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Russian Helicopters Begins Mass Production of New Heavy Transport Mi-26T2

Compared to the Chinook, the Mi-26 is roughly three times bigger. With nearly 300 built by 2001 and reportedly sold to about 20 countries, you cannot seriously call it a white elephant. A unique capability would be a more apt description.


LOL. Sorry, you're absolutely right ;-) It's just that in the '60s I was still in diapers....
Atleast you were in diapers I was not even born...:P

@New World
I have already answered your question Why Pakistan did not go for Chinooks in the 60's?

Please read post #10
I have read your comment before I second time ask the Question to Penguin..
your Answer says about in 60's era.. but in 80's there was lots of movement of troops from here to there because of Siachen, training of Mujahideen that's why I thought that there was need of heavy lifter for the mountain Areas...
I have read your comment before I second time ask the Question to Penguin..
your Answer says about in 60's era.. but in 80's there was lots of movement of troops from here to there because of Siachen, training of Mujahideen that's why I thought that there was need of heavy lifter for the mountain Areas...
That time PAA used Puma's and other heli's in their inventory for Siachen.
This a multi mission heli we need it in rescue operation in earthquakes and floods and mini air hospital can be used for army can take mamoth loads it is good to have it

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