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Russia will not agree to any curbs on transfer of sensitive technologies to India!

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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MOSCOW, September 5, 2009

Vladimir Radyuhin

Russia will not agree to any curbs on the transfer of sensitive technologies to India, a senior Russian official said as President Pratibha Patil held talks with the Russian leaders.

“Russia is guided by the nuclear cooperation pact it signed with India last year, which does not contain any restrictions on the transfer of technology or reprocessing of spent fuel,” the official said commenting on the U.S. efforts to ban the sale of enrichment and reprocessing equipment (ENR) to India.

Under an inter-government agreement signed in December Russia is to supply to India four third generation VVER-1200 reactors of 1170 MW. The reactors will be set up at Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu, where two VVER-1000 reactors have already been installed. A commercial contract for the construction of four additional reactors at is expected to be signed later this year.

Russian leaders have assured Ms. Patil that they were committed to enhancing and deepening nuclear cooperation with India.

Russia was all set to move forward and implement the agreement to build more nuclear reactors in India, President Dmitry Medvedev told Ms. Patil during their talks in Thursday, informed sources said.

Cooperation in nuclear energy also came up during Ms. Patil’s meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Friday, with the Russia premier saying that the two countries should look at ways to augment and expand their cooperation in the sphere of nuclear energy.

The U.S. tried but failed to exempt the ENR transfers from the nuclear export waiver that international nuclear watchdogs granted India last year. However, at the G8 summit at L’Aquila in Italy in July Americans persuaded its partners to refrain from supplying ENR technologies to countries that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The Russian official, who asked not to give his name, told The Hindu that Moscow would not abide by the G8 ban on ENR transfers in relation to India.

“Our inter-governmental accord with India providing for full nuclear cooperation was signed in line with last year’s decisions by the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy Commission to lift all restrictions on nuclear trade with India. There is no way this accord can be reversed.”

Proof of commitment

The official said Russia’s massive assistance to India in building its first nuclear submarine was proof of his country’s commitment to full-fledged cooperation in nuclear technologies.

The accord gives India freedom to proceed with the closed fuel cycle, which includes mining, preparation of the fuel for use in reactors and reprocessing of spent fuel.

The Hindu : News / National : “Russia will not agree to curbs on technology transfer to India”


The US was trying to be too clever at the G-8. But, what they don't understand is that we are their '****' when it comes to international diplomacy. All loopholes were plugged by the cunning 'Yindoo' Babus even before the 123 agreement was signed. It was only after France & Russia had promised full cooperation did we sign the 123. Poor Bush unsuspectingly fell for the trap (and as some other member put it some time back- 'in exchange for Mangoes' :lol:). The US has woken up to this reality too late. Nothing, can stop us from indulging in full nuclear trade with countries that are willing to cooperate (at least legally) and it is really unfortunate for the US that their trademark arm-twisting tactics don't work against certain countries in the world!
Super! This will make is easier for China to transfer nuclear tech to Pakistan.
We, like India, do not yet know how to make civilian reactors.

Speak for yourself! Pakistan may 'not yet know how to make civilian reactors'. India has been building reactors for civilian use since early 70s. Indigenous PHWRs generate over 4000 MWe of electricity in India. We are also building indigenous FBRs & AHWRs.

We are importing LWR/PWRs because we can't satisfy domestic demand for power through indigenous reactors alone as we don't have sufficient Uranium reserves.
Speak for yourself! Pakistan may 'not yet know how to make civilian reactors'. India has been building reactors for civilian use since early 70s. Indigenous PHWRs generate over 4000 MWe of electricity in India. We are also building indigenous FBRs & AHWRs.

We are importing LWR/PWRs because we can't satisfy domestic demand for power through indigenous reactors alone as we don't have sufficient Uranium reserves.

That's probably why you are paying 1.2 billion dollars to US firms to build two new nuclear reactors.

Just to import fuel. Uh huh.

FYI, the PWR for Arihant was built with lots and lots of Russian help.

The article you posted itself says, "Russia is guided by the nuclear cooperation pact it signed with India last year, which does not contain any restrictions on the transfer of technology" and "Russia’s massive assistance to India in building its first nuclear submarine was proof of his country’s commitment to full-fledged cooperation in nuclear technologies"

Better edit your news clippings if you want to keep your story straight.
That's probably why you are paying 1.2 billion dollars to US firms to build two new nuclear reactors.

Just to import fuel. Uh huh.

the amount of nuclear fuel required for the electricity generation sector is far greater than that required to maintain a nuclear weapons program, and since India's estimated reserve of uranium represents only 1% of the world's known uranium reserves, the NSG's uranium export restrictions mainly affected Indian nuclear power generation capacity. Specifically, the NSG sanctions challenge India's long term plans to expand and fuel its civilian nuclear power generation capacity from its current output of about 4GWe (GigaWatt electricity) to a power output of 20GWe by 2020; assuming the planned expansion used conventional Uranium/Plutonium fueled heavy water and light water nuclear power plants.
Super! This will make is easier for China to transfer nuclear tech to Pakistan.

