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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I been to Moscow with my father in early nineties. I was like 5 yrs old. So many concrete buildings. It toook a loooong trip on a K3 train, it felt like an eternity, that I remember the most.

You sell Russians lether jackets, and instant noodles from the train, and make an average urban Chinese monthly salary in less than 1 week. I also remember Lenin's mummy. It scared me for some reason, unlike Mao's.

Eventually Guangzhou far overshoot North China by income, and amount of business, and our family returned to Guangzhou, before moving to UK in 200X.

For the last few years, I worked for a number of Chinese engineering contractors doing business on OBOR. We were misfortunate to pick a rail in Kazakhstan, now trying to recover our money after Kazakhstanis declared a forcemajeure when a civil war started in the country in the South in January. My job, and and a lot more is now staked on my ability to recover as much of company's money out of the venture. We also declared forcemajeure, to no longer have to pay lay locals as HQ finally realised they will never have anything out of this now. Trying to liquidate by selling heavy equipment we leased to dig trenches for cables now to locals. Shame is we leased it from another Chinese co here.
I remember going to Russia by Heilonggong in the 90s, they sell stuff like fur boots coats and booze and then we go over the Chinese-Russia border, and boarded the train to St. Petersburg on a family vacation.

I don't remember much, except the cathedral and the and the skiiing :)
All PDF Traffic from J-1Oc thread is diverted to Russia Ukraine War thread .....

I am amazed the site is still up considering how much traffic it is generating with views/comments etc. Wonder what the traffic in GB/day(+other stats ) is currently compared to normal. Admins doing a good job of keeping it up imho ...
End of the day 1st March.

Russians used talks yesterday to for a very large staging in North, and the South.


The humongous convoy West of Kiyv broke out of woods, and small towns, and is now spreading out into open areas. Ukrainians seems to have ran out of airforce, and heavy weapons to thrown on it.

The single 300mm MLRS they had which took out 3 convoys in 3 salvos over last few days seems to have either been either taken out, or ran out of ammo. Russians are seemingly in no hurry to besiege the city now, going much slower, and taking positions.

Belo forces joining in from the Eastern direction.


The small town which tackled multiple BTGs seems to have been breached after massive rocket strike on intel. That's the downside of defending small towns without concrete buildings. The few concrete buildings are becoming natural targets.


Shellings, urban battles. Still holding. Got first supplies of NLAWs. Not much armour in action, but infantry.


The limits of mobile defences which held off Russians seems to be reached. That Russian staging area for offence to the East was attacked a few times, but now a much more massive formation did not rout, or back off, and moved on Maripol.

Khesan offsensive is smaller, back, and forth now.

In overall, bigger, slower Russian formation don't suffer from harassment of small mobile forces as much as smaller groups they sent before. I seen no news of completely abandoned convoys in the South.

It seems 28th was the last day for Ukrainians to keep the initiative, but they did not chose to further harass Russian staging areas, and prepared for defence instead. That was a mistake IMHO. They should've thrown everything to hamper Russian regroup, while buying time for getting more territorials prepared.
The Ukrainians are telling so many lies that Baghdad Bob is writhing in his grave. I have been fact checking the Ukrainian claims and 95% are total lies. Russian figures are more rare but accurate.

Major General Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov is the chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. He has served in the Russian Aerospace Defence units in Syria and is respected for his professional briefings and veracity.
Russians lie and conduct a great deal of propaganda as well - you just don't see it.
I see you are fellow traveler of the path. 👍👏

Of course. We, the human beings, are bent upon destructing each other; but in the end, we destruct ourselves:

"Waris Shah, aiss khawab saraaye andar, kayi waajarhay gaye waja Mian"
(Heer Waris Shah)
We have been made aware in every other post about your vast in depth self opinionated experience of Ukraine. You couldn't miss it if you tried.
Respectfully dont attempt to throw a "put down" to anyone misunderstanding the definition when your own English is as poor as it is.
Its a sad worrying and deeply concerning situation in Ukraine - glad that you - as a "professional" can find the time to "lol" on a thread like this?

I really dont see anything in your posts that merits me to respect or show attention to your posts - someone that has to remind us that you was a military officer in every other post - is frankly embarrassing.

You haven't quite grasped the fact that this war is perhaps like no other. One has to be careful in believing what is factual - what is made up and what is frankly dreams of armchair global internet warriors.

The power of twitter Facebook and ticktock etc have clearly made this war a war like no other. Facts become fiction and fiction becomes fact.
The fact this is "killing white blue eyed" people is giving the western world tremendous distress.
The fact that those hoisting Ukraine to their boisterous stance have mysteriously pushed Ukraine into poking the bear has gone beyond the likes of you.
The fact USA can interfere destroy and demolish nations throughout the world - yet when Russia feel threatened by NATO and a neighbor - it is unacceptable?

Now please stop putting down others and making yourself looked daft. Attempting to throw put downs to the likes of respected think tanks like Rescueranger doesn't make you look intellectual - quite the opposite.
First of all, I don't really care about what you think of me, this is how I wrote my stuff, with or WITHOUT that title that comes below my username, I would write the same thing, I did not ask for this title, I would not care less about this title. someone high (assume they are, well, they can maneuverer the forum format to hand me this title) gave me that title, whether or not I deserve it, you need to ask whoever gave me that title, not me .

I am proud of serving my country, which is US by the way, I don't see what's wrong with that, I have a US flag and an US Army Flag I raise everyday, and I look at the US Flag when I go to bed, I recite the pledge of allegiance everyday I wake up, do you think anything is wrong with that? And I don't every-so-often tell you my background and history.

And just because I am a military man and I can use the shorthand "LOL" REALLY?

As I said MANY, MANY, MANY time, don't EVER judge a man's word on how they say, but what they say, have you ever wonder why I say stuff like that? Have you even see what was I replying to? I mean, if you want to discuss serious matter, I can discuss that with you, but otherwise if you are going to accuse me of something, like in this case, the man I reply to accuse me as a shill, WHY would I have to be serious with him??

As for this war. There are a lot of thing you don't know about this war, and there are a lot of thing I do not know about this war, but judging from the fact that I have seen war and participating in two, and I know the geography and have numerous friend who live in Ukraine, and my own experience living there, I would willing to bet all the money I had in my pocket (around $35) that I know more than you.

Now, if you want to be passive-aggressive, I will be passive-aggressive with you. if you want to honestly discuss issue, I will, but you have to choose. It can only be one way and not the other.
Aren't you doing just that as well?
But then again since you were a intel officer you might as well be doing this professionally. :D
Well, at least I were there, were you?

That's the different.
For those Pakistani who are still confused.

American eagle has been flying high with overgrown wings and talons. It is in need of clipping. The process started a while back in Afghanistan and this is another step towards it. Not saying that it needs to be killed, but it certainly needs to brought back to same level and fly among other eagles.

A balanced world order is the need of the hour. So when they talk about "rule based order", they are just simply trying to preserve their hegemony, screw them.

Its not about who is right or wrong, for Pakistan is about helping towards achieving that balanced world order, which since 9/11, has been catastrophically tilted towards America and its minions.
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