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Russian court dismisses plea seeking ban on Gita translation


May 30, 2011
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A Russian court on Tuesday dismissed a petition seeking a ban on a translated version of Bhagwad Gita for being “extremist”, bringing cheers to followers across the world.

“The court in the Siberian city of Tomsk has dismissed the plea,” Sadhu Priya Das of Moscow ISKCON told PTI soon after the verdict was announced.

State prosecutors in the Siberian city of Tomsk had filed an appeal against a lower court’s dismissal of their original plea seeking a ban on “Bhagavad Gita As It Is”, written by A C
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

Read the full article here:
Russian court dismisses plea seeking ban on Bhagwad Gita: The Hindu

Congratulations to all the Hindus across the world.

I've not read it but I'm sure it can't promote extremism. In fact, no religious book promote extremism.
^^specially in Russia and that also Bhagwat Gita, the purest form of truth.
OP's assertion although right that no religious book promotes extremism. One cannot forget the fact that there has not been any worse danger to mankind than wars fought over religion. If that town wanted to ban all religion, it would have a sympathetic ear in me.
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