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Russian Freedom Fighters destroy Ukrainian Helicopter


Jun 26, 2012
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Helicopter explodes at Kramatorsk airfield in eastern Ukraine (VIDEOS)
Published time: April 25, 2014 09:21
Edited time: April 25, 2014 13:04
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Still from YouTube video/NewCrimea

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Ukraine turmoil

Accident, Blast, Clashes, Conflict, Military,Protest, Ukraine
Self-defence troops have confirmed they attacked a Ukrainian military helicopter at an airfield in eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk. A plume of smoke can be seen rising over the area in a number of online videos.

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“Our people approached the airfield, shot a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in the direction of the helicopter. There was an explosion. [Kiev] militants started shooting and we [protesters] retreated,” a representative from the Kramatorsk self-defence troops told RIA Novosti.

А video posted online shows a loud explosion at the site where a plume of smoke is seen. The smoke was swiftly followed by another explosion. Witnesses say fire was also seen in the area of the blast.


Still from YouTube video/NewCrimea

The blowing up of the helicopter has also been confirmed by Ukraine’s Security Service, the SBU.

Earlier, reports from Kramatorsk.info, said several explosions took place at about 11am local time (09:00 GMT). The explosions were followed by a fire and smoke, the news portal added.

“An Mi-8 helicopter has exploded at Kramatorsk airfield, with no victims reported. The pilot managed to jump [from the plane],” Dmitry Tyimchyuk, the head of the Center for War-Political Investigations told Kramatorsk.info news. “The preliminary theory is that the helicopter caught fire during a warm-up before a flight.”

Earlier, the representatives of the Kramatorsk Interior Ministry said anti-government protesters were behind the explosions. The ministry didn’t report any victims.

However, local residents say that at least three people died in the explosions. They say the blast took place when the Ukrainian military was arming the helicopter.

According to SBU General Vasily Krutov, the helicopter was targeted by a sniper, who shot the fuel tank. He added that the pilot was injured in the incident.
This is getting messier. Putin should declare annexation of Russian speaking areas of Ukraine if thats whats needed to stop this.
Putin getting involve/invading Ukraine will only make things worst. If Russia invades Easter Ukraine then our response will be different than the annexation of Crimea. because Crimea despite our protests and mild sanctions was part of Russia and was just gifted/ceded to Ukraine by Russia only in 1954. So being honest it has almost always been part of Russia. Though the way Russia retook/annex it was illegal(however don't want to go into the details here). What i want to point out is that Russia invading eastern Ukraine will be different, since this has always been Ukrainian territory and isn't disputed or whatever. So western reaction to this(if it happens) will be totally different, i'm sure the sanctions will be real this time and more severe. It will affect Russia alot economically and will cause Europe to boost its defenses in the east even more, up its defence budget, definitely allow U.S installation of missile defense system in the east and create a deep divide between Europe and Russia, which will be unfortunate given the way relations had been improving until recently(especially with Germany). This will almost lead to a mini cold war of sort in eastern Europe. which isn't desirable to any party. Russia will do well to not attempt to invade eastern Ukraine. because the consequences will be more disastrous for her than she thinks.
Overall the U,.S is the real winner in all these no matter what happens. They have all but succeeded in making Russia's neighbor Hostile/fearful of her,creating an almost permanent divide/distrust between the E.U and Russia I will agree with others who said this was a master stroke played by the U.S. Lesson for other powerful countries from this is that never underestimate the American eagle. :D
Putin getting involve/invading Ukraine will only make things worst. If Russia invades Easter Ukraine then our response will be different than the annexation of Crimea. because Crimea despite our protests and mild sanctions was part of Russia and was just gifted/ceded to Ukraine by Russia only in 1954. So being honest it has almost always been part of Russia. Though the way Russia retook/annex it was illegal(however don't want to go into the details here). What i want to point out is that Russia invading eastern Ukraine will be different, since this has always been Ukrainian territory and isn't disputed or whatever. So western reaction to this(if it happens) will be totally different, i'm sure the sanctions will be real this time and more severe. It will affect Russia alot economically and will cause Europe to boost its defenses in the east even more, up its defence budget, definitely allow U.S installation of missile defense system in the east and create a deep divide between Europe and Russia, which will be unfortunate given the way relations had been improving until recently(especially with Germany). This will almost lead to a mini cold war of sort in eastern Europe. which isn't desirable to any party. Russia will do well to not attempt to invade eastern Ukraine. because the consequences will be more disastrous for her than she thinks.
Overall the U,.S is the real winner in all these no matter what happens. They have all but succeeded in making Russia's neighbor Hostile/fearful of her,creating an almost permanent divide/distrust between the E.U and Russia I will agree with others who said this was a master stroke played by the U.S. Lesson for other powerful countries from this is that never underestimate the American eagle. :D

