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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I am looking forward to the point, when this himars got destroyed and our "Military Man" will be butthurt² and pollute this thread with walls of garbage text, why it can't be the himars. :lol:
I think his posts are good. More informative than the reposting of pro-russian twitter accounts glorifying imaginary russian advances and equipment.
Interesting developments today:

It's said that Russians are running out of 122mm ammo because... the only functioning 122mm factory in the world was in Ukraine.

While Ukraine lost a hack a lot of 122mm ammo, it's stocks must still be bigger.

If there is one thing that the Russians are not short on, it’s artillery ammunition. The Russians spent the entire Cold War building up a massive stockpile of artillery shells, totally unprecedented in all mankind, in preparation for World War III. Russia can continue the war at this level of intensity for years if not decades that’s one think I think they are not short of ?
Ok after watching this war for over 120 days I have come to the following conclusion

Zelensky has clearly not showed any regard for Ukrainian lives

he continues to ask for more weapons pushing his troops into the meat grinder all the while Russia is moving forward metre by metre

Western countries have clearly not shown any regard for Ukrainian lives and NATO will fight Russia until last Ukrainian

poor Ukrainians are being targeted in this Geopolitical game and women and children are being slaughtered

no matter what Ukraine gets from West, 155mm howitzers or MIg29 at the end the victory will be for Russia

because quite simply, history tells us no one can really win in a land war against Russia even after 20 years these guys just keep coming and they have almost unlimited resources and 10s of thousands of tanks in storage

you dont become the largest nation on earth by giving up land those lands Russia has taken will never ever return to Ukraine

best deal is a peace deal, give Russia the security guarantees it wants and hand over the whole Donbas to Russia and Crimea they already have

otherwise Russia will march all way to Moldova and even further

Well done now you will destroy the rest of your nation

this guy is a complete lunatic

I dont even think he is Ukrainian, Russia could have taken everything in 2014 but they stopped at Crimea

this clown kept poking the bear for 8 long years and finally the bear chased him

he talks with so much confidence why? why so much ego? because he knows who his backers are

I can only feel for the poor Ukrainians they always helped everything and had a open door policy
Todays Russia is far more powerful when it comes to brute strenghth

The Russians can just as eaasily use terrain and unlimited strategic depth to repeat the exact same formula. While being armed in a way to absolutely anahilate the invading armys country into a glass parking lot

And now the US

4 of the most powerful empires on earth during their time made the mistake of messing with Russia

Starting to see a pattern?
Well if russia is stupid enough to take the fight against Nato (and allied block) then it is taking on

All in one go. Nations that singlehandedly brought russia to the brink…
And throw in UK and Japan as well (nations russia saw humiliating defeats against).

And russia really does not have a lot of that fabled strategic depth left. With ukraine becoming firmly anti-russian and belarussia unstable…thats basically starting where the germans left off….moscow is not that far off….

Still feeling confident?
Ok after watching this war for over 120 days I have come to the following conclusion

Zelensky has clearly not showed any regard for Ukrainian lives

he continues to ask for more weapons pushing his troops into the meat grinder all the while Russia is moving forward metre by metre

Western countries have clearly not shown any regard for Ukrainian lives and NATO will fight Russia until last Ukrainian

poor Ukrainians are being targeted in this Geopolitical game and women and children are being slaughtered

no matter what Ukraine gets from West, 155mm howitzers or MIg29 at the end the victory will be for Russia

because quite simply, history tells us no one can really win in a land war against Russia even after 20 years these guys just keep coming and they have almost unlimited resources and 10s of thousands of tanks in storage

you dont become the largest nation on earth by giving up land those lands Russia has taken will never ever return to Ukraine

best deal is a peace deal, give Russia the security guarantees it wants and hand over the whole Donbas to Russia and Crimea they already have

otherwise Russia will march all way to Moldova and even further

Well done now you will destroy the rest of your nation

this guy is a complete lunatic

I dont even think he is Ukrainian, Russia could have taken everything in 2014 but they stopped at Crimea

this clown kept poking the bear for 8 long years and finally the bear chased him

he talks with so much confidence why? why so much ego? because he knows who his backers are

I can only feel for the poor Ukrainians they always helped everything and had a open door policy
What makes you think Russia wont march on to Moldova if Ukraine hands over territory to Russia?
I think Ukraine has taught us Russia cant just march on in any direction they want. Seems obvious any well equipt and motivated force is able to stop them on the ground. Ukraine backed by NATO is never going to loose to Russias peacetime armed forces, and I dont think the russian population is going to accept mobilization in order to fight a war outside Russia. Most interviews of younger russians Ive watched shows indifference or apathy about the war and the russian political leadership.
Ok after watching this war for over 120 days I have come to the following conclusion

Zelensky has clearly not showed any regard for Ukrainian lives

he continues to ask for more weapons pushing his troops into the meat grinder all the while Russia is moving forward metre by metre

