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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A real Chechen leader would look for an historic opportunity to break free from Russia should this war go really bad for Russia! Russia is destined to be a country limited to the west of the Urals, and integrated with Europe, and the lands acquired through conquests of last few centuries is not some permanent 'lease' given to the Russians.
As always, noting something is not the same as wishing something. It is just an observation.
that why Russians are using best of Chechens as main attacking force

Hints of a Ukraine-Russia Deal?​

Seems US is trying hard to keep the War going..

Zelensky appears to float suggestions of a compromise, but U.S. officials fear Putin could double down.​

Ukrainians are now nodding to Russian primary demand after having much of their infrastructure destroyed....The war front may stop ...but the foundation of long enmity has been successfully laid. The sanctions enforcing countries have already been listed by kremlin....

Welcome to Cold War 2.0

Hints of a Ukraine-Russia Deal?​

Seems US is trying hard to keep the War going..

Zelensky appears to float suggestions of a compromise, but U.S. officials fear Putin could double down.​

I don't think the US has anything to say in it.. The Ukrainians will not accept giving away over 50% of their territories including being demilitarized by Russia.. Including recognizing Crimea and DPR and LPR..

The offer was given to them so that they don't accept it and it was on purpose and Ukraine won't accept anything short of Russia withdrawing
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Thing getting Nasty for US...

USA admits there are Biolabs in Ukraine, says if a biological attack happens ‘it is Russia’s fault’​

They called it a conspiracy theory but United States just acknowledged existence of bio labs in Ukraine​

Interestingly India is Talking against Masters Lol

"Ukraine has biological research facilities," says Under Secretary Victoria Nuland. She has "no doubt" that in the event of a biological or chemical attack, #Russia would be responsible.

Thing getting Nasty for US...

USA admits there are Biolabs in Ukraine, says if a biological attack happens ‘it is Russia’s fault’​

Why nasty ? Show me a country that does not have biolabs ....
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