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Russian FM says killing of bin Laden justified


Dec 17, 2010
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MOSCOW (Xinhua) -- The United States had a firm judicial base on the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a Moscow newspaper on Thursday.

According to The Moscow News, Lavrov said the U.S. operation was conducted as a self-defense action in accordance with the UN Charter.

"No one in the world has any doubts that the terrible terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 and others which were all masterminded by bin Laden," Lavrov said, stressing that al-Qaida has been responsible for the terror attacks in Russia too.

For years, Russian authorities have long suspected the al-Qaida has been involved in terror attacks in the volatile North Caucasus region.

Also in the interview, the foreign minister talked about the situation in Libya and said the coalition's operation against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi' forces has gone beyond what the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973 mandated.

"The Coalition openly employs double standards, stopping the commercial ships with humanitarian cargo. The Coalition has also been shifting to support one side in the conflict," Lavrov said. Meanwhile, he also admitted Gaddafi "has committed crimes and blunders."

Lavrov said Moscow has proposed an immediate ceasefire in Libya and start of the mediatory efforts by the African Union and the UN.

"War till the victorious end will have catastrophic consequences, including break-up of Libya," he warned.

Russian FM says killing of bin Laden justified | Home >> Other Sections >> Breaking News
after support from china ,sri lanka and iran...
set-back for pakistan from russia , that too at the time pakistan PM is in russia....
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