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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yes, I do have Suvurov's four major books. :enjoy:


The first one I read was Spetnaz, then I got the rest. Those four books have been with me for decades.
Ha, nice1.

I might pick up a couple of those.
If anyone is to blame besides Putin it would be his advisors. I understand the need to lick cojones to survive but give such detached assessment just tells you either how incompetent or how survivalist these advisors are

The truth - where Putin likes it or not - will out eventually, even in Russia. Authoritarian weak leaders like Putin do not see anything wrong in what he his doing. That's the whole problem. Putin is not listening he’s running every thing
The truth - where Putin likes it or not - will out eventually, even in Russia. Authoritarian weak leaders like Putin do not see anything wrong in what he his doing. That's the whole problem. Putin is not listening he’s running every thing
Putin ain't weak, he just doesn't have the best situation to work with here
The harsh reality is that no matter the outcome of this Russia-Ukraine war, negotiated settlement or outright conquest, whenever there is any future dealing with Russia, hard power will come to mind, meaning that country will always be wary of the Russian military threat, instead of both exercising soft power in reaching any agreement. The more and more of this hard power diplomacy occurs, the less and less desirable Russia will appear in everyone's eyes which will equals to being left behind.

But Russia is needed to balance the world power for whatever it is.

As well as the West is needed to balance out Russia and China.

And why do you think the West is not going to misuse its power once Russia is gone?

Let the world be like that.

Putin ain't weak, he just doesn't have the best situation to work with here

Putin is a strong man.

But Russia as a country is weak because its people are weak.

Russian people are unproductive, they rich because of mining from a large landmass.
Yes, I do have Suvurov's four major books. :enjoy:


The first one I read was Spetnaz, then I got the rest. Those four books have been with me for decades.
You also have Captain America figure. Why am I not surprised. Given all the Captain America-ism you give us 24/7 on this thread

This was supposed to be a totally separate post:

Big question in my mind is why Russia hasn't sent in Special Forces? They've sent in conscripts and Chechen militia. But I know Russians have better trained and equipped troops.
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  • Haha
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Yes, I do have Suvurov's four major books. :enjoy:


The first one I read was Spetnaz, then I got the rest. Those four books have been with me for decades.
Know thy enemy I'm guessing looking at that collection, and nice touch with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

I was thinking the other day there was some mention of Russian mobile crematoriums, it reminded me of Suvorovs first day on the job with GRU when his new CO showed him the film of a man being thrown alive into a furnace and being told 'dead or alive, there is only one way to leave our organisation: the furnace.' I wonder if deceased Russian soldiers in this conflict will be cremated and 'unpersoned'.
But Russia is needed to balance the world power for whatever it is.

As well as the West is needed to balance out Russia and China.

And why do you think the West is not going to misuse its power once Russia is gone?

Let the world be like that.

Putin is a strong man.

But Russia as a country is weak because its people are weak.

Russian people are unproductive, they rich because of mining from a large landmass.

Anyone who goes against Putin is jailed and tortured , or pushed out a window , poisoned or has an accident . This is even overseas as he has a long reach . Not everyone is brave .

jewish clown will catch them in mid air if tweeter is to be believed!

western tweep fan boys trusted Kurdish tweeps,Ana tweepe and tweeps from "lion of panjshir" so if jewish clown end up losing this war will fanboys keep believing west?

Putin is not laughing at him now
Yes, I do have Suvurov's four major books. :enjoy:


The first one I read was Spetnaz, then I got the rest. Those four books have been with me for decades.
That is a mighty fine book collection you have there. Also Props for the Iron Man figurine.
Russia is clearly losing the information war. All information is essentially coming from the Ukrainian side only. The question is, who is actually winning on the frontlines?

Its a battle that cant be won. You cant defeat an ideology. Even if they take the city the ukrainians will turn it into a full scale insurgency just like what happened to the US in the war on terror
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