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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia strikes Kyiv factory 'that made missile used to sink flagship Moskva'​

Very salty response by Russia to the sinking of the flagship of the black sea fleet by Ukraine.

So Russia is caught in its web of lies again....
Pathetic Russians will not admit Ukraine country without navy sunk there flagship navy asset lol

Instead they keep up coming with hillarious stories...it sunk it self...because our dumb navy man got drunk and set it on fire ha ha
the question is why it take them two month too understand they must take out those facilities, from military point of view they must have been on primary target list.
They probably thought it would be all theirs in 2 or 3 days. No point in bombing something that you think will belong to you very soon. Now they are figuring out that they wont control all of Ukraine and are burning the house down.

We may never know why Russians have been so sloppy in their conduct of this war.
We already know, but you may not figure it out.
Nevertheless, they should've been cluster bombing on anything that moves from Poland, and other neighboring countries to Ukraine. Air, land, and sea blockade should have been the motto.
They can try that. See how it goes for them.

These kids on the slow bus are speaking of 'erasing' Ukrainians to unite the great Slavic Kingdom. Hope they read the morning news to see what happened in the black sea :laugh:

Yes, crawl the internet to find more. Cry more :omghaha:
This is genocidal talk if he is saying noone can be Ukrainian, but he is kind of saying noone should be forcing Russians to be ukranians. Its not really clear what he's saying. probably on purpose.
I think China is much stronger in terms of conventional forces than russia. They have much better airforce for this type of conflict.
Yes it sounds like it. China is definitely number 2 military in the world now. And will probably continue to be until Japan starts rearming. If the Americans ever let Japan rearm.

China will probably keep its number 2 spot until it decides to invade Taiwan. Seeing what's happening in Ukraine, I would suggest attacking Taiwan will not be a good idea. If Taiwan is able to do what Ukraine is doing, it would be a national humiliation, and china is not fond of humiliations after 2 centuries of it. Best not to make it 3 centuries.
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You still have red army soldiers buried in Poland?
Yee many

Of this number, 718 are burial grounds of Red Army soldiers, who had fallen and died in 1941–1945. The total number of those buried is about 1.3 million persons. Of this number, around 800 thousand are prisoners-of-war who died in German camps, and over 500 thousand are soldiers who died fighting the Germans in 1944–1945 within Poland’s current borders.

ukraine is really stupid:sniper::sniper:

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