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Russian outrage over vile cartoons show there is NO ultimate freedom of speech

Luffy 500

Jan 2, 2012
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Yasir Qadhi

Dr.Yasir Qadhi

In the modern world, nationalism and secularism are indeed the new religions of our times, and their ideals and symbols are considered taboo and sacrosanct. Therefore, one cannot mock those symbols, and 'freedom of speech' simply does not exist for those topics.

Of course, secular nationalism allows actual religiosity to be mocked, and even God and His Prophets are considered legitimate targets, all under the guise of 'freedom of speech'. Yet, just try criticizing the symbols of a nation, or its sacred secular values, or its soldiers, or its citizens who are respected and see how much of a pass 'freedom of speech' will get you.

Here in America, it is simply taboo to criticize or mock the victims of 9/11, or the bravery and dedication of the troops, amongst other topics. In other lands, all peoples have values and individuals who are viewed as being beyond criticism - or, to put it in religious terms, as being sacred. The problem comes when those people who justify insulting religious symbols fail to see their own hypocrisy when they criticize those who mock their secular symbols.

The latest issue of Charlie Hebdo mocks the victims of the Russian plane crash, in extremely vulgar and disgusting cartoons. Obviously, the Russian people and its government responded as any sane, rational human being would: 'Have you no shame?!' And we do not see any mainstream media outlet republishing those cartoons. Nor have world leaders criticized the Russians for their legitimate anger at the publication of such cartoons.

In fact, even Charlie Hebdo has its own taboos! We are still waiting for that magazine to make fun of their own cartoonists who were massacred by terrorists. Do they truly believe in the ultimate freedom to defame all? Then let them draw those deceased colleagues of theirs in the same vulgar manners, naked and in sexually disgusting positions, and poking the same ribald vicious callous humor at their dead memories! But if they do not do so, and they shall never do so, then let them realize the sheer hypocrisy of their claims.

The point is that there is NO ultimate freedom of speech, anywhere in the world, and each and every society has legal prohibitions, and societal barriers, towards certain types of speech. And overall, that is a GOOD thing, and we as Muslims understand that. Our contention is that that same respect, if not more, deserves to be given to all sacred symbols as well.

Russians outraged after Charlie Hebdo cartoons ‘ridicule’ Sinai plane crash — RT News


@Akheilos @Zarvan @Malik Abdullah @JUBA @monitor
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Why do u criticize muslims for their justifiable reactions to mocking of islam by islamophobic bigots ? U know just like the secular world has its red lines , muslim world also have their red lines. Problem starts when islamopbobic liberal bigots in muslim lands start thinking they r living in france and start mocking Islam & muslims. Many of these bigots take hefty pay checks from secular foreign power for their bigoted work and even seek asylum afterwards. Why do west and their liberal lackeys in muslim lands expect muslims to overlook those red lines?

@haviZsultan @flamer84 @xenon54 @hinduguy @LaBong
Why do u criticize muslims for their justifiable reactions to mocking of islam by islamophobic bigots ? U know just like the secular world has its red lines , muslim world also have their red lines. Problem starts when islamopbobic liberal bigots in muslim lands start thinking they r living in france and start mocking Islam & muslims. Many of these bigots take hefty pay checks from secular foreign power for their bigoted work and even seek asylum afterwards. Why do west and their liberal lackeys in muslim lands expect muslims to overlook those red lines?

@haviZsultan @flamer84 @xenon54 @hinduguy @LaBong
there is no red line. Muslim can always oppose in legal way, so can russians. Similarly if russians say something vulgar and crude about french, french should oppose in civil manner.
I doubt russians will burn french embassy, its not that they are incapable, its just that one would expect them to behave.
the cartoon was of very bad taste. I'm with the Russians with this one. i was going to put it up, but its offensive even for me. when you make make fun of religion or death of innocent people, then you have crossed the line.
Why do u criticize muslims for their justifiable reactions to mocking of islam by islamophobic bigots ? U know just like the secular world has its red lines , muslim world also have their red lines. Problem starts when islamopbobic liberal bigots in muslim lands start thinking they r living in france and start mocking Islam & muslims. Many of these bigots take hefty pay checks from secular foreign power for their bigoted work and even seek asylum afterwards. Why do west and their liberal lackeys in muslim lands expect muslims to overlook those red lines?

