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Russian Analyst: Russia should support US takeover of Pak nukes

Perfect example of Pakistani sentiment and politics - while Pakistan burns they would prefer to beat ontheir chest for the benefit of the indian who is laughing all the way to the front of the line.

One gentle friend says :

No Pakistan is not extremist. India is Hindu extremist

another says:

since we're so dangerous come on in and take them they been talking for years now and done nothing fact is they don't have the balls or capabilty to take them from us

Well, these "sentiments" suggest a deep sense of injury and indignation, but such sentiments are to be reserved for the real enemy - after all , should we not ask WHY such voices are being heard and with great frequency?? Shall we not ask what is the concern that is causing alarm??

When we begin to ask these question and formulate their answers, we will understand that the voices of concern are not necessarily coming from hostile quarters nor nor hostile individuals.
:lol: You can be beat my pet parrot..!!! ;) Well i never said India is an extrimst nation, it is affected heavely by the Hindu extrimsts. Hindu is the end word for i believe 84 percent of Hindus in India, unlike the Muslims here, who have no concrete body to enforce /guide or lead people... The VHPs and the bajrang dal's have a very strong influence in the religious part of any fanatic hindu, like you.

So chances of extrimsm to influence or to take over India is more as they have a system laid out on the basis of religion.. which have been misused or misintpred or exploited by the peopls like Thackerey RSS etc. So i would say that there is a geninune case for worry by the world. :smokin:

actually no sir,you are going to see in this elections a terrible exit for bjp........and no hindu fanatic would dare to cross the line after the varun gandhi episode.......the mangalore pub case furthur seperated the extrimist hindus from the main stream indian politics and their effects on commoners........on the other hand lack of peace in pakistan even after the treaty with talibans shows the helplessness of the pakistani govt.....the talibans are showing their real face,and how they rule and make laws in certain parts of pakistan now.........so either of the states cant be called fully stable or absolutely unstable........however from an indian point of view india certainly looks more stable...thnx
should we not ask WHY such voices are being heard and with great frequency?? Shall we not ask what is the concern that is causing alarm??

Very pertinent question. But I would like to add, should Pakistanis still posses doubt that no external forces are involved in the security threat to Pakistan? Should Pakistanis not re-examine the WoT blunder and conditional US aids? Should Pakistanis not redefine what terrorism is actually?
The Russian's have still not forgotten the insult that had been imposed on them since 1989.

As for the Nukes, yes a few are laying in my back yard..come pick them up!

They are not Tank ammo or Artillery rounds or Air Defence Missiles that are laying in the ammo depots all over the country.

Well.. its a fact.. that pakistan is facing serious threats from extrimists.
As if india is enjoying in paradise. Mumbai attacks are still green. Above all, don't make me copy paste the chronology of events.
And there is no strong politcal will to curb these menace..
Ya right!
taliban is within the country taunting the nation.
Yes one is sitting right beside me..wanna talk to him??
A country where every walk of life is governed by religion
Yes it is..any problems...we owe our religion and we are proud of it. Oh i forgot ..we are not SECULAR!!
you cannot keep away an extrimsts from the system. He can be in your nuclear program, government, isi, security forces, army police etc...
Oh i see the problem now...
Had this been the case eveybody sitting in SPD, NESCOM, ASFC, the CAOS, all the senior commanders and majority of Offcers would have been sitting in their offices while wearing Suicide jackets. And one more thing we intake men for our forces and intelligence agencies from Pakistan and they should be Pakistani Citizens..in case you might be thinking that we are recruiting people from Afghanistan.

If pakistan doesnt concentrate on econcomic development.. the other alternative for the poor people will only be extrimsm..
Give this advice to your government..i bet they need it more than us!
so i would perfer a stable pak with no nukes..the world would be a much safer place..!!!
Relax and drink a glass of water.

If they'll get hands over the Pakistani Nukes they will first try them on the US not india. So sleep tight :)
Well.. its a fact.. that pakistan is facing serious threats from extrimists. And there is no strong politcal will to curb these menace.. taliban is within the country taunting the nation. A country where every walk of life is governed by religion you cannot keep away an extrimsts from the system. He can be in your nuclear program, government, isi, security forces, army police etc... If pakistan doesnt concentrate on econcomic development.. the other alternative for the poor people will only be extrimsm..If this continues moderates will be outnumbered by the extrimists very soon.. so i would perfer a stable pak with no nukes..the world would be a much safer place..!!!

Well any thing that an Indian says becomes a fact automatically, no need to comment any further.:disagree:
Yup,and also decoding a nuclear bomb is not a easy job,infact it is impossible for the terrorists......thnx
actually no sir,you are going to see in this elections a terrible exit for bjp........and no hindu fanatic would dare to cross the line after the varun gandhi episode.......the mangalore pub case furthur seperated the extrimist hindus from the main stream indian politics and their effects on commoners........on the other hand lack of peace in pakistan even after the treaty with talibans shows the helplessness of the pakistani govt.....the talibans are showing their real face,and how they rule and make laws in certain parts of pakistan now.........so either of the states cant be called fully stable or absolutely unstable........however from an indian point of view india certainly looks more stable...thnx

Tumbhi yaar inlogoke baato mein mat faso, ek Bengali hoke please gondomurkhogulor faando mein mat aao...

