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Russian Language to Become Compulsory in Syrian Schools


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
  • The Moscow Times
  • May. 29 2014 20:38
  • Last edited 20:38
The Syrian government plans to introduce mandatory Russian-language classes in its schools, Itar-Tass reported Thursday.

The Syrian government made the decision following Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin's visit last Saturday to the war-torn republic. Rogozin met with Syrian President Bashar Assad and expressed Moscow's confidence in "the full legitimacy" of the upcoming presidential vote there.

Former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin, who announced the news at the State Duma Thursday, contrasted Russia-Syria relations with the diplomatic turmoil that has arisen from the Ukraine crisis. "We are being pressured in Ukraine, but look at what is happening in Syria," Stepashin said.

According to Stepashin, Syria has always been "our [Russia's] real outpost in the Middle East."
What a joke.


Arabic Language is much more important, much more global, and much more rich language than Russian...
so what language do syrians speak mr genius ?

also the arab world world has over twice as much people than russia but less than twice bigger economy than russia. Russian is vastly more important than arabic language, you can see it used to be double gdp now it less than that despite arabs breeding like rabbits.
Population (Total) | Data | Graph

GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

what happens in russia has an effect on the middle east, without russia there wouldnt even be an arab spring

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so what language do syrians speak mr genius ?

also the arab world world has over twice as much people than russia but less than twice bigger economy than russia. Russian is vastly more important than arabic language, you can see it used to be double gdp now it less than that despite arabs breeding like rabbits.
Population (Total) | Data | Graph

GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

Retard, Russian is a useless language unlike a global language like Arabic. Arabic is a powerful, rich language known all over the world. Russian is a useless language.

Secondly, Arabs' fertility rate is absolutely normal, not like rabits. Humans reproduce around 2 to 2.5 babies..."animals" produce differently. May be that explains Russian fertility rate?

And your comparison of GDP is stupid. Arab World is a vast world..While russia is 'one' country. If Arabs were under 'one' rule, then it would have been a valid comparison. Not now.

Some Arab countries are doing better than Russia..while others doing worse. Can't compare.
Retard, Russian is a useless language unlike a global language like Arabic. Arabic is a powerful, rich language known all over the world. Russian is a useless language.

Secondly, Arabs' fertility rate is absolutely normal, not like rabits. Humans reproduce around 2 to 2.5 babies..."animals" produce differently. May be that explains Russian fertility rate?

And your comparison of GDP is stupid. Arab World is a vast world..While russia is 'one' country. If Arabs were under 'one' rule, then it would have been a valid comparison. Not now.

Some Arab countries are doing better than Russia..while others doing worse. Can't compare.

haha you mad? because i said the truth? you nailed it, russia alone has over 50% of arabs economy, so how is russian useless? If i wanted i could count various other countries like KZ and belarus and it would be 3.9 trillion dollars.

we invented tons of stuff, arabs none

we discovered most land in history not known by humans, arabs none
Russia discovered most land unknown by Humans

And keep your racism for your self, russian language has vastly superior heritage than arabic. Russian territory had always bigger economy than arabs
How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

we always had a higher civilization
funny to see .. people trying to become more catholic than Pope !!
haha you mad?

Mad? :lol:

Your insecurity is SO obvious. And you are calling me mad?
russia alone has over 50% of arabs economy,

Yeah, because Russia 'alone' is larger in land area than whole Arab world.

And genius, "unified" central authority is GOOD for economy. So if Arabs had one unified central government..they would have had a bigger economy..How bigger? No one knows..but definitely bigger.

so how is russian useless? If i wanted i could count various other countries like KZ and belarus and it would be 3.9 trillion dollars.

Russian is useless because it has very little use outside of useless cold lands of Russia and some East European shitholes.

Arabic is a global language..spoken by hundreds of millions of native speakers AND also it is a language of rituals/prayers of 1.6 billion Muslims...and people ALL OVER THE GLOBE know Arabic, learn Arabic, and hear it/speak it...

Russian language doesn't even come close in this regard. How many people have the knowledge of Russian and interaction with this language outside Russian-zone? LOL....

we invented tons of stuff, arabs none

Are you fucking retard or just an idiot?

Here is a wikipedia page of one Arab scientist...read that in complete (if you have enough reading skills)

Alhazen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The very "scientific method" was invented by Arabs (specially Ibn al Haytham). He was the first-ever human being who designed an "experiment" and demonstrated by his results the basis of modern optics.

