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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia's import partners in 2020. Judge for yourself if economic sanctions and ban from SWIFT will severly affect Russia or not.

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What people til now still don't understand is that

If Russia need this long and this much resource to conquer (Still conquering) Ukraine, how well would they perform when they are inevitably face with a Ukrainian insurgency that are almost certain to guarantee that is coming?

Notice that it took the US 4 months to invade and control the entire Iraq, I don't even think it is possible at this point to control the entire Ukraine. Which mean Western Ukraine is going to be like Fallujah and Tikrit, only with EU supplying and financing a insurgency from there. And we lost 136 men for the entire 4 months of campaign, Russia most likely lost 10 times that and it is still ongoing. And we have around 400,000 troop in the entire Iraq, Russia have what left of those 200,000

This is going to be an insurgent haven, and it get even worse, most of the Ukrainian can speak Russian and know their culture which means any insurgent activities is going to be worse because you can't tell which one is the good guy, which one is the insurgent, as they all speak Russian, they all look the same, and they all live with a similar culture. Which speak for my own COIN experience, make your task 10 times harder. (well, probably not 10 times, but still a lot)

And then we aren't fighting the insurgency while we are being sanction, we have steady supplies of food, ammunition and replacement. Russia is trying to fight an insurgency which is resource intensive and manpower intensive while under sanction..

Prospect is not good.
Proceeds to show the Ukr airfield with craters on its run way
None of which have hit target and even if it did would only take it out of operation for a few hours.
I don't blame the the accuracy though but the lack of numbers. Russia's lack of Precision weapons is what the issue is.

Russia-Ukraine live news: Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers killed​

Air raid sirens in Kyiv and Kharkiv as local official says Russian artillery attack on a military base killed at least 70 Ukrainian soldiers on Monday.

A handout still image taken from handout video made available by the Russian Defence ministry press-service shows the attack helicopters Mi-24 prepare for battles in Ukraine on the field, Russia, 28 February 2022

M1-24 attack helicopters prepare for battles in Ukraine on the field, in Russia, on February 28, 2022 [Russian Defence Ministry Press Service/ EPA-EFE]
By Ali Harb and Zaheena Rasheed
Published On 28 Feb 202228 Feb 2022
  • Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls for no-fly zone to stop Russian bombardment, but White House says US is not considering such a move.
  • At least 70 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in a Russian artillery attack in Okhtyrka, a city between Kharkiv and Kyiv, says a local official.
  • ICC prosecutor says he plans to launch investigation into alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity in Ukraine.
  • High-level talks between Kyiv and Moscow end with no agreement except to keep talking.
  • Civilian death toll now stands at 352 people, including 14 children, Ukraine’s health ministry says.
  • More than 520,000 people have fled Ukraine since Russian invasion began, UN says.
  • FIFA and UEFA suspend Russia from international football.
Here are the latest updates:


list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3

Diary from Kyiv: ‘I’m staying in my home no matter what happens’

list 2 of 3

Could economic sanctions on Russia hurt the rest of the world?

list 3 of 3

No breakthrough at Ukraine talks as Russian assault continues

end of list

INTERACTIVE Russia-Ukraine map Who controls what in Ukraine DAY 6

45 mins ago (07:00 GMT)45 mins ago (07:00 GMT)

Air raid alerts in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities: Reports​

The Kyiv Independent, a Ukrainian news outlet, is reporting air raid sirens in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities, including Vinnytsia, Uman and Cherkasy.


It also cited a hospital administrator saying that Russian shelling has hit a maternity hospital in the village of Buzova near Kyiv. “All people were evacuated from the building,” it said.

1 hour ago (06:34 GMT)

Russian forces ‘surround city of Kherson’: Reports​

Russian troops have surrounded the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, according to a journalist and a local official.

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“The city is actually surrounded, there are a lot of Russian soldiers and military equipment on all sides, they set up checkpoints at the exits,” Journalist Alyona Panina told the Ukraine 24 TV channel.
The city’s Mayor Igor Kolykhaiev also said on Facebook that the “Russia army is setting up checkpoints at the entrances of Kherson”.
Kherson has a population of around 280,000 and lies north of the Crimea peninsula, annexed by Moscow in 2014. Russia claimed to have besieged the city on Sunday.

