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Russian Proton-M Rocket Explodes On Take-Off

Ohhh...Please...Give everybody a break...!!! :lol:

Japan at that time was very much a naval power, despite presence on mainland China. Further, the Japanese Army was in India, South East Asia, as well as spread out through many island countries in the Pacific. Without the US breaking the Japanese Navy and threatening invasion of the home islands, parts of mainland China would still be under Imperial Japan today.

U.S could never defeat Japan with it conventional force, so the only way out was to nuke Japan to achieve the victory. Americans are so coward when face tough adversaries or equal force when fight with conventional force so Nuke is alway the backup plan in case of facing a terrible humilation or defeat: Take Korean war as example, a Hero of WWII general Mac Arthur become zero in Korean war, face humilation of not able to win convertional force, He requested U.S to nuke China.

So American's WWII victory is just overated
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