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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I was actually arguing with @WebMaster regarding the same issue, your question is subjective as from your POV my post adds no value but from many it does add, as It's a personal observation and a hit to the Propaganda which we see on Social media including PDF which is flooded with one sided narrative. So yes you delete the post of constructive Sarcasm but it will just strengthen my argument that PDF is pushing a very limited and selective narrative (As usual) and the forum I know where you are free to post constructive critics/Arguments/sarcasm is dead.

If you don’t like the content I post or others then there’s nothing stopping you from blocking us.
Some of the best contributors in this thread are following:

@Elias MC

Less politics, no drama, more focused on the topic and providing valuable information.

@RescueRanger bhai make us laugh at times as well.

This is how it should be.

Unfortunately, some members are like: This forum is compromised. USA this and that. Zionists. Nazis. Petty politics. Maybe try contributing to a topic constructively for a change?

Irony is that he really believes it, along with few other members on this forum.
How would @Ich or you know?

Russians have certainly lost hundreds of military vehicles in this conflict by now. Troop losses would be high as well.

This is a war - not a joke.

Maybe, some countries can fight back and inflict losses?

USSR suffered heavy losses in Finland in WW2 (1939 - 1940).
Germany suffered heavy losses and were unable to achieve breakthrough in the Battle of Britain in WW2 in 1941.
US-led forces were unable to achieve breakthrough in Italy in WW2 in 1943.

It happens.

Russia should try its luck with UK perhaps. The British will knock Russian teeth in.


I was actually arguing with @WebMaster regarding the same issue, your question is subjective as from your POV my post adds no value but from many it does add, as It's a personal observation and a hit to the Propaganda which we see on Social media including PDF which is flooded with one sided narrative. So yes you delete the post of constructive Sarcasm but it will just strengthen my argument that PDF is pushing a very limited and selective narrative (As usual) and the forum I know where you are free to post constructive critics/Arguments/sarcasm is dead.
It absolutely is dead. I think PDF has been infiltrated already. Sad sight to see.
  1. Third World War: According to the predictions, a great world war will be started between Two “Alifs” and Two “Geems”. Russia would attack on Western “Alif” and then it would surrender in front of China. Upon the destruction, Russia would ask the mercy from China. Later on One Geem would make alliance with Russia and China against rest of the “Alif”. Most lethal and Massive destructive weapons will wipe majority of the people from the earth. Finally the “Alif” against which alliance was made will totally be wiped out from the map of the world and its name will only persist in the books of History.
  2. View attachment 822564
is it going to happen ???????????

Who are the jims?

The lifeless body of a young girl lay wrapped in a blanket - found among the rubble in donets village.

A stark reminder for all those cheerleading for conflict that war tends to take away the future of nations.
The cheerleading is mainly being done by those willing to fight Russia till the last Ukrainian.

Most of Pakistani posters on other hand are continuously pointing out the two faced nature of Western gora countries.

Who are the jims?
Jims are usually tall white bacon loving Americans 🤣 لماو
Some of the best contributors in this thread are following:

@Elias MC

Less politics, no drama, more focused on the topic and providing valuable information.

@RescueRanger bhai make us laugh at times as well.

This is how it should be.

Unfortunately, some members are like: This forum is compromised. USA this and that. Zionists. Nazis. Petty politics. Maybe try contributing to a topic constructively for a change?

How would @Ich or you know?

Russians have certainly lost hundreds of military vehicles in this conflict by now. Troop losses would be high as well.

This is a war - not a joke.

Maybe, some countries can fight back and inflict losses?

USSR suffered heavy losses in Finland in WW2 (1939 - 1940).
Germany suffered heavy losses and were unable to achieve breakthrough in the Battle of Britain in WW2 in 1941.
US-led forces were unable to achieve breakthrough in Italy in WW2 in 1943.

It happens.

Russia should try its luck with UK perhaps. The British will knock Russian teeth in.
Brother thank you for your kind words - I am trying my best to look at this dreadful business from both sides but we should remember that Russia is the aggressor and every time I see civilian casualties it makes me so angry.

This madness must end- and that decision will be made behind closed doors by people much more powerful than you and I but but I cannot help but feel a sense of helplessness.

Being a medic we take an oath on the Quran to help anyone - and it breaks my heart when I see needless loss of life.

I try to inject some humour because I know all too well the impact such graphic images can have on one’s mental health.

I will urge members here to take time for mindfulness exercises and to avoid getting de-sensitised to Juan tragedy - it’s all to easy to look at figures and say oh 377 people have died - each number was a person, with dreams and hopes and loved ones - with each death part of a family dies too.

Just recently it was announced that Europes leading future mathematician was a 29 y/o Ukrainian girl who died in shelling.
  1. Third World War: According to the predictions, a great world war will be started between Two “Alifs” and Two “Geems”. Russia would attack on Western “Alif” and then it would surrender in front of China. Upon the destruction, Russia would ask the mercy from China. Later on One Geem would make alliance with Russia and China against rest of the “Alif”. Most lethal and Massive destructive weapons will wipe majority of the people from the earth. Finally the “Alif” against which alliance was made will totally be wiped out from the map of the world and its name will only persist in the books of History.
  2. View attachment 822564
is it going to happen ???????????

These prophecies are attributed to Shah Naimatullah Wali, a poet who lived in Iran in the 14/15th century. It’s not proven that he wrote them, or someone else. The prophecy verses do not exist in his main collection. Some people think that they may have been written much later and attributed to him.
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Brother thank you for your kind words - I am trying my best to look at this dreadful business from both sides but we should remember that Russia is the aggressor and every time I see civilian casualties it makes me so angry.

This madness must end- and that decision will be made behind closed doors by people much more powerful than you and I but but I cannot help but feel a sense of helplessness.

Being a medic we take an oath on the Quran to help anyone - and it breaks my heart when I see needless loss of life.

I try to inject some humour because I know all too well the impact such graphic images can have on one’s mental health.

I will urge members here to take time for mindfulness exercises and to avoid getting de-sensitised to Juan tragedy - it’s all to easy to look at figures and say oh 377 people have died - each number was a person, with dreams and hopes and loved ones - with each death part of a family dies too.

Just recently it was announced that Europes leading future mathematician was a 29 y/o Ukrainian girl who died in shelling.
100% agreed with you, bro.

My thoughts are same about this conflict.
You are so ignorant and unfamiliar with the part of the subject that concerns Turkey that all you can do is be silly. What you wrote has nothing to do with the topic. Turkey's dialogue efforts have nothing to do with the EU-Turkey relations...
Şaka ediyorum abi. Sakin ol!
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