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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Business is booming... 👍



And if the result is that China does keep Putin just about afloat while literally brain draining Russia of every piece of technology and getting ridiculous terms on fuels then it would be the real winner in this.

Standard practice by China.

China does not pay premium prices like Europe for Russian oil and gas.

They will get an even better deal now and that too in yuan.

So Putin is scuttling Russia?


Putin is changing the map and creating new realities in much the same way US and NATO have done for the last three decades.
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Apparently, russians are shooting at the power plant...god help us all

This is crazy, the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe, if missiles fall there the disaster will be much bigger than Chernobyl and will affect all of Ukraine, Europe and part of Russia

Chernobyl times 20 if that is hit.
Putin is 70. He knows he will not be around long.

And, so, this war is Putin's parting gift to the west.

Everything leading up to this war has been choreographed including Imran Khan visit to Russia on the eve of the war.

Putin's departure, whenever that comes, is part of this choreography.

Yugoslavia 2.0

Apparently, russians are shooting at the power plant...god help us all

Chernobyl times 20 if that is hit.

A modern nuclear power plant can survive a hit by a small nuke
This is going to end really badly (Re Foreign Fighters) I wrote a detailed post about it here:

Here you go.

They are expecting [read planning] to turn it into an insurgency @9:53+ again @10:10+ they expect [plan] that this will continue for a very long time, years. @15:17+ we're gonna help them fight [a protracted insurgency]. [Instead of helping towards a ceasefire, will help them fight].

These instigators talk high of Ukrainian people, how children are suffering in NICUs, but how do they plan to help mitigate those sufferings? By sending more Javelins and weapons and insurgents, instead of hastily bringing a ceasefire solution!. In addition they will help the suffering Ukrainians by banning Russian oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil . . . goes on for half an hour.

The Russian military may eventually prevail but them is stuck in an insurgency. The Russian economy can’t support this invasion let alone an insurgency so these are the last days of Putin unless some godsend situation occurs for him.

That may be the plan of instigators but if Russians are successful at encircling the country, then insurgency won't get fuel and will wither soon.
Probably that's why instigators are in a rush to supply as much weapons as quickly as possible, instead of rushing to achieve some sort of ceasefire.
"Hurry before our routes are blocked".

Why I'm feeling deja-vu I wonder? Hmm, oh yes, the 1000+ NATO containers unaccounted for in Pakistan.

Anyways, if they were sincere about Ukrainian civilians, as they poorly pretend, then they would be heard talking about going to the table. Not the case here.

Russians are trying [not quite successful though] to not hit even the barracks of Ukrainian soldiers. Only the infrastructure.

Ruskies cry over loss of Ikea

I think that's a cheap shot. :stop:
I see that much crowd in IKEA on a normal day.

Westerners are seen twice a years, fighting on boxing day/black friday sales over a TV? I thought they were "more civilized than Iraqis and Syrians/Libyans"!!.
At least Russians were very disciplined.

(click to watch age-restricted video directly on YouTube instead of embedded here)

My thoughts on Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant footages:

If Russians were to take control of plant, they won't attack the plant itself.
If those CCTV show fires/explosions on the plant itself then it could possibly be the retreating ones sabotaging the plant.

Russian FM Lavrov alluded to such acts by retreating Ukrainian army @2:10+ in his video above.

And we have precedence of decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant under joint protection with Ukrainian forces. Why would Russians do it differently with a working one.

So are we all in agreement Russia just committed a war crime live on candid camera:

Article 56 — Protection of works and installations containing dangerous forces:

Magnitude-wise, those fires and small duds seen on CCTV footage from reactor don't seem to coincide with what Russians have been firing so far on Ukraine.
Unless I missed any big ones!

I at first thought that was just arcing, as there must be electric grid. Or flares.

They did attack a dam though earlier. But they said it was to release the water of Crimea that was blocked. And it was more like a beaver dam with no catastrophic results. Just slowly flowing water.

"Would you mind not shooting at the . . . "
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Zelensky: Erdogan one of few leaders who has opportunity to convey to Russian president understanding it is necessary to end war

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is providing significant support to Ukraine and is taking many steps to end the war, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said.

"Honestly, I don't remember all the details, which of the representatives of Turkey could say this. Personally, we have strong personal relations with President Erdogan. Very good relations. Very warm relations. He helps - the issue is not only in drones, the fact that we bought drones there and this is a big help - there are many questions where Erdogan helped Ukraine. I am very grateful to him. At the political level, he also takes many steps so that the president of Russia has an understanding that the war needs to be ended," Zelensky told foreign journalists on Thursday, commenting on Turkey's refusal to join the sanctions against the Russian Federation.

"Not many world leaders have this opportunity. Many people want it, but few people have such an opportunity. It needs to be such a serious, powerful, influential state for everything, for geopolitics and for the global economy. And Erdogan is like that. He is very strong, he is a very serious president, and he helps. Therefore, I have no questions for him," he stressed.

Zelensky also expressed hope that in the future Turkey will become one of the guarantors of Ukraine's security and will influence the process of negotiations with the Russian Federation.

"I think that he is one of those guarantors of security for Ukraine, and he will definitely be one of those countries that should introduce security guarantees for Ukraine. When we sit down at the negotiating table, I believe in this, with the president of Russia, and it is these security guarantees that Ukraine should receive. Therefore, he will influence this process. I really believe in this," the president said.

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