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Russian Deputy PM meets PM Modi

Lot of western names in Indian flags . This forum is really unique in having western names for Indian people.
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- Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India.

Rogozin, who supervises the defense industry in the Russian government, has published on his Facebook page photos taken at the onset of the Russian-Indian talks.

"Start of the Russian-Indian talks. Meeting with Indian Prime Minister N. Modi," Rogozin wrote.

Rogozin said on January 8, also on his Facebook page, that the Russian government delegation and representatives of Russian business circles would take part in the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit international forum in India (Gujarat is a state of India, located on the country's western coast).

It seems Modi is turning no stones unturned for his bully arrogant money laundering inside Russia just a to gain a few cents for SUPAPOUAAA..

nobody should have any doubt that Russia is resisting this financial laundering by India central govt
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