Btw, you are so insecure..we are talking about language..why are you bringing this mudfight of inventions? lol

And keep your racism for your self, russian language has vastly superior heritage than arabic.

Wrong. Like it or not, Russian language is dry, unknown, and useless.

Arabic language is culturally rich. "Qur'an" is written in Arabic..and it is read all over the world by humanity. Arab literature like 'The Arabian Nights' is famous ALL OVER THE WORLD. Russian has no such thing...

we always had a higher civilization

Not really.

It is the opposite...lol

Russians' glory of Soviet Union lasted only 70 years...

Arab Civilisations lasted CENTURIES and have had way, way more influence on humanity than Russians.

Russians are people of useless freezing north and nobody really gives a shit about that part of the world. Sad but sorry, had to tell you reality.

Modern Russia didn't even exist few centuries ago..lol...
What would russia do once the butcher maggot assad is hanged by the balls and paraded in the streets of syria? All these russian investem is a short lived delusion of granduer. Btw russian is insignificant language compared to Arabic and with the rise of GCC economies the importance will only grow. Its btter to learn chinese/japanese/korean for global competitiveness than russian.
All the cosmonauts learn Russian to get into space. Value of the Russian language will grow in the world and a desire of Syria is understandable.
Mad? :lol:

Your insecurity is SO obvious. And you are calling me mad?
you started to insult, youre obviously insecure

Yeah, because Russia 'alone' is larger in land area than whole Arab world.
And genius, "unified" central authority is GOOD for economy. So if Arabs had one unified central government..they would have had a bigger economy..How bigger? No one knows..but definitely bigger.
haha sure, tell that European union that is trying what you want. What does land size have to do with wealth?

Russian is useless because it has very little use outside of useless cold lands of Russia and some East European shitholes.
Arabic is a global language..spoken by hundreds of millions of native speakers AND also it is a language of rituals/prayers of 1.6 billion Muslims...and people ALL OVER THE GLOBE know Arabic, learn Arabic, and hear it/speak it...
Russian language doesn't even come close in this regard. How many people have the knowledge of Russian and interaction with this language outside Russian-zone? LOL....
dude i life in germany i have never even heard arabian language in my life in personal level, arabs dont even speak arabic language themselves here in germany. Its useless language just like latin is now, no one cares about it except religious zealots like you.

and your eastern european shittholes are richer and more developed than you arabs, its only oil rich economies in the gulf who are rich the rest is poorer than eastern europeans

Are you fucking retard or just an idiot?
Here is a wikipedia page of one Arab scientist...read that in complete (if you have enough reading skills)
Alhazen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The very "scientific method" was invented by Arabs (specially Ibn al Haytham). He was the first-ever human being who designed an "experiment" and demonstrated by his results the basis of modern optics.
Btw, you are so insecure..we are talking about language..why are you bringing this mudfight of inventions? lol
yeah one scientist vs million russian scientists in history

Wrong. Like it or not, Russian language is dry, unknown, and useless.

Arabic language is culturally rich. "Qur'an" is written in Arabic..and it is read all over the world by humanity. Arab literature like 'The Arabian Nights' is famous ALL OVER THE WORLD. Russian has no such thing...
obey then holly quran, so it must be more important. Just like latin is important today

Not really.

It is the opposite...lol

Russians' glory of Soviet Union lasted only 70 years...

Arab Civilisations lasted CENTURIES and have had way, way more influence on humanity than Russians.

Russians are people of useless freezing north and nobody really gives a shit about that part of the world. Sad but sorry, had to tell you reality.

Modern Russia didn't even exist few centuries ago..lol...

yup thats why since 1000 when Russian kingdoms were established had always one of the 5 biggest economies. while arab kingdoms were always below us



and prior to that attilla destroyed the roman empire, all his land in todays russia.

What would russia do once the butcher maggot assad is hanged by the balls and paraded in the streets of syria? All these russian investem is a short lived delusion of granduer. Btw russian is insignificant language compared to Arabic and with the rise of GCC economies the importance will only grow. Its btter to learn chinese/japanese/korean for global competitiveness than russian.
GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph
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Thanks for some posts of sanity when dealing with that Eskimo/Mongol.

Arabic is spoken by 200 million more people as a native tongue than a largely irrelevant language like Russian. It's in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world as well.