Ahmn, hello.... read this line too please...

“Our inter-governmental accord with India providing for full nuclear cooperation was signed in line with last year’s decisions by the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy Commission to lift all restrictions on nuclear trade with India. There is no way this accord can be reversed.”
That's probably why you are paying 1.2 billion dollars to US firms to build two new nuclear reactors.

Just to import fuel. Uh huh.

FYI, the PWR for Arihant was built with lots and lots of Russian help.

The article you posted itself says, "Russia is guided by the nuclear cooperation pact it signed with India last year, which does not contain any restrictions on the transfer of technology" and "Russia’s massive assistance to India in building its first nuclear submarine was proof of his country’s commitment to full-fledged cooperation in nuclear technologies"

Better edit your news clippings if you want to keep your story straight.

No one risks while building a nuclear submarine reactor for the first time, We are not as scientifically advanced like pakistan is, we are trying to catch up with pakistan.... Are you happy now... :rofl:
That's probably why you are paying 1.2 billion dollars to US firms to build two new nuclear reactors.

Just to import fuel. Uh huh.

We are paying 1.2 billion dollars to the US for their reactors, the 2000+ MWe electricity that those reactors will generate and lifetime supply of nuclear fuel for those imported reactors! If we were to build reactors of such capacity, from where would we get fuel to operate them? Now get it?

FYI, the PWR for Arihant was built with lots and lots of Russian help.

The article you posted itself says, "Russia is guided by the nuclear cooperation pact it signed with India last year, which does not contain any restrictions on the transfer of technology" and "Russia’s massive assistance to India in building its first nuclear submarine was proof of his country’s commitment to full-fledged cooperation in nuclear technologies"

Better edit your news clippings if you want to keep your story straight.

Did I ever say that we have expertise in building PWRs? Do you know the difference between PHWRs & PWRs? Go figure! Once again for the record- India only builds PHWRs, FBRs & AHWRs. Btw, now that we have built a PWR (with Russian assistance if you like), it proves that we have capabilities to build PWRs too. One more trivia for you- we are gonna export our PHWRs to Kazakhstan and hopefully to many Asian & African countries.
Ahmn, hello.... read this line too please...

“Our inter-governmental accord with India providing for full nuclear cooperation was signed in line with last year’s decisions by the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy Commission to lift all restrictions on nuclear trade with India. There is no way this accord can be reversed.”

It establishes a precedent. That's all that's needed. The rest is backroom, diplomatic haggling.
Screaming skull do you know anything about the additional protocol India signed with IAEA
It establishes a precedent. That's all that's needed. The rest is backroom, diplomatic haggling.

No, Its Not a backroom Diplomatic Haggling..... We have signed a pact with russia, USA cannot come in between and force russia to take necessary action... But China will be under pressure if it does anything to pakistan, all it can do join with pakistan to build a thing, cannot exchange technologies... anyway the chinese do not have any sensitive technologies as most of there technical knowledge is from Russia
We are paying 1.2 billion dollars to the US for their reactors, the 2000+ MWe electricity that those reactors will generate and lifetime supply of nuclear fuel for those imported reactors! If we were to build reactors of such capacity, from where would we get fuel to operate them? Now get it?

Did I ever say that we have expertise in building PWRs? Do you know the difference between PHWRs & PWRs? Go figure! Once again for the record- India only builds PHWRs, FBRs & AHWRs. Btw, now that we have built a PWR (with Russian assistance if you like), it proves that we have capabilities to build PWRs too. One more trivia for you- we are gonna export our PHWRs to Kazakhstan and hopefully to many Asian & African countries.

Fair enough. India knows how to build some types of nuclear reactors, but not others. And it needs foreign help with those technologies.

India-IAEA sign inspection pact,India and the World, News Analysis, India News Online

Russia and France have come forward with attractive offers for their advanced light water reactor designs

Negotiations with France are on for six light water reactors of the most advanced design and bigger capacity — 1600 MWe.

My point stands. It will make it easier for Pakistan to obtain civilian nuclear tech.
Fair enough. India knows how to build some types of nuclear reactors, but not others. And it needs foreign help with those technologies.

India-IAEA sign inspection pact,India and the World, News Analysis, India News Online

Russia and France have come forward with attractive offers for their advanced light water reactor designs

Negotiations with France are on for six light water reactors of the most advanced design and bigger capacity — 1600 MWe.

My point stands. It will make it easier for Pakistan to obtain civilian nuclear tech.

Yes, Absolutely right. India knows how to create simple Nuclear Reactors and not the complex. It may include reactor for INS Arihant. But who knows ?
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