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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian army T80U. BTW nowadays most Ukrainian tanks harbor the pixelized camos

View attachment 821671
View attachment 821670
This is a UKR T80U/UD
A dear friend's son has returned from Ukraine where he was studying for his MBBS - after being evacuated via Poland. His account is very sad to hear.

There was a lot of kindness from ordinary people in both Ukraine and Poland but he recounts blatant racism during the journey out of Ukraine, at one point a contingent of Nigerian, Indian and Pakistani students were detained by Ukrainian forces and told "You will stay - we will give you a gun and you will have to fight".

They were forced to take shelter in a hostel in Sumy and made their way on foot in the cover of darkness and were helped by a local lecturer who negotiated safe passage for them "on foot". He says he did see a lot of people laying in the side of the road camped, some were clearly dead from hypothermia.

When arriving at Poland/Ukranian border control at Shehyni they were corralled by Polish security forces in a fenced area and had to spend the night in -15* whilst the Polish prioritised the processing of Ukrainian nationals.

The intervention of the Polish government officials from Krakow allowed them to proceed into Poland in a government vehicle.

At this point as a Pakistani I would like to if I could shake the hand of the Ukrainian lecturer and Polish officials who helped our people get to safety.

The ordinary people have never been a problem.
It is those Neo-Nazis with the guns who have created all the trouble in the first place.

On a side note:
This is so sad to see how we are treated abroad, only because those stupid imposed leaders on us sitting with their fat arses in London, wont give a damn about a normal citizen.

Only if we could have half decent rulers instead of these idiots who think they have some sort of inherited right to rule us!
It's muppets like this that have caused this war in the first place.

This war has been a humiliation for Russia and Putin. We're not even 2 weeks in and Russia has lost nearly 1,000 pieces of armor, aircraft, and equipment. The Russian economy has been rendered to third world status and Russia is being recognized as a pariah state.

A complete disaster for Putin.
Blame everybody else but Russia, right?

Again look at the origins of this conflict and not the pretty little narrative constructed by Western sources.

Common sense.

What would the US do if China set up shop in Mexico?

Hell, there was a time the US claimed the entire Western hemisphere as its domain.

War is regrettable.

But Russia has her interests too.

Let's try to be objective.
Again look at the origins of this conflict and not the pretty little narrative constructed by Western sources.

Common sense.

What would the US do if China set up shop in Mexico?

Hell, there was a time the US claimed the entire Western hemisphere as its domain.

War is regrettable.

But Russia has her interests too.

Let's try to be objective.

Ukraine is a sovereign state that has every right to choose its own future. They want no part of Russian oppression and backwardness.
This war has been a humiliation for Russia and Putin. We're not even 2 weeks in and Russia has lost nearly 1,000 pieces of armor, aircraft, and equipment. The Russian economy has been rendered to third world status and Russia is being recognized as a pariah state, according to Ukraine

A complete disaster for Putin. Majority of these claims are unverified

Fixed it for you 😉👍
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