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Russian Nerpa alarms Islamabad


Apr 9, 2010
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The Asia Defence website and other Internet and print media have reported that the Pakistani authorities have decided to invest in construction of a nuclear submarine fleet. A spokesman for the Pakistani Navy declined to comment on the reports but the project is said to have been approved. The first Pakistani nuclear submarine is expected to enter into service in five to seven years’ time.

Mansoor Ahmed, a nuclear and missile expert at a university in Islamabad, told reporters that the information might have been deliberately spread by the Navy. The leak is supposed to give a sign to India that Pakistan is alarmed by the 10-year lease of the Russian Nerpa nuclear submarine to India.

The Nerpa (renamed INS Chakra) will be operated by an Indian crew, Lenta.ru reports. The Nerpa will become the only nuclear submarine in the Indian Navy and will be based at Visakhapatnam. The boat will be used to train the future crew of the first India-made nuclear submarine. That boat has already been given the name INS Arihant.

It appears that the lease of the Nerpa has spurred on the arms race in South Asia. Yet India, as a growing military and economic power, is developing its nuclear programme bearing in mind a much more powerful potential adversary – China, which is the third side of the nuclear “triangle” in the region.

Nevertheless, it is India that is viewed by Islamabad as an existential threat. This explains the fact that Pakistan, which has been faced with a grave political and economic crisis and has to fight terrorists on the border with Afghanistan, has no plans to economise on enhancing its nuclear potential.

According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Pakistan has more nuclear warheads than India. As of early last year, Pakistan had from 70 to 90 warheads, though most of them are not ready for operational use. Although both countries are increasing the nuclear containment potential, their “rivalry” cannot be compared with the arms race back during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Tatiana Shaumian, head of the Centre for Indian studies under the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has told NG: “if the reports about Pakistan’s plans to build its own nuclear submarine fleet are true, then the two countries will have to spend even more money for military purposes. Is Pakistan capable of investing sufficient resources in its nuclear submarines? I doubt it. Furthermore, we should keep in mind that its nuclear arsenal is being watched closely by the United States. The decision to create nuclear submarines would provoke a negative reaction from Washington and U.S.-Pakistan relations are already very tense.”

At the same time, the severity of the Pakistani-Indian rivalry should not be overdramatised. Delhi and Islamabad are well aware of the danger of confrontation. Back in the late 1980s, they concluded a pact of non-aggression against each other’s nuclear facilities and the two countries are sticking to it, the expert said.

Admiral Igor Kasatonov, former senior deputy commander of the Russian Navy, told NG: “to create a nuclear submarine fleet is an impossible task for a country that has no highly developed industry or high-tech enterprises. Pakistan has no systems for building such a nuclear submarine, unless is gets foreign support. But this is already a political issue.”

Russian Nerpa alarms Islamabad
loll i dont know how in the world pakistan is getting money to build a nuke sub. it looks practically impossible seeing their poor economic and scientific situation. if they pull this miracle then yeah u guys got my respect.
Either the Chinis have agreed to sell/help nuclear submarine tech or its just a hoax.
We shall do the necessary - to keep peace and security in the region, this project has been going on for years, so the cost has been spread, we will maintain both a second strike deterrence and a hunter killer boat.
loll i dont know how in the world pakistan is getting money to build a nuke sub. it looks practically impossible seeing their poor economic and scientific situation. if they pull this miracle then yeah u guys got my respect.

Hey, but they made the atom bum.
Nothing to proud, rented Nuke Sub From Russia, Then threaten Pak, only Indian is proud of this!!!
I think Indian should learn how to manipulate it, and do more fire drilles, and I pay attention on when indian domestic Nuke Sub can really enter into service!!!
Mock at your rival by rented weapon. Does indian have anything to make fun? If PLA rent the weapon, then boast of these, I will mock at PLA!!! Different mind!!
Nothing to proud, rented Nuke Sub From Russia, Then threaten Pak, only Indian is proud of this!!!
I think Indian should learn how to manipulate it, and do more fire drilles, and I pay attention on when indian domestic Nuke Sub can really enter into service!!!
Mock at your rival by rented weapon. Does indian have anything to make fun? If PLA rent the weapon, then boast of these, I will mock at PLA!!! Different mind!!

this is leaked by PN and no one is mocking anyone ... don't you buy anything other than Chinese?. china also buys a lot of stuffs from russia.
Nothing to proud, rented Nuke Sub From Russia, Then threaten Pak, only Indian is proud of this!!!
I think Indian should learn how to manipulate it, and do more fire drilles, and I pay attention on when indian domestic Nuke Sub can really enter into service!!!
Mock at your rival by rented weapon. Does indian have anything to make fun? If PLA rent the weapon, then boast of these, I will mock at PLA!!! Different mind!!

buddy first of all we r not proud of it in a wrong way. this article has been written by russians. basically they wanna show that our akula sub scared pakistan not indian. in 1980s we leased a charile 2 class sub and our scientists studied it thoroughly. then came the arihant which is based on that charlie model and is much advanced with new techs. this akula is also leased for the same purpose. scientists will study this and build nxt gen of nuke subs after arihant program is finished in 2015. dw we r not in a state of war.
Nothing to proud, rented Nuke Sub From Russia, Then threaten Pak, only Indian is proud of this!!!
I think Indian should learn how to manipulate it, and do more fire drilles, and I pay attention on when indian domestic Nuke Sub can really enter into service!!!
Mock at your rival by rented weapon. Does indian have anything to make fun? If PLA rent the weapon, then boast of these, I will mock at PLA!!! Different mind!!

you proud your crtl C crtl V policy.
if they're pissing their pants now wait till we have ~10 SSN's/SSBN's sitting below the Arabian sea awaiting orders for 1st or 2nd strike i wonder how Pakistanis will feel about using nukes when we can simply obliterate their country in a matter of minutes from land air or sea.

It is only fools who think of obliterating one another. Please understand one thing , and this is for all of you who think war is a childs play, people like Muradk, indian Army, chogy and Xeric will tell you it is a really dangerous thing. Secondly whereas it may not matter to you that pakistan is destroyed, just the toxic waste dispersed in the air will polute and kill people in India for yrs to come. Thirdly Pakistan will respond as well and you will lose people as well. Tell me how will you feel if it is some one near and dear to your your own city with your friends all destroyed.
The reality is that these play things will probably never see any action , as a war in the region will long have been over before a sub gets into position to fire a nuke tipped missile. We should all be working towards peace and better relations between our people. If we have lived together for a thousand yrs before why cant we live in peace as neighbours?
so india its pet puppy can have the nuke subs, and its for the greater good?? for sake of humanity, and pakistan only trying to be defensive is being danger to humanity??

what pakistan does and from where they get the resources to defend their land is not the concern for their bloody foreigners
so india its pet puppy can have the nuke subs, and its for the greater good?? for sake of humanity, and pakistan only trying to be defensive is being danger to humanity??

India is the only country who's nuclear policy is defensive and strictly for deterrance. We have made it clear that we will not initiate a nuclear conflict. Pakistan hints at nukes at the drop of a hat. Hence the conclusions drawn by other countries on who to support and who to be concerned about.

Also, previous track record of being responsible with their nuclear assets, and not selling it to rogue states for personal profit - such things also help people in forming these differing perspectives on India and pakistan.

You see, being on the moral high ground helps.
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