,They are far better than this ...

Partially true, some of the past accidents could have been avoided; however, Russia launches far more rockets into orbit then any other country so proportionately they will have more failures.
This shows how risky the space launch vehicle business is. Russia has the most experience in space launches and still there is the occasional failures. This makes the success of the PSLV C22 launch by ISRO much more sweeter.
Very sad ((( But this year Russia already had 15 success launches. USA - 7.
woops, my bad guys, I sort of drank too much vodka last night. I swear I won't crash anymore rockets!
Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 rocket booster. As a result, the amount of oxidant exceeded the norm by 1-1.5 tons and excessive weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...falls-shortly-after-launch.html#ixzz2XrJfEoMD

Russia is making a joke of itself,,,,,They are far better than this ...

lol, what a theory. Source is this thread itself. You referencing your own post in a circular round about way?

P.S.: Doesn't look nothing like overweight, and it especially wasn't anywhere near orbit as you suggest, more like a guidance malfunction.

@xuxu1457 great pics.
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lols people are bashing Russia for one failure... This rocket has a success rate of more than 90%. 62/68 missions are successful and 4 has been partial failures. Thats a very good record of Russians.
Stop Bashing Russia people they launch more rockets than anyone here except USA maybe
Ah, the Russian string of failures.
This one should hurt nicely, because of the 200 million$ worth of payload. Coincidentally, backup satellites for GLONASS.
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