List of languages by number of native speakers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabic is one of the most influential languages in history and the world. It has influenced more or less every language spoken in the Muslim world and dozens of foreign languages have adopted its scripture. I don't think I need to mention those. Those same languages have thousands of Arabic loanwords.

World languages like Spanish and Portuguese have 20-25% of their entire vocabulary originating from Arabic after nearly 1000 years of Arab rule of Iberia. Such is the influence of Arabic.

Arabic is the language of Islam. The second biggest religion in the world. Adhered by over 1.6 BILLION people. The noble Qur'an is written in Arabic and all the prayers and rituals are performed in Arabic.

The literature of Arabic (ancient unlike that of Russia which is a new language and only became relevant 200 years ago as Russia conquered 90% of it's current lands of which most are barren tundra and ice located in an isolated corner of the world) is also unprecedented and among the most rich in the world.

From poems, music, non-fiction, fiction, Islamic texts (all mostly exclusively written in Arabic), ancient historical texts, maqama, novels, plays etc.

Arabic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Arab scientists and scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to compare yourself with Arabs who created more World UNESCO Heritage sites than any other single ethnic group in the world and who created and ruled the biggest empires of any single ethnic group for nearly 1 millennium (created 4 of the 11 biggest empires in human history more than any other people in the top 15) and whose influence is felt more or less on every continent and in every Islamic/Muslim country with 75 years of relevancy (USSR) to that of millenniums of civilization and 200 years of Tsardom relevancy in mostly parts of Eastern Europe and parts of Central Asia.:lol:

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The people known as Arabs today are native to the ancient ME region and the Arab world which is home to the cradle of civilizations and which was the center of the world for millenniums. Not your barren tundra or steppe. Arabs built 11 World UNESCO Heritage sites in Spain alone. Are you kidding me?

Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the Arab Caliphates ruled as the biggest and most influential empire in the world from Portugal in the West to modern-day Pakistan in the East Russia did not even exist.:lol:

Russia first became relevant under the GERMAN Tsar's and especially in the late 17th century under Peter The Great. That's also where 80% of your current lands were conquered from the poor Uralic/Mongol/Tatar natives and obviously Caucasians.

USSR and the later Russian Empire were the only relevant Russian periods. Still they are dwarfed by the achievements of Arabs that I just mentioned. USSR lasted for less than 75 years as well.

Besides USSR was made up by dozens of non-Russian countries and even ruled by non-Russians from Stalin (Georgian) to others.

Also the Arab world is nearly as big as Russia and is located in a much more important and obviously 1000's more historical and beautiful part of the world.

Bordering MOST of a historical sea like the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Gulf etc. You can only dream of that. In terms of resources we are richer than you as well. Anyway the Arab world is not one country despite the Arab League and other Arab organizations so your comparisons are idiotic. At the crossroads of the world connecting Europe, Africa and Asia with each other. Can you say the same about your isolated Siberia which makes up 80% of your entire geography?

Regarding the news then that is obviously a joke. Nobody in the Arab world is speaking Russian nor is it taught. This is just a propaganda show. Arabic, English and French are the languages of our world.

Yet in Russia every Muslim knows at least some Arabic and Arabic is used in all religious occasions among the Muslims of Russia.:sarcastic:
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for God sake please stop this nonsense , they just wanted to add another language to their school . it's not like they stopped teaching any other language.

by the way if it was up to me ,I believe adding Mandarin instead of russian was more useful.
Why do some people on here care what language the other country speaks
get over yourself
What a joke.


Arabic Language is much more important, much more global, and much more rich language than Russian...

Disagree. Russian is one of the languages of the future. All BRIC languages will me important in the future.

for God sake please stop this nonsense , they just wanted to add another language to their school . it's not like they stopped teaching any other language.

by the way if it was up to me ,I believe adding Mandarin instead of russian was more useful.

Why not Persian ? Isn't it an extremely beautiful language? Hindu and Urdu, two Indian languages have a strong Persian influence particularly the latter.
Disagree. Russian is one of the languages of the future. All BRIC languages will me important in the future.

Why not Persian ? Isn't it an extremely beautiful language? Hindu and Urdu, two Indian languages have a strong Persian influence particularly the latter.
because as much as I love every country around the world make Beautiful and fascinating Persian language a mandatory subject in their school but from economical point of view it's better to learn Mandarin
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