We'll let the referendum on May 11 talk. I bet most of the people of the DPR would vote to secede from Ukraine. There's one thing they hate more than anything else in the world, and that's the Right Sector of western Ukraine. :yes4:
Most of Eastern Ukraine, even though some but by no means all of the cities have a majority of "Russian speakers" will vote overall about 2/3's NOT to become part of Russia, about 1/3 to rejoin with Russia.

Majority still rules in a democracy, but like it or not, Ukraine is more of a democracy than Pakistan, for instance.

About 2/3's of Russian speakers are very glad NOT to be under Russian rule.

Apparently many on this site haven't read the posting I did earlier this week of the Russian milidtary's thinly manned European and Asian frontiers.

Approximately half the greatly reduced in size Russia Rapid Reaction Army, totaling around 44,000 more or less, is encamped in part on the Eastern and Northern Ukranian borders.

The other half of Russia's rapid reaction forces are on the Chinese/Far East borders, spread VERY thin.

The USSR massive army was cut to the bone to manage the Russian total government budget. Like the USA, Russia is largely dependant now on Rapid Response/Reaction troopers, who are very modst in number.

Russia does not have the forces to occupy long term, or short term, the hundreds of roads and villages, and cities, to "police" a vaunted Russian invasion.

Many Russian speakers want to be free of both Ukraine AND Russian governance. The are hard facts, no comic book goofiness.

Al this summarized, Russia is traped in a web of her own recent making and cannot do much more than "bluster."
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Thanks for your kind remarks Mike2000. And Rule Britannia to you! Have a good weekend.
Most of Eastern Ukraine, even though some but by no means all of the cities have a majority of "Russian speakers" will vote overall about 2/3's NOT to become part of Russia, about 1/3 to rejoin with Russia.

Majority still rules in a democracy, but like it or not, Ukraine is more of a democracy than Pakistan, for instance.

About 2/3's of Russian speakers are very glad NOT to be under Russian rule.

Apparently many on this site haven't read the posting I did earlier this week of the Russian milidtary's thinly manned European and Asian frontiers.

Approximately half the greatly reduced in size Russia Rapid Reaction Army, totaling around 44,000 more or less, is encamped in part on the Eastern and Northern Ukranian borders.

The other half of Russia's rapid reaction forces are on the Chinese/Far East borders, spread VERY thin.

The USSR massive army was cut to the bone to manage the Russian total government budget. Like the USA, Russia is largely dependant now on Rapid Response/Reaction troopers, who are very modst in number.

Russia does not have the forces to occupy long term, or short term, the hundreds of roads and villages, and cities, to "police" a vaunted Russian invasion.

Many Russian speakers want to be free of both Ukraine AND Russian governance. The are hard facts, no comic book goofiness.

Al this summarized, Russia is traped in a web of her own recent making and cannot do much more than "bluster."

