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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Title of the thread implies, as if war has started.

The false flag operation to implicate Russia has already been done when Ukraine destroyed a Kindergarten School in Donbas.

They were waiting for the Munich conference to be over to start the full scale war.

Shelling Strikes Two Schools In Eastern Ukraine, Including Kindergarten​

February 17, 2022 15:18 GMT
A school was damaged by shelling on the morning of February 17 in Vrubivka in eastern Ukraine's Luhansk region. There were 53 children and 16 adults in the building when the attack occurred but none was injured.

Journalists from RFE/RL's Donbas.Realities team on the scene reported that shells landed 30-40 meters from the school. Shrapnel shattered windows and tore into walls. One private house was also damaged but was empty. Locals blame Russia-backed separatists for the attack.

Also on February 17, a kindergarten in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska was heavily damaged by shelling and three people were injured.

The press center for Ukraine's military forces reported that, as of the morning of February 17, it had recorded 29 violations of a cease-fire agreement by the Kremlin-backed militants in the Donbas region, including 27 using weapons prohibited under the Minsk accords. At the same time, the separatists published accusations that Ukraine's military forces had fired on territories they control. The claims could not be independently verified.

The shell-damaged school building in Vrubivka, Ukraine, on February 17.

1The shell-damaged school building in Vrubivka, Ukraine, on February 17.
A large crater outside the school.

2A large crater outside the school.





A large shell fragment near the school.

8A large shell fragment near the school.
Damage to a house near the school.

9Damage to a house near the school.

Heavy damage to a kindergarten in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska. A total of 20 children and 18 staff were in the building that was shelled. Two women and one man were injured on the morning of February 17.

Heavy damage to a kindergarten in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska. A total of 20 children and 18 staff were in the building that was shelled. Two women and one man were injured on the morning of February 17.
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RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service

RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service is dedicated to covering all of Ukraine, including the conflict zones and Crimea, and sets a standard for balanced reporting and high-impact investigative journalism.
What kind of drugs are you on that you think Ukraine is the one starting the war? why would Ukraine start a war it can't win. Its the Russians that spent all this time building up for months, bringing troops all the way from Siberia for the "war games".
Shelling or whatever it's but full scale war isn't going to happen especially USA+NATO will never ever drag themselves into it even if Russians invade Ukraine...
Ukraine and NATO has formally agreed to the plan of invading Russia
Do you really think that it'll happen ?? Never -__-

NATO's invasion into Russian territory means WWIII...
Nuclear weapons will start flying & that's not happening 🙄

NATO + USA will just watch from the other side of a fence if Russians & Ukrainians start fighting that's all.
The war that US , UK and NATO have been predicting is about to start in the next few hours on 21st Feb, 2022.

You may ask why this date?

No this is not when Beijing Olympics are closing as leaders of the Ukraine and NATO wants you to believe.

This is the date when Munich Security Conference 2022 ends where Ukraine and NATO has formally agreed to the plan of invading Russia.

What kind of drugs are you on that you think Ukraine is the one starting the war? why would Ukraine start a war it can't win. Its the Russians that spent all this time building up for months, bringing troops all the way from Siberia for the "war games".

Ukraine has approached the devil for help and now needs to demonstrate her loyalty to the devil before devil helps..

But for the Devil, Ukraine is just a pawn to deplete the strength of Russia.

The devil will enter the arena only when Russia is weak and down.

Shelling or whatever it's but full scale war isn't going to happen especially USA+NATO will never ever drag themselves into it even if Russians invade Ukraine...

Do you really think that it'll happen ?? Never -__-

NATO's invasion into Russian territory means WWIII...
Nuclear weapons will start flying & that's not happening 🙄

NATO + USA will just watch from the other side of a fence if Russians & Ukrainians start fighting that's all.

Even the Soviets had nukes but it did not prevent the collapse of the USSR.
Ukraine has approached the devil for help and now needs to demonstrate her loyalty to the devil before devil helps..

But for the Devil, Ukraine is just a pawn to deplete the strength of Russia.

The devil will enter the arena only when Russia is weak and down.

Even the Soviets had nukes but it did not prevent the collapse of the USSR.
You must be fun at parties 😒
Everyone including Americans are tired of people crying wolf over this. Slowest war ever. There is more action in 1 hour on the LoC than this whole standoff. Maybe in 2056 they will fire a few bullets.
Everyone including Americans are tired of people crying wolf over this. Slowest war ever. There is more action in 1 hour on the LoC than this whole standoff. Maybe in 2056 they will fire a few bullets.

Russia does not want a war. All they are asking was to implement the Minsk agreements that was agreed upon by all the parties.

Ukraine has gone back on the Minsk agreements as they now believe that they have the support of the Devil to destroy Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees recognizing two controversial separatist-held regions, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, Monday in a ceremony carried on state television.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has previously promised “a swift and firm response” from the US and allies and partners if Russia moves to recognize Ukraine’s breakaway regions as part of Russian territory, calling such a move a “gross violation of international law.”

War broke out in 2014 after Russian-backed rebels seized government buildings in towns and cities across eastern Ukraine. Intense fighting left portions of the Donbas region's eastern Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts in the hands of Russian-backed separatists. Russia also annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 in a move that sparked global condemnation.

The separatist-controlled areas in Donbas became known as the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). The Ukrainian government in Kyiv asserts the two regions are in effect Russian-occupied. The self-declared republics are not recognized by any government, including Russia. The Ukrainian government refuses to talk directly with either separatist republic.

The Minsk II agreement of 2015 led to a shaky ceasefire agreement, and the conflict settled into static warfare along the Line of Contact that separates the Ukrainian government and separatist-controlled areas. The Minsk Agreements (named after the capital of Belarus where they were concluded) ban heavy weapons near the Line of Contact.

Language around the conflict is heavily politicized. The Ukrainian government calls separatist forces "invaders" and "occupiers." Russian media calls separatist forces "militias" and maintains that they are locals defending themselves against the Kyiv government.

More than 14,000 people have died in the conflict in Donbas since 2014. Ukraine says 1.5 million people have been forced to flee their homes, with most staying in the areas of Donbas that remain under Ukrainian control and about 200,000 resettling in the wider Kyiv region.


BREAKING......... Ukraine to enter state of emergency at midnight​

Ukraine has declared a state of emergency for 30 days, from midnight tonight.

The bill was approved by Ukraine's parliament just now. It introduces personal document checks and gives the government power to impose a curfew if needed.

Ukraine will impose restrictions on a range of digital and radio communication services, which the government says could inflame the situation.

And it means military reservists will not be allowed to leave the country.

The declaration affects all of Ukraine apart from two eastern regions which have been in a state of emergency since 2014.
So it has begun [reports coming out putin has announced war on ukraine]
Putins an evil bastard.

Ukraines only crime is to be free and independent from Russian backwardness.

Time to annihilate the Russian economy.
Are these reports true? Not seeing much from the uk public, but it’s also 3.15 am here.
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