What we see in the Tribal belts of Pakistan as Talibanism, has nothing to do with Islam. Please do not forget they are Tribals. You know the definition of Tribalism? In India, in the north-east and also in Chhattisgarh, MP, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and also in parts of WB, in Midnapore, Purulia, Birbhum, Maotist rebels are also doing things that can be seen as Terrorism. But nowhere Islam is involved. No religious question is involved. Rather regional and ethnic sentiments are involved. Thus also in Pakistan, what the so-called Talibans are doing is actually the manifestation of a certain culture with which we are not familiar and so their actions seem to us something alien and inhumane. CULTURE. CULTURE.

The so-called Taliban actions are actually the resistance of the purely local and tribal cultures in its extreme features. You know Newton's third law. The intensity of the counter force depends on the intensity of the force applied. If you just study physics you will get all the answers and solutions of every aspect of worldly affairs. And you can understand in which moment extremism grows. Mao said, the more the repression, the more the resistance. Do not forget the economy in this matter.

The tribal people always try to retain their culture in the purest form and that is why they are tribals. Tribal is not a racist term. But when they see some threats to their culture, they resist. And sometimes aggressively. Thus there is a problem between a Punjabi Pakistani and a Baloch Pakistani. Pakistan needs to develop her national integration programs first at any cost, by using religion or whatever. Then education. Otherwise modernization would be confined to Islamabad or Lahore only.
would like to add, should Pakistanis still posses doubt that no external forces are involved in the security threat to Pakistan? Should Pakistanis not re-examine the WoT blunder and conditional US aids? Should Pakistanis not redefine what terrorism is actually?

Sure - how would you suggest we go about answering the questions you have posed
it seems that all the non-muslim nations are concerned with Pakistan nukes. They just do not want any muslim nation to possess this, as this could stop their exploitation and domination of muslim lands.

The Kuffar (non-muslims) will never be happy until you follow them and be subservient to them. A BOMB is a BOMB, but soon as a muslim nation produces one....it becomes an Islamic Bomb......................their are many extremist fundamentalist Christians/Jews(Zionist), Fundamentalism Hindus, EXTREMIST or FUNDAMENTALIST SECULARLISTS, Fundamentalist Athiests (Communists)...........their only desire is to keep the muslim world weak..........THEY PLOT and plot.......but to no avail.........they concoct many schemes and make many false allegations......DIVIDE and CONQUER of the Muslim World is their goal.......But Pakistan's WMD DETERS them...they need to dismantle this before they destroy the nation.......but Inshallah they will fail!!!
Our Indian friends want Pakistan to be stable like Palestine to a point where Indian can attack anytime and cause havoc.
Tumbhi yaar inlogoke baato mein mat faso, ek Bengali hoke please gondomurkhogulor faando mein mat aao...

What we see in the Tribal belts of Pakistan as Talibanism, has nothing to do with Islam. Please do not forget they are Tribals. You know the definition of Tribalism? In India, in the north-east and also in Chhattisgarh, MP, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and also in parts of WB, in Midnapore, Purulia, Birbhum, Maotist rebels are also doing things that can be seen as Terrorism. But nowhere Islam is involved. No religious question is involved. Rather regional and ethnic sentiments are involved. Thus also in Pakistan, what the so-called Talibans are doing is actually the manifestation of a certain culture with which we are not familiar and so their actions seem to us something alien and inhumane. CULTURE. CULTURE.

The so-called Taliban actions are actually the resistance of the purely local and tribal cultures in its extreme features. You know Newton's third law. The intensity of the counter force depends on the intensity of the force applied. If you just study physics you will get all the answers and solutions of every aspect of worldly affairs. And you can understand in which moment extremism grows. Mao said, the more the repression, the more the resistance. Do not forget the economy in this matter.

The tribal people always try to retain their culture in the purest form and that is why they are tribals. Tribal is not a racist term. But when they see some threats to their culture, they resist. And sometimes aggressively. Thus there is a problem between a Punjabi Pakistani and a Baloch Pakistani. Pakistan needs to develop her national integration programs first at any cost, by using religion or whatever. Then education. Otherwise modernization would be confined to Islamabad or Lahore only.

but pakistan is highlighted in foreign countries mostly by the activities of the so called 'tribals'.............also the treaty with the talibans is a total failure for the pakistan govt's home policy..........they are taking advantages of the pakistani govt's peace treaty........and the publicity of this things are much more than the modernization of pakistan.......things are different to look at from inside pakistan and outside pakistan........the huge taliban rally and the support they get from the commoners create big news outside pakistan,and detoriates the prestige of pakistan infront of the world.....
Our Indian friends want Pakistan to be stable like Palestine to a point where Indian can attack anytime and cause havoc.

Saadbhai, the comments are by a russian.

also do all pakistanis think alike? honestly? then same applies to indians. a bit of reason will go a loooong way in getting out of this mess, I, an indian, think. take it or leave it.
File this under the "D'uh" column. Ivan has no problem letting us do the dirty work although it's nice for a change that they won't be actively working to undermine us.
File this under the "D'uh" column. Ivan has no problem letting us do the dirty work although it's nice for a change that they won't be actively working to undermine us.
They have not been working against you since 1991 (When Soviet Union collapsed) They neither have the money nor the resources to actually damage America now.The only country which can do it is China which will not do it as Chinese Economy heavily depend on US Economy for at least few decades.

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