@haviZsultan @flamer84 @xenon54 @hinduguy @LaBong
Can you just stop mentioning me, im not interested in your tantrums, thx.
there is no red line. Muslim can always oppose in legal way, so can russians. Similarly if russians say something vulgar and crude about french, french should oppose in civil manner.
I doubt russians will burn french embassy, its not that they are incapable, its just that one would expect them to behave.

U r being disingenuous here. Every society has its red lines and social taboos . The red lines may or may not be defined in law.

- 9/11 victims can not be mocked in US and neither can their blood thirsty soldiers who die in foreign lands they drop bombs on.
- U can't criticize the fallen soldiers of any western country in western lands.
- Insulting the flag & anthem of france is criminal offense. Also insulting any public servant is considered "offending dignity of the republic".
- "Insulting" ataturk is a punishable offense in turkey.
- In Italy u can't insult the "honor & prestige" of the president.
- U can't even do academic scrutiny of holocaust in europe.
- U can't insult the president of greece. Also u can't insult christianity or any known greek religion in greece.
- Incites to "hatred" before the general public against the hungarian nation is a punishable offense.
- Blasphemy against the roman catholic church is illegal in malta.

Also u have laws against "anti-semitism" is almost all western countries. Not to mention criticizing abominations like homosexuality is a social taboo in the west now.

But west and their liberal lackeys in muslims lands find problem with Islamic blasphemy laws. Washington and delhi and even their netizens would have no problem if witch hasina arrests random BDs for "insulting" her or her father or insulting bengali nationalism , but u people would find a problem with muslims demanding blasphemy law. SO it all comes down to what west considers sacred. West considers its values sacred and have already established global blasphemy law against insulting sacred symbols of secular nationalism and liberalism. Tell me a country which allows people to burn its flags?
Can you just stop mentioning me, im not interested in your tantrums, thx.

Off course u won't find it easy when someone points out hypocrisy of western bigots and liberal lackeys in muslim lands. Btw why is "insulting" ataturk a crime in turkey? I have seen what turkish mods on PDF did to other turkish members who don't hold favorable view of secularism, kelamism or ataurk . :lol:

Btw u r in open forum here. There is always the option of ignoring the tags and posters.
Off course u won't find it easy when someone points out hypocrisy of western bigots and liberal lackeys in muslim lands. Btw why is "insulting" ataturk a crime in turkey? I have seen what some turkish mods on PDF did to other turkish menbers who don't hold favorable view of kelamism or ataurk . :lol:

Btw u r in open forum here. There is always the option of ignoring the tags and posters.
Why is insulting the President a crime in many countries? Why is insulting religious figures crime in many muslim countries?
Why is insulting the President a crime in many countries? Why is insulting religious figures crime in many muslim countries?

Why do west & its liberals lackeys in muslim lands find Islamic blasphemy law and justifiable reaction of muslims to mocking of their religion , "backward" and "violent" ? Why do they tell muslims to give islamophobic bigots "freedom of speech" ?

Why is the west whining abt the criminal saudi blogger badawi? That scum mocked islam. But the west is calling for his release. why? @flamer84 @hinduguy @haviZsultan @C130 @gambit
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Why do west & its liberals lackeys in muslim lands find Islamic blasphemy law and justifiable reaction of muslims to mocking of their religion , "backward" and "violent" ? Why do they tell muslims to give islamophobic bigots "freedom of speech" ?
I wasnt judging anything, you asked why it is a crime to insult Atatürk and i asked you why insulting a President or religious figure is also a crime.

You are dragging me into things that im not even interested in since a couple days, whats your problem? Do your thing and stay out of the issues in my country.
I wasnt judging anything, you asked why it is a crime to insult Atatürk and i asked you why insulting a President or religious figure is also a crime.

You are dragging me into things that im not even interested in since a couple days, whats your problem? Do your thing and stay out of the issues in my country.

U espouse values of secularism. U r a proponent of such values in turkey , a historic muslim land. SO obviously as a muslim i want to point out the hypocrisy of seculars and their western masters. As i said u can ignore my tags if u want to or u can try learning a thing or two. No harm in it , is there?

Btw if u don't mind replying to this post , would u support a islamic blasphemy law in turkey?

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