Western countries have clearly not shown any regard for Ukrainian lives and NATO will fight Russia until last Ukrainian

poor Ukrainians are being targeted in this Geopolitical game and women and children are being slaughtered

no matter what Ukraine gets from West, 155mm howitzers or MIg29 at the end the victory will be for Russia

because quite simply, history tells us no one can really win in a land war against Russia even after 20 years these guys just keep coming and they have almost unlimited resources and 10s of thousands of tanks in storage

you dont become the largest nation on earth by giving up land those lands Russia has taken will never ever return to Ukraine

best deal is a peace deal, give Russia the security guarantees it wants and hand over the whole Donbas to Russia and Crimea they already have

otherwise Russia will march all way to Moldova and even further

Well done now you will destroy the rest of your nation

this guy is a complete lunatic

I dont even think he is Ukrainian, Russia could have taken everything in 2014 but they stopped at Crimea

this clown kept poking the bear for 8 long years and finally the bear chased him

he talks with so much confidence why? why so much ego? because he knows who his backers are

I can only feel for the poor Ukrainians they always helped everything and had a open door policy
Here in germany Kuleba basically said, they will force the last Ukrainians to fight with a shovel against the Russians.
Well if russia is stupid enough to take the fight against Nato (and allied block) then it is taking on

All in one go. Nations that singlehandedly brought russia to the brink…
And throw in UK and Japan as well (nations russia saw humiliating defeats against).

And russia really does not have a lot of that fabled strategic depth left. With ukraine becoming firmly anti-russian and belarussia unstable…thats basically starting where the germans left off….moscow is not that far off….

Still feeling confident?
I've seen alot of idiots like you since this war began. People like you are talking about conventional war between russia and nato like that's going to be the case. If there is a war, its gonna be nuclear, and then you can discuss who has the better military if you survive long enough to do so.
Here in germany Kuleba basically said, they will force the last Ukrainians to fight with a shovel against the Russians.
Richard Black has been used by RT for years, commenting on US and NATO affairs. Anyone being used by RT is not someone I would trust analysing the situation in Ukraine.
If there is one thing that the Russians are not short on, it’s artillery ammunition. The Russians spent the entire Cold War building up a massive stockpile of artillery shells, totally unprecedented in all mankind, in preparation for World War III. Russia can continue the war at this level of intensity for years if not decades that’s one think I think they are not short of ?

Yes, they still have 152 in abundance though, but a big chunk on their tube arty using 122 is about to go dry (Gvozdik, D-30, D-74)
I've seen alot of idiots like you since this war began. People like you are talking about conventional war between russia and nato like that's going to be the case. If there is a war, its gonna be nuclear, and then you can discuss who has the better military if you survive long enough to do so.
I am talking conventionally cause with nuclear everyone loses. Nato can glass russia many times over and vice versa.
I am talking conventionally cause with nuclear everyone loses. Nato can glass russia many times over and vice versa.
NATO is never going to invade russian territory anyway, since NATO is all about defence. Still everybody talks nuclear if someone mentions Russia is unable to defeat NATO. As if Russia would go all nuclear if they took a lucky shot at the baltic nations, and got a beating and send back home by NATO.

I still think NATO should have send its airforce above western Ukraine the moment Russia invaded, and called Putins bluff. Let him worry about nuclear holocaust, why should we?
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Modern ukropian Nazis are like the original nazis in the good old days in the 3. Reich: The wonder weapons will bring the endsieg.

This HIMARS toy will change nothing on the strategic level, maybe not even on the tactical level. Few launchers with only 6 missiles per launcher, wich are by the way easy targets for russian air def like Pantsir and Tor. The only way is to target areas without air def or saturate the defender, but how you wanna do it with only 6 missiles/rockets per launcher?

But the endsieg will yours.:lol:
Meanwhile the Hypersonic weapons are no longer bringing the Endsieg like they were supposed to do.
NATO is never going to invade russian territory anyway, since NATO is all about defence. Still everybody talks nuclear if someone mentions Russia is unable to defeat NATO. As if Russia would go all nuclear if they took a lucky shot at the baltic nations, and got a beating and send back home by NATO.

I still think NATO should have send its airforce above western Ukraine the moment Russia invaded, and called Putins bluff. Let him worry about nuclear holocaust, why should we?

So he thinks the way out of this is for his country to nuke ALL of the TWENTY EIGHT countries of Nato. Wow. They US alone has 18 Ohio class, nuclear missile carrying submarines, all carrying 14 such missiles each of which have 8 war heads, and his government has no defense for that platform. They could be anywhere. Do the math. That is over 2,000 warheads, and we would need a tiny fraction of that to glass their entire country. He isn't going to get his half an hour. His country would be turned into a parking lot 5 minutes after the first missile was fired. These people are desperate to be throwing out these laughable threats. They don't at all sound like people that are winning a war, do they.
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