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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ok after watching this war for over 120 days I have come to the following conclusion

Zelensky has clearly not showed any regard for Ukrainian lives

he continues to ask for more weapons pushing his troops into the meat grinder all the while Russia is moving forward metre by metre

Western countries have clearly not shown any regard for Ukrainian lives and NATO will fight Russia until last Ukrainian

poor Ukrainians are being targeted in this Geopolitical game and women and children are being slaughtered

no matter what Ukraine gets from West, 155mm howitzers or MIg29 at the end the victory will be for Russia

because quite simply, history tells us no one can really win in a land war against Russia even after 20 years these guys just keep coming and they have almost unlimited resources and 10s of thousands of tanks in storage

you dont become the largest nation on earth by giving up land those lands Russia has taken will never ever return to Ukraine

best deal is a peace deal, give Russia the security guarantees it wants and hand over the whole Donbas to Russia and Crimea they already have

otherwise Russia will march all way to Moldova and even further

Well done now you will destroy the rest of your nation

this guy is a complete lunatic

I dont even think he is Ukrainian, Russia could have taken everything in 2014 but they stopped at Crimea

this clown kept poking the bear for 8 long years and finally the bear chased him

he talks with so much confidence why? why so much ego? because he knows who his backers are

I can only feel for the poor Ukrainians they always helped everything and had a open door policy
You could make the same arguement of any wartime leader, 'he doesn't value life' is a redundant statement. Your post is a mis-characterization of Zelensky and highly emotive and cynical, evident in the language you use such as 'lunatic', 'clown' etc.

And you seem to be forgetting Zelensky was very hesitant to provoke Russia in the lead up to the invasion. He didn't mobilize and was very cautious in his actions and words, refusing to accept the advice he was receiving from the US regarding the imminent invasion. Hardly the actions of the 'lunatic' and 'clown' you describe.

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Only long range artillery? I thought it was an anti armor missile. Maybe Russia doesnt have more to spare than 10 missiles for the HIMARS launchers?

Russia buys whatever parts they need from China. Russia has no shortage of parts. Russia is one of China's vassal states. Vassal.
NATO is never going to invade russian territory anyway, since NATO is all about defence. Still everybody talks nuclear if someone mentions Russia is unable to defeat NATO. As if Russia would go all nuclear if they took a lucky shot at the baltic nations, and got a beating and send back home by NATO.

I still think NATO should have send its airforce above western Ukraine the moment Russia invaded, and called Putins bluff. Let him worry about nuclear holocaust, why should we?
US does not have the stomach for MAD or even threats on MAD, with Russia.

US went crazy over demands for a no fly zone which would have ended the conflict on day one.

US wanted to invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon and Iran in 5 years.

Yet, won't stand up to Russia invading Europe in the biggest European War since WWII With a no fly zone led only by nuclear powers of UK/Fr/US, for the excuse of US would never allow a nuclear war.

That means Putin can invade the rest of Europe and threaten nuclear war if the US gets involved and the United States WOULD BACK DOWN. "Can't allow a nuclear war to happen, have to let Russia invade half the globe", says Washingtonites.

Now Trump tried to start a conflict with China and Washington is jumping around like crazed buffoons in excitement over a war with China. That war could go nuclear, and Washington does not care. Washington wants war with China, does not want to save Europe from Putin. US has classified ICBM defenses and is saving those for a war with China to have a nuke exchange and US not touched. China would probably nuke "United States foe" Europe for Chinese "revenge" and Washington would be happy the EU "FOE" would be nuked.

"I think the European Union is a foe," Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki​

Mark Meadows and Trump on their foes: We want them destroyed.

The US has this Ukraine war rigged, the Chinese planned war rigged. Peace destroys Trump and Putin. War benefits Washington. Europe has to save their economy and win against Putin, and don't expect the US to do much.

the Russians have (working and broken)
~14,000 Tanks
~14,000 IFV
~14,000 Artillery

(wikipedia says more in main page on Russian military ground forces)

Sending 130 artillery is a drop in the bucket

In the beginning of the war, you had twitter retards saying that Ukraine needs to only attack Russian fuel trucks that if Russian vehicles can't re-fuel, then Ukraine wins.

Ummm... a Ford truck can transport fuel in fuel cans. Russia has near limitless fuel from oil (16% of Russian exports is refined Petroleum - gasoline, Kerosene, fuel oil, etc). And can seize pick-up trucks from citizens and use these as fuel carriers. So near limitless fuel carriers too.

The UK/US/Ukraine is full blown retarded in fighting this war. As is by design.

Washington: Russia has 14K tanks and 14K artillery, what should we send to Ukraine.
Washington: 5 howitzers
Ukraine: We need more than that
Washington: 10, How about 10
Ukraine: Please more
Washington: Ok, ok! 100, that should turn the tide of war.
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Russia buys whatever parts they need from China. Russia has no shortage of parts. Russia is one of China's vassal states. Vassal.
Seems to be the answer everytime you are challenged - if not Russia, China will do it. Let us know when the first chineese weapon system or soldier sets foot in Ukraine.
US does not have the stomach for MAD or even threats on MAD, with Russia.

US went crazy over demands for a no fly zone which would have ended the conflict on day one.

US wanted to invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon and Iran in 5 years.

Yet, won't stand up to Russia invading Europe in the biggest European War since WWII With a no fly zone led only by nuclear powers of UK/Fr/US, for the excuse of US would never allow a nuclear war.

That means Putin can invade the rest of Europe and threaten nuclear war if the US gets involved and the United States WOULD BACK DOWN. "Can't allow a nuclear war to happen, have to let Russia invade half the globe", says Washingtonites.

Now Trump tried to start a conflict with China and Washington is jumping around like crazed buffoons in excitement over a war with China. That war could go nuclear, and Washington does not care. Washington wants war with China, does not want to save Europe from Putin. US has classified ICBM defenses and is saving those for a war with China to have a nuke exchange and US not touched. China would probably nuke "United States foe" Europe for Chinese "revenge" and Washington would be happy the EU "FOE" would be nuked.

"I think the European Union is a foe," Trump says ahead of Putin meeting in Helsinki​

Mark Meadows and Trump on their foes: We want them destroyed.

The US has this Ukraine war rigged, the Chinese planned war rigged. Peace destroys Trump and Putin. War benefits Washington. Europe has to save their economy and win against Putin, and don't expect the US to do much.

the Russians have (working and broken)
~14,000 Tanks
~14,000 IFV
~14,000 Artillery

Sending 130 artillery is a drop in the bucket

In the beginning of the war, you had twitter retards saying that Ukraine needs to only attack Russian fuel trucks that if Russian vehicles can't re-fuel, then Ukraine wins.

Ummm... a Ford truck can transport fuel in fuel cans. Russia has near limitless fuel from oil. And can seize pick-up trucks from citizens and use these as fuel carriers. So near limitless fuel carriers too.

The UK/US/Ukraine is full blown retarded in fighting this war. As is by design.

Washington: Russia has 14K tanks and 14K artillery, what should we send to Ukraine.
Washington: 5 howitzers
Ukraine: We need more than that
Washington: 10, How about 10
Ukraine: Please more
Washington: Ok, ok! 100, that should turn the tide of war.

Actually, Russian fuel production is suprisingly tiny for such a large nation, with so much oil
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