I call that bull. Anyhow, we shall see what the referendum result in Donetsk and Luhansk will be on May 11. 8-)
I personally wonder how people who have never visited eastern Ukraine or Ukraine in general arrogant claim that " most people in Ukraine do want to become part of Russia ."
Ukraine has always been a part of Russia . In the Russian language when talking about Ukraine use the preposition " on" (на) and not "in" (в). The preposition "on" (на) is used for geographical concepts - on Caucasus (На Кавказ), on Urals (на Урал), on border (на границу), on Ukraine (на Украину)
And about the stateы say "in" (в) - in Poland в Польшу), in Germany (в Германию), in Russia (в Россию).
Bolsheviks created Ukraine as an administrative unit in 1918. Prior to that Ukraine was just Little Russia. A south-east of Ukraine - New Russia ( nothing to do with Ukraine).
So most of the inhabitants of New Russia - for reunification with Russia . We have always considered ourselves part of Russia , in spite of the border, suddenly emerged in 1991. And nobody in the world will not prevent us to declare independence from Ukraine, which robs us and gives nothing in return.
I call that bull. Anyhow, we shall see what the referendum result in Donetsk and Luhansk will be on May 11. 8-)

Here a second time, are the facts backing up what I wrote that about 2/3's of all Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine do NOT want to be part of Russia and will vote no:

"Unmasking the Faces Behind Ukraine's Separatist Revolt | News | The Moscow Times (click on this MOSCOW TIMES REPORT to read the full article for yourself. What you fail to do is tie the pieces available to us all on the Internet together, starting with the fact that during this month, April, 2014, the Russian government (Mr. Putin) took over the MOSCOW TIMES, placing the immediate past chief editor of the RIA (Russian Information Agency as the new head editor in the take over of the MOSCOW TIMES.)

Below is a partial quote coped and pasted from the above article today:

"Many question whether Russia can — or even wants to any time soon — take over eastern Ukraine. Polls show deep disillusion with Kiev: a combination of fears about Ukrainian nationalists and long-standing disillusion after 23 years of corruption and decline as an independent state. But barely a third of people in the Donetsk region say they would vote for annexation by Moscow."

"Russian freedom fighters" are in fact Russian Spetznatz regular special forces troops Russia moved inside Eastern Ukraine during March, 2014.

It is brave of you to sit safely in democratic Canada and spread lies against a whole people who Russian speaking or not hate the 50 years they were under Russian (USSR) rule and domination. You just don't seem to understand the average man or woman worldwide who wants and values keeping freedom.
I personally wonder how people who have never visited eastern Ukraine or Ukraine in general arrogant claim that " most people in Ukraine do want to become part of Russia ."
Ukraine has always been a part of Russia . In the Russian language when talking about Ukraine use the preposition " on" (на) and not "in" (в). The preposition "on" (на) is used for geographical concepts - on Caucasus (На Кавказ), on Urals (на Урал), on border (на границу), on Ukraine (на Украину)
And about the stateы say "in" (в) - in Poland в Польшу), in Germany (в Германию), in Russia (в Россию).
Bolsheviks created Ukraine as an administrative unit in 1918. Prior to that Ukraine was just Little Russia. A south-east of Ukraine - New Russia ( nothing to do with Ukraine).
So most of the inhabitants of New Russia - for reunification with Russia . We have always considered ourselves part of Russia , in spite of the border, suddenly emerged in 1991. And nobody in the world will not prevent us to declare independence from Ukraine, which robs us and gives nothing in return.

I always thought Ukrainian people are similar to Russians. I mean they are both Slavs and have similar languages right? Is the difference more religious because Ukraine follows different Church?
You are right that Ukrainians are Slavs, but European Russians, shall we say, are not Slavs, they are simply "Europeans." Ethnically, they dislike each other in the same sense as tribes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India do not "love" each other.

Russia - The World Factbook
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/...... - Similar to Russia - The World Factbook
The World Factbook · World Leaders · CIA Maps · Historical Collection Publications · Additional Publications · Center for the Study of Intelligence · Freedom of ..."

Central Intelligence Agency
The Work Of A Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

Ethnic groups:
Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%, unspecified 3.9% (2010 est.)

