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Advert for Wagner being removed in Moscow..
So - Putins downfall was kicked off while Modi was being served Tea and Biscuits in USA ????

hhmmm - Interesting thought...
Wagner has very few armored vehicles, tanks. No air force or helicopter support. Very little ammunition and fuel.

The only way to win was to quickly capture Moscow and capture all of the Russian leadership within hours of the uprising's start. But that never happened.

Wagner definitely loses.
YOUR Mao had even less, yet defeated the Chinese government . 🤣
Putin is in serious trouble. He probably has 24 hours before he’s overthrown. We’re witnessing history here.
Don't wish for that, he might do down lighting the whole world on fire...
So - Putins downfall was kicked off while Modi was being served Tea and Biscuits in USA ????

hhmmm - Interesting thought...
Indians were like:



Wagner is not Ukraine bud.

If they are going to go near Moscow, they would already had support. They won't go across Russia if they don't think they have people there to support them. That's coup 101...

That mean those "Depth" would also have been pointless because either they aren't going that far if they would have meet resistance, which mean a very bad calculation on Prigozhin. Or they would have been wave off check point after check point if they indeed had support with in

Let's see how this plays out
Russians are fast losing their grip on the situation
It's turning from bad to worse now
Ukraine was a walk over if Russia played their cards right
Never really thought the Russians could be this incompetent
Actually, apart from the fact that Russia was incompetent, its also because Russia underestimated Ukrainian resolve and patriotism to fight for their country and and above all, they thought the US/West will just remain silent and watch and not support Ukraine . Big miscalculation.

Wagner has just signed its own death warrant
And Russia its own death warrant in UKraine. Wagner was the only competent fighting force for Russia there. Say bye bye to Ukraine without them. 🤣
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Let's see how this plays out
I probably won't bedcause regardless of how this end, this is Russian business. And I don't really care about Russia that much, Prigozhin may succeed, he may fail, I dont really care because I don't see any different with him or Putin in charge. That's the same for me.

This coup already done enough damage to the Russian on the Ukrainian end, and whether or not it make any impact it would at least provided some entertainment for the Ukrainian on this end....

That's just how it goes.
Russian President Putin and Belarus President Lukashenko have fled their countries to save their lives.

Kazakhstan has refused to give assylm or air passage clearence to Russian President Putin.

Long live Wagers.

Wagners are the real patriotic Russian who are closely working with NATO & Ukraine to defeat the corrupt Russians led by Putin.
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