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Russian intelligence chief's Pakistan visit leaked

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Russia has taken serious objection to the 'leak' by the Pakistani authorities, in their media, about the visit of Alexander Bortnikov, Head of the Russian External Intelligence service, or the FSB, to Pakistan between November 25-27, 2016.

The visit which was designed to garner Pakistani support for operations in Allepo, Syria, was compromised by pro-Saudi factions within the Pakistani establishment, according to informed sources.

According to leaks in the Pakistani media, during this visit, Bortnikov besides discussing Allepo held consultations with Pakistani military and intelligence agencies, showed interest in Russia joining the CPEC project, proposed that Russia and Pakistan initiate bilateral cooperation vis-a-vis the Gwadar port, especially with regard to transfer of goods and services, and also requested Russian access, to this port.

Russia sees CPEC as a major challenge to its area domination by China and is working on Pakistan to open avenues for Moscow to get involved in the Gwadar gateway, something which has been a Russian dream for decades and was the prime reason for the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 as a first step towards reaching Gwadar.

While some elements within the Pakistan Army are keen to get involved with Russia, the predominant mood is against Moscow, given its antagonistic relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Sources say that the Pakistan Army is against having a close relationship with Russia as Saudi Arabia is and has been a tried and tested friend.

It was this influential section of the establishment which reportedly leaked the highly secret visit to Pakistan by the head of Russia's premier intelligence service.

Russia has taken serious objection to the 'leak' by the Pakistani authorities, in their media, about the visit of Alexander Bortnikov, Head of the Russian External Intelligence service, or the FSB, to Pakistan between November 25-27, 2016.

The visit which was designed to garner Pakistani support for operations in Allepo, Syria, was compromised by pro-Saudi factions within the Pakistani establishment, according to informed sources.

According to leaks in the Pakistani media, during this visit, Bortnikov besides discussing Allepo held consultations with Pakistani military and intelligence agencies, showed interest in Russia joining the CPEC project, proposed that Russia and Pakistan initiate bilateral cooperation vis-a-vis the Gwadar port, especially with regard to transfer of goods and services, and also requested Russian access, to this port.

Russia sees CPEC as a major challenge to its area domination by China and is working on Pakistan to open avenues for Moscow to get involved in the Gwadar gateway, something which has been a Russian dream for decades and was the prime reason for the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 as a first step towards reaching Gwadar.

While some elements within the Pakistan Army are keen to get involved with Russia, the predominant mood is against Moscow, given its antagonistic relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Sources say that the Pakistan Army is against having a close relationship with Russia as Saudi Arabia is and has been a tried and tested friend.

It was this influential section of the establishment which reportedly leaked the highly secret visit to Pakistan by the head of Russia's premier intelligence service.


This is just Indian propaganda.
Seriously .... do pak media even has a brain?? Which fcking area domination does russia has in the region?????

Oops ... sory... indian media... expected

In fact Russia wanted the visit to be heavily publicized to send a message to US & Saudis that Pakistan is now in a strong alliance with Russia and backs Russia in Syria.
so the news of Russia joing CPEC was true but after leak they tried to cover it by denying it so that India don't start crying,..

Of course Russia joining CPEC is true. The proposal to link North-South corridor with OBOR was already agreed upon between Russia and China.
Pakistan wouldn't join KSA in Yemen and Russia comes asking for support in Syria.. makes no sense..Also the "secret" visit by the Russian Intelligence chief to Pakistan was bound to be found out by KSA anyways, it is a known fact that Pakistan and KSA share intelligence at a deep level.. and what all this has to do with CPEC?
It was very stupid from the writer of the article to add the CPEC issue, it shows how India is bothered by CPEC and more so by Russia Joining in..
So, even if there was some truth about the leak, that concerned Syria.. adding CPEC is an opportunistic act and a blunder..
so the news of Russia joing CPEC was true but after leak they tried to cover it by denying it so that India don't start crying,..

Calm down mate....Your nation is really doing good...For moment, forget what India and Pakistan issue is going on. It will distract you in your long term objective. NS is a smart man..That is why he is just not getting engaged with India and Pakistan war of words and focusing on developing your economy.

Now coming to your point, when a country is on a trajectory of growth, FDI and investment will follow the growth area. This is exactly the situation in Pakistan. Russia will ultimately be part of Pakistan growth story in someway or the other. But that does not mean, whoever comes to Pakistan will not join India and vice versa. As i said earlier, India and Pakistan rivallary is not a big issue for them. It is our problem rather than Russia, China or US.
I think Pakistan should work over time to bring Saudi and Russia closer. If Russia is willing to review relations with India it can surely review Iran as well...
I think Pakistan should work over time to bring Saudi and Russia closer. If Russia is willing to review relations with India it can surely review Iran as well...

You got it wrong.

Russia is not reviewing its relations with India and Iran rather with Turkey & Pakistan...
Wishful thinking will not benefit India. Instead of writing articles like this and believing that somehow Russian-Pakistani rapprochement will ultimately fail, Indian media should inform its people of emerging geopolitical realities and how to adjust accordingly.

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