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Featured Russia want to sell SU-35 to Pakistan: BBC Urdu

thanks for correcting mig name. for sure it was high altitude foxbat which our jets couldn't intercept.

if we go by your claim about deciding not to shoot despite having the capability then there is a possibility that this jet was sent to suss out our air defences in addition to trolling us internationally.

and by not turning on the SAM system we didnt give away our location. .
but this is not what I learned from my friends in PAF and Army. it appeared that even our SAMS were incapable to intercept a high altitude Jet cruising over Mach 2, but that is a discussion for another time and place.
here we are supposed to be getting FoxBat lookalike SU 35 which is being offered by Russia (for a change) otherwise its us going to west and being denied the jets. during Musharraf time we famously requested SU 27s but were refused.
correct; I remember well getting IAF debriefs in Angola about possibilities of Mig25 recce there but it never happened. We were incapable to any intercepts of this bird.
It was tested and checked but Russia was not agreeing to put SU-35 in it. Now our priorities have changed plus China's J-16 are way better then this.
but biggest carrot halwa question @Irfan Baloch (as he loves his sweets) - will Chinese part take in giving it. Yes they are coming along a long way but their achilles heal is the engines on their birds
Mig 31 Foxbat. An IAF did a sonic boom over Islamabad in 1997 or 1998 and we had nothing to shoot it down.
India had SU 25 not 31.
Are you even serious ? Weren't your officer's bragging about buying su 35 about two years ago ?
I don't know if we are ready to buy this thing.
but biggest carrot halwa question @Irfan Baloch (as he loves his sweets) - will Chinese part take in giving it. Yes they are coming along a long way but their achilles heal is the engines on their birds
yes sir, carrot pudding is awsome and the engine is one of the technology milestone that keeps eluding china. I dont know how though, when it comes to J-16, the incompatibility of twin engine jets with PAF doctrine suddenly vanishes
Lol what a face saving comment brother.
I never claimed that those jets will touch our airbases for sure.
I ve just confirmed the willingness of russians to sell us those jets.
Now why those jets don't won't end up in our air bases is another debate. There are several factors behind that the major one is that we don't have funds.

Man why you are ignoring the changing geo political scene in our region over and over again. It's happening since 2014.
The relationship of russia and India is almost over . India is now more steered towards USA which really pissed off the Russians. Ivan will be happy if we use those jets against India.
god bless you for your conviction. if Russia means to sell it and we have finances then I wish we can raise a combat air wing for the PN and this way this twin engine jet will be safe from the single engine single minded mentality of PAF.
PN fighter wing will relieve PAF from all Pakistan's maritime protection duties but might also come in to help PAF in protecting our south,
but there is no danger of anything happening when people have dug their heals against changing and evolving challenges specially safe guarding CPEC once India is pushed by America to impose Quad strategy in the Arabian sea,
yes sir, carrot pudding is awsome and the engine is one of the technology milestone that keeps eluding china. I dont know how though, when it comes to J-16, the incompatibility of twin engine jets with PAF doctrine suddenly vanishes
bro... MSG flavour enhancer
yes sir, carrot pudding is awsome and the engine is one of the technology milestone that keeps eluding china. I dont know how though, when it comes to J-16, the incompatibility of twin engine jets with PAF doctrine suddenly vanishes
I don’t where this thing about twin engine jets being Incompatible with PAF doctrine come from. PAF operated twin engined jet from the 50s until the 2000s. B57, F6 and A5s.
Iran is flying F14s, challenges are there, european markets should be upgraded..

i dont thin there will be any sanctions on pakistan if it got Su35

those F14s are the Frankenstein of the original jet.
something from a bygone era of the 60 and 70s.
when most of the systems were mechanical and easier to replicate. now you cant unlock your modern car without the genuine key which has a chip inside it.

I am not sure if there is anything left original other than their airframe. comparing them with modern day F-16s as an example shows ignorance
Lol what a face saving comment brother.
I never claimed that those jets will touch our airbases for sure.
I ve just confirmed the willingness of russians to sell us those jets.
Now why those jets don't won't end up in our air bases is another debate. There are several factors behind that the major one is that we don't have funds.
food offer still stands.
Engines for JF17 is something else, buying a whole fighter from Russia with all the Indian influence around will not be a great strategic move: We either replace India which we cannot because of the amount of investment required is beyond our capacity. Secondly, the aircraft capabilities may be easily acquired by our foe, since they are deep in the Russian state.
True but both problems you're highlighting also exist with USA as a supplier. Ideally, Pakistan should develop its own next generation solution with Chinese collaboration. Both Russia and USA are problematic suppliers.
Sukhoi technology is already in indian pockets so very little chance that pakistan would go for it.
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