2 hours ago (05:57 GMT)

Japan freezes assets of Russia’s central bank​

Japan is joining the US and other allies in slapping additional sanctions on Russia, including freezing assets of the country’s leaders and three financial institutions.


Aside from those held by six individuals including President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Japan will freeze assets of Russia state-owned Promsvyazbank and Vnesheconombank, as well as the country’s central bank.

3 hours ago (05:04 GMT)

Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers killed in Russian attack​

A Ukrainian official says a Russian artillery attack on a military unit in Okhtyrka, a city between Kharkiv and Kyiv, killed at least 70 Ukrainian soldiers on Monday.

Dmytro Zhyvytskyy, head of the Sumy Regional State Administration, posted photographs of the charred shell of a four-storey building and rescuers searching rubble.

Indeed, bro.

People tend to forget that Ukraine shares border with both Russia and Belarus and Russia was able to assault it from 6 different directions including through Belarus.

Ukraine-Russia situation does not compare to NATO-Iraq situation in 2003 and Pakistan-India situation in 1971 respectively. WE are looking at different landscapes and political situations in each case.

Its seems deliberate from Russian Armed forces. They don't want to go into the trap. Everyone preparing a trap for other party, NATO wants Russia to be bogged down in Ukraine just like their occupation of Afghanistan (1979-1989) fully understanding it, Russians are on fringe of Ukraine and holding it out there, they wants NATO to come for the aid of Ukraine regime at least their mercenaries for the time being they bombard Kiev not to occupies it but to lure NATO to come for the Aid and bogged down just like their occupation of Afghanistan (2001-2020), So everyone is luring other party, its a Cat and mouse situation at the moment.


If you look at the map, Russia have better chances to make Ukraine an Afghanistan for NATO, all three sides covered with Russian troops after Crimea and Odessa Ukraine will becomes almost Landlock. Perfect time and space to engage NATO here and makes it another Syria like situation.
Its seems deliberate from Russian Armed forces. They don't want to go into the trap. Everyone preparing a trap for other party, NATO wants Russia to be bogged down in Ukraine just like their occupation of Afghanistan (1979-1989) fully understanding it, Russians are on fringe of Ukraine and holding it out there, they wants NATO to come for the aid of Ukraine regime at least their mercenaries for the time being they bombard Kiev not to occupies it but to lure NATO to come for the Aid and bogged down just like their occupation of Afghanistan (2001-2020), So everyone is luring other party, its a Cat and mouse situation at the moment.


If you look at the map, Russia have better chances to make Ukraine an Afghanistan for NATO, all three sides covered with Russian troops after Crimea and Odessa Ukraine will becomes almost Landlock. Perfect time and space to engage NATO here and makes it another Syria like situation.

Perhaps the Russians are just keeping a withdrawal route open or they are proceeding cautiously. Surely they must realise time is on the side of the resistance and the longer it draws out the the more bogged down the Russians will get and stuck in a quagmire.

We can't shrug away the in competencies and bias of our leaders...... Why we didn't develop East Pakistan and kept forces over there right since 1947, proportionate to the threat level (surrounded by 3 sides etc), we had fought 2 wars before 1971 with same enemy...then why was the slumber? and discrimination ? Distance factor comes lot below than some of the blunders done in governance, treatment of Bengalis by our Fair and Tall Punjabi/West Pakistani Generals and politicians.
Pakistan never had money and Bangladesh was being hit by historical rains and floods and Pakistan just couldn't cope.
hey wants NATO to come for the aid of Ukraine regime at least their mercenaries for the time being they bombard Kiev not to occupies it but to lure NATO to come for the Aid and bogged down just like their occupation of Afghanistan (2001-2020), So everyone is luring other party, its a Cat and mouse situation at the moment.
Not really, Russia's offensive has for the most part stalled. At the moment they are reorganizing and resupplying in this lull of fighting. The convoy in the north is an indication of reshuffling of forces near Kiev. Russia has significantly underestimated Ukrainian defenses but they will adapt soon enough.
We can't shrug away the in competencies and bias of our leaders...... Why we didn't develop East Pakistan and kept forces over there right since 1947, proportionate to the threat level (surrounded by 3 sides etc), we had fought 2 wars before 1971 with same enemy...then why was the slumber? and discrimination ? Distance factor comes lot below than some of the blunders done in governance, treatment of Bengalis by our Fair and Tall Punjabi/West Pakistani