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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Aggressor side's AD systems and Aircraft losses, during first 2 week:​

Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns (8, of which destroyed: 5, abandoned: 3)​

Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (28, of which destroyed: 11, damaged: 1, abandoned: 6, captured: 10)​

Radars (1, of which destroyed: 1)​

Jammers And Deception Systems (1, of which damaged: 1)​

Aircraft (12, of which destroyed: 12)​

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (3, of which destroyed: 1, captured: 2)​

  • 1 E95M target drone (likely used as unmanned bait in order for Ukraine to reveal the location of air defence systems): (1, captured)
  • 1 Orlan-10 reconnaissance UAV: (1, destroyed)
  • 1 Eleron-3 reconnaissance UAV: (1, captured)

Helicopters (12, of which destroyed: 9, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2)​

Russians will be mainly relegated to high-altitude regime when the Ukrainians get supplies of the UK's StarStreak missile.

It flies at Mach 3+, max altitude of 5km and is very difficult to jam.

The war is just going to be more costly for both sides.
NATO General Secretary, Stoltenberg:

"We asked Turkey to impose sanctions on Russia."
First, everyone lift the sanctions on Turkey, give back stolen jets, stop arming terrorists, then we can talk about...

(Russia must act quickly btw.)
If Turkey keeps supplying them drones to Ukraine, it may be welcomed back into the F 35 program :cheers:
I saw some news reports of westerners going to Ukraine to sign up and fight. When they learn the contract is open ended and they are not allowed to go home.......they refuse to commit and leave Ukraine.
A lot of foreign volunteers have been rejected by the Ukrainians - they only want people with skills and experience / such as military- combat- medical and engineering.

The thrill chases who thought that they would go for a few weeks and come back with selfies have found out the following:

  1. You are a volunteer so you won’t be paid
  2. Your citizenship when you return may be revoked or you may face criminal charges
  3. As food and resources run out the Ukranians are busy equipping and supporting their own -120,000 Ukrainian nationals who joined as volunteers
  4. No training will be provided because they expect you to turn up knowing what to do
  5. There is very limited primitive medical care facilities - so if you get injured or suffer from trauma you may not be able to get medical care beyond first aid.
Not Photoshop, and there is no use of images unrelated to the news. A real video totally on the topic. But With Russian flag.

Anyone that has Arabs fighting for them is in truly big trouble. When have they ever won a war? 1300 years ago?

And if these Syrians ever make it to Ukraine, how many of them will go straight to the polish border to surrender and claim asylum in the EU? Their choice is die for Russia or free social security in Germany.
So you are saying that metaphysically, a yin-yang status is required. That globally speaking, there has to be 1/2 of the population under oppressive governments.

That is the blind and selfishness of the USA, that destroyed the world.
I be shocked, if Iran does not purchase any of these captured weapons. Reverse engineered Javelin would be a key asset for Hezbollah. Trophy anti atgm system is not effective against top attack weapons.
They are game changing weapons. Th only Thing is, how would Iran reverse engineer it? do they have that capability?

Russia Makes Crazy Claim That U.S. Is Training Birds To Spread A Ukrainian Bioweapon (Updated)​

The Kremlin's invasion has now entered its 16th day and Russian forces continue to struggle to make real progress toward their objectives on the ground in Ukraine. In addition to turning to increasingly more brutal siege tactics in efforts to secure a number of important cities, which is causing a growing number of civilian casualties, Russian authorities look to be stepping up their disinformation campaign. Today, among other things, the Russian Ministry of Defense made a wholly unsubstantiated and outright bizarre claim that the U.S. government is somehow training birds infected with or otherwise carrying biological weapons to fly from Ukraine to Russia.

You can get yourself up to speed on the current state of the war in Ukraine with our previous rolling coverage here and then dive into the latest news below.

It's not 100% crazy.

If you ever read many articles in the past, USA bioweapons are related to the birds.
  • Haha
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