This is getting messier. Putin should declare annexation of Russian speaking areas of Ukraine if thats whats needed to stop this.

You simply don't check facts before engaging in seat of the pants opinions. Russians and Ukranians basically, ethnically, hate each other dating from 50 years of USSR domination.

Russia - The World Factbook
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/...... - Similar to Russia - The World Factbook
The World Factbook · World Leaders · CIA Maps · Historical Collection Publications · Additional Publications · Center for the Study of Intelligence · Freedom of ...

Central Intelligence Agency
The Work Of A Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

Ethnic groups:
Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%, unspecified 3.9% (2010 est.)
I personally wonder how people who have never visited eastern Ukraine or Ukraine in general arrogant claim that " most people in Ukraine do want to become part of Russia ."
Ukraine has always been a part of Russia . In the Russian language when talking about Ukraine use the preposition " on" (на) and not "in" (в). The preposition "on" (на) is used for geographical concepts - on Caucasus (На Кавказ), on Urals (на Урал), on border (на границу), on Ukraine (на Украину)
And about the stateы say "in" (в) - in Poland в Польшу), in Germany (в Германию), in Russia (в Россию).
Bolsheviks created Ukraine as an administrative unit in 1918. Prior to that Ukraine was just Little Russia. A south-east of Ukraine - New Russia ( nothing to do with Ukraine).
So most of the inhabitants of New Russia - for reunification with Russia . We have always considered ourselves part of Russia , in spite of the border, suddenly emerged in 1991. And nobody in the world will not prevent us to declare independence from Ukraine, which robs us and gives nothing in return.

You better release our soldiers which you take as hostages or you will break the last bridge between our nations. I promise you, if you hurt even one hair of them, then thats it.
I always thought Ukrainian people are similar to Russians. I mean they are both Slavs and have similar languages right? Is the difference more religious because Ukraine follows different Church?
there are only genetically differences, Russians are heavily mixed with Finns while western Ukrainians are mixed with Romanians and gypsies
there are only genetically differences, Russians are heavily mixed with Finns while western Ukrainians are mixed with Romanians and gypsies

I gave you all the population data and you still make false statements. Shame on you.

Russian ethnicity is unique and is 77.7% INSIDE Russia.

Ukrainian ethnicity is also unique INSIDE Russia and is 1.4%.

Having a shared language does not have "squat" to do with being very different ethnic groupings inside Russia.

Ukrainians in Ukraine by MOSCOW TIMES, now run by t Putin's own government since April, 2014, projects 2/3's of Ukraines who speak Russian do NOT and WILL NOT vote to join Russia. 50 years of USSR ruined that chance for Putin.

The Work Of A Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

[URL='https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/notesanddefs.html?fieldkey=2075&alphaletter=E&term=Ethnic groups']Ethnic groups:
[URL='https://www.cia.gov/'][URL='https://www.cia.gov/']Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%, unspecified 3.9% (2010 est.)

I gave you all the population data and you still make false statements. Shame on you.

Russian ethnicity is unique and is 77.7% INSIDE Russia.

Ukrainian ethnicity is also unique INSIDE Russia and is 1.4%.

Having a shared language does not have "squat" to do with being very different ethnic groupings inside Russia.

Ukrainians in Ukraine by MOSCOW TIMES, now run by Putin's own government since April, 2014, projects 2/3's of Ukraines who speak Russian do NOT and WILL NOT vote to join Russia. 50 years of USSR "occupation militarily" ruined that chance for Putin.

Don't you understand that old USSR Ukraine was militarily occupied by Russians, hence the ethnic hate against "Russians" by "Ukrainians?"
[URL='https://www.cia.gov/'][URL='https://www.cia.gov/'][URL='https://www.cia.gov/']AS for who has been where, I am a retired Colonel (06), USAF, wth time with USMAAGs, Embassies, and later an International banker. Speak for yourself only as to who has both traveled and done work where, worldwide. You young folks will fail your college courses with your backward, uninformed, refusal to read your textbooks attitudes.
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