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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If it weren't for Russians. US and cronies would not have been able to brag about victory in European theater in WW2

We have all admired the sacrifices made by the Russians in WW2 but this puts their legacy to shame
If it weren't for Russians. US and cronies would not have been able to brag about victory in European theater in WW2
Objectively, Russians won the war singlehandedly, they defeated the Nazis at a huge human cost of 28-30 million Soviet lives and 10,000 towns, cities and villages destroyed. The west tried its best to stifle Russian advance by denying a second front. But the Russians won anyway. US losses in the whole European theater were 276,000 including North Africa, where they took a beating from Rommel at Kasserine pass Tunisia.

The US Army ( Army Air Corps included) If you count all deaths in the entire war and speculating since the Marines did most the heavy fighting in the Pacific theater with Army support in places like Burma or the Philippines. The grand total dead for the US Army is 318,247. Once again that is including North Africa. About 41,592 Army deaths occurred in the Pacific. So our speculated total for the European theater is 276,655 US Army KIA in Europe/North Africa
Russians are deploying the right tactics now and bringing in a lot of infantry to support the armor and their losses have almost stopped. They just made a large paradrop on Kharkov and have captured the city. Even the Uki propaganda trolls have shut the f up.
Armour without infantry is a sitting duck no matter how latest it is I was surprised when saw Russian armour without infantry if Marshal Zhukov alive today he probably fire all staff responsible
Umm, there is a photo of French colonial soldiers in Algeria holding in custody a naked Algerian girl. And someone on PDF had posted a photo of some other French colonial soldiers near the severed head of an Algerian man, probably a resistance fighter.

So you think that the present humanist western movement is responsible for the killing of this Algerian girl.
And as a response to this, you want this humanist movement of Europe to suffer and to be killed.
Objectively, Russians won the war singlehandedly, they defeated the Nazis at a huge human cost of 28-30 million Soviet lives and 10,000 towns, cities and villages destroyed. The west tried its best to stifle Russian advance by denying a second front. But the Russians won anyway. US losses in the whole European theater were 276,000 including North Africa, where they took a beating from Rommel at Kasserine pass Tunisia.

The US Army ( Army Air Corps included) If you count all deaths in the entire war and speculating since the Marines did most the heavy fighting in the Pacific theater with Army support in places like Burma or the Philippines. The grand total dead for the US Army is 318,247. Once again that is including North Africa. About 41,592 Army deaths occurred in the Pacific. So our speculated total for the European theater is 276,655 US Army KIA in Europe/North Africa
Try telling this to Americans after the cold war conditioning they've been through.

Americans treat non Americans with a lot of arrogance. They could have made Russia a very important partner post fall of USSR. But they chose to marginalize them instead. Treat them with humiliation.
Moldova is next?

It was first... Ukraine is the third country occupied by Russia in the Black Sea.

A unilateral declaration of independence has already been made long before, under the protection of Russian soldiers. Even with regard to the Ukrainian war, it was said that the Russian troops in this region would support the Ukranian occupation. One of Russia's strategic goals is to get Transnistria out of the enclaved situation, either by subjugating Ukraine completely or dividing it on a north/south axis.
So you think that the present humanist western movement is responsible for the killing of this Algerian girl.
And as a response to this, you want this humanist movement of Europe to suffer and to be killed.

Which Humanist movement are you talking about ? Certainly not the Communists, Socialists and Occupy movement.
Have I said that????

Or I criticized this behaviour where you say "Not our war, while we gain nothing".

If you don't raise your voice for humanity, then this world will again go the dark ages, where slavery was a norm, and rape of women too.
Where was humanity for the thousands of people killed under the murderous US regime?
Armour without infantry is a sitting duck no matter how latest it is I was surprised when saw Russian armour without infantry if Marshal Zhukov alive today he probably fire all staff responsible
Like I explained earlier, that is what the Russians have done, fired 5 generals who were appointed on political connections. Now Putin and Shoigu are running the war with Lieutenant-General Valeriy Yevgenyevich Yevtukhovich, Commander Airborne Troops who are now playing a major role.
Try telling this to Americans after the cold war conditioning they've been through. Americans treat non Americans with a lot of arrogance. They could have made Russia a very important partner post fall of USSR. But they chose to marginalize them instead. Treat them with humiliation.

Yes, not all is perfect. But the problem of Ukraine was not created by US. It was an internal problem and reason lies in the Russian mindset and their history.
Where was humanity for the thousands of people killed under the murderous US regime?
They were protesting against their own governments and they were against the wars and killings.
But US was not alone, and all the time many Islamic countries were standing along with US.
How many protests did you do against Saudi Arabia for attacking Iraq?
And how many protests did you do against Saddam Hussain when he attacked Kuwait?
Or how many protests you do against Saddam Hussain when he killed thousands of Kurds in Halabcha by chemically bombing them and killing 5000 Kurds in one night?
Or how many protests you do against Saddam Hussain for attacking Iran and killing one million Iranians in the war?

Perhaps you protested not a single time against the crimes of Saddam Hussain.
Is the glorified Islamic history any DIFFERENT?
Did the Muslim Kings, Sultans, Caliphs not take the women and children and men as slaves?
They already did
Did they not loot every single thing in the name of Ghanimah (war booty)?
It was a fun for them & war compensation as they consider it
Were Muslims not fighting each other too in wars?
For centuries till now started long time ago since the time of Caliph Ali against the greedy for power, Muawiyah(The war in Yemen is a living witness to the sectarian conflict in Yemen) But the media frames it within the war to restore legitimacy, and it is far from it
Give credit to the West that despite the power, they tried to reform themselves. Despite conquering all the Islamic countries, neither they killed the male prisoners, nor raped the women, nor took the small children as slaves.

Disagree, They did worse than you think, for examples, the atrocities of World War II,, the invasion of Vietnam, the occupation of Iraq, we saw the torture of prisoners, the rape and murder of children (a 13-year-old girl was raped and killed and many other cases) and many other examples over the wolrd,, The West does not differentiate brutality,, It is human nature

Of course, no one is perfect, and they all made mistakes. But the secular left-wing West indeed showed a lot of humanity.
Not At All as I mentioned above (US/UK/Frech/Turkish/Serb/Ukriani/Russian/German/Danish) actions during the wars
You people are doing nothing else than putting a knife in the back of the secular left-wing West. And as a result, only the right-wing West will get stronger and it will take power in the West.
There is no relation between right-wing West will get stronger and it will take power in the West and muslims, its an internal race for power between several wings of the economic is the heart of this conflict (the refugee crisis is an economic burden / Islamophobia is also primarily economic in origin, in addition to the Muslims’ lack of understanding of the Christian European society / wars are economic motives ... etc.
This new wave of "not our war" in the name of "Personal Benefits" is now getting preference over humanity, which will bring only a downfall of humanity.
There is no such term in the world of international politics
With my regards
Like I explained earlier, that is what the Russians have done, fired 5 generals who were appointed on political connections. Now Putin and Shoigu are running the war with Lieutenant-General Valeriy Yevgenyevich Yevtukhovich, Commander Airborne Troops who are now playing a major role.
Any Idea what timeline Russia has in mind? I believe Window is up till next winter November or December and what end goal Russia looking far?
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