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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hes a slavic Macedonian. They get very sensitive about their country's name. People call them FYROM-ians. It upsets them. I dont see the big deal. We call Bosnia Herzegovina "BH". its just easier and quicker.
@Meengla It's a very big deal for us in Greece as well. Especially in northern Greece. We call them Skopjans. We mostly call their country Skopje because I its capital.
I don't think the US has anything to say in it.. The Ukrainians will not accept giving away over 50% of their territories including being demilitarized by Russia.. Including recognizing Crimea and DPR and LPR..

The offer was given to them so that they don't accept it and it was on purpose and Ukraine won't accept anything short of Russia withdrawing

I think the Ukrainians would recognize LPR and DNR since the inhabitants in theses region are Russians. However, Crimea has Tatar population who want to be with Ukraine than Russia. So it doubtful at this point Zelensky would signoff that region.
@Meengla It's a very big deal for us in Greece as well. Especially in northern Greece. We call them Skopjans. We mostly call their country Skopje because I its capital.
I dont see the problem if they want to call themselves after your greek historical region. I mean its obviously a greek historical name, us slavs came only 1000 years ago at the most. but why dont you take it as a compliment and move on?

Also how do greeks view this in Ukraine? who does the majority support?

This country seems completely mobilized to fight the war. It is not just Ukrainian armed forces that the Russians are fighting, but the broad civil society itself. It is for this reason more than anything else, I doubt Russia could have a political victory at the end. Considering that wars are fought for political objectives, I'm sure Putin must be worried. :cheers:

This country seems completely mobilized to fight the war. It is not just Ukrainian armed forces that the Russians are fighting, but the broad civil society itself. It is for this reason more than anything else, I doubt Russia could have a political victory at the end. Considering that wars are fought for political objectives, I'm sure Putin must be worried. :cheers:

This is becoming a vast strategic defeat for Putin and Russia. There's almost no upside here for Putin anymore.
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