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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I mean if India is at war with Pakistan, you would not expect India to have Pakistan state own media still operating on its soil, right?
Yes, yes I think I know how all that works.

x3 that number.

B-Sino-Russia ties would suffer to the point they may become hostile entities
Anyone remembers Fallujah,,wasnt that city indiscriminately destroyed when they resisted occupying forces ?
The American cowards used DU ammunition and children are still suffering in Iraq.
In my heart of heart I'd very much prefer that but don't see it happening unfortunately ...
It'll make Russia dependent on China for veto but I doubt China would support any such move as it'll
A- make west more powerful than it already is- France, UK, US and replacing it with another west friendly country
B-Sino-Russia ties would suffer to the point they may become hostile entities
Sometimes you come across a rational US ex-army officer who is not a warmonger, Colonel Macgregor is causing a lot of discomfort for the neo-con and Zionist chicken hawks who are pushing a fratricidal war in Russian Ukraine. As I posted on day 1, Russia will prevail and all this hyperbole is rather moot. Russian technology is far superior to China as they supply modern weaponry to the PLA including S-300 and SU 27/30 which have been cloned as J-11.


Missile appears to strike Ukraine building as volunteer records video asking for help​

A missile appears to strike a building in Ukraine as a volunteer records a video on his mobile phone asking for donations.
Speaking in the video, the man explains that he has brought supplies from a supermarket and has delivered them to those in need, before he is cut off by the sound of an airstrike.
While it is unclear exactly where the missile hit, the blast shatters windows and sends debris flying across the room he's filming in.
The man then quickly picks up the camera before ending his recording.
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I can't help but laugh at this, Sheikh Rasheed could do a better job at keeping lines of communication open:


In my heart of heart I'd very much prefer that but don't see it happening unfortunately ...
It'll make Russia dependent on China for veto but I doubt China would support any such move as it'll
A- make west more powerful than it already is- France, UK, US and replacing it with another west friendly country (I always wondered why US gave China right to veto as Taiwan from their perspective was a much more friendly country - that's 4 friendly veto power vs USSR all alone (although as a Pakistani I am not complaining :lol: , I love China) )
B-Sino-Russia ties would suffer to the point they may become hostile entities
Well, there will still be "Russia" just not Putin's Russia representing it. I would imagine it will be the opposition party. You cannot replace a country, but you can replace "representation" of a country with a GA vote, not sure if that make sense to you?

I too was doubtful this will happen tho, yes, with General Assembly support, it can be done, but that does not change the security council vote parity, unless China is willing to abandon the Putin regime, I don't see the point of doing it. And China still need Putin support but as it goes, Putin would be more and more a liability of China. Which mean at some point, probably when China have no use of Putin's Russia anymore, they will be discarded, but that probably 5 year from now or 10 years from now, nobody knows.
capitalism and zionism

"Hang your chemistry and electricity! If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each others' throats with greater facility"
~ Hiram Maxim 1882 (Inventor of machine gun)
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these r the real devils. they sell arms to both parties in a war.
In genuine honesty, I don't think we can compare the Russian/Ukraine war with any wars in the recent past (those were fairly one-sided, with the Western powers enjoying a lop-sided advantage).

Given that Russian armor is facing somewhat modern weaponry at hands of Ukrainians and suffering due to it, where does that put our usage of armor, given Indian anti-armor capability? This is what I am most interested in knowing more about.

Do you anticipate Pakistan or India making fewer logistical, and operational mistakes than Russians or Ukrainians? (Keeping in mind events of Feb 26 and 27th both).

And I am tagging @PanzerKiel since he's written a lot about mistakes from 65', 71' wars. I'd love to know what he thinks of the current situation here and if it tells us anything about what the future might be like at our end.
That’s an interesting bit to cover, Will reply as soon as I have time :)
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Imagine how stupid you have to be to blame Biden for the global oil price crisis:

The US state machinary under Biden has produced two failures Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Neo cons not happy at all.

America going to shit because of these deep divisions. Feel like 1880s again with North and South split
The US state machinary has produced two failures Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Neo cons not happy at all.

America going to shit because of these deep divisions. Feel like 1880s again with North and South split
Lets hope so.

Pax Americana is over now.

Thanks to Allah that there is China and Russia.
capitalism and zionism

these r the real devils. they sell arms to both parties in a war.
Well that's what happens when people stop thinking for themselves:
Ukraine live TV supposedly filming dead persons in TV killed during the invasion. But during filming one of dead woke up adjusting his /her for conformable posture
ye to pajeet modi bhakts ko bhi peechay chorr gay :rofl:
@waz @The Eagle ask this sectarian swine to change his profile pic.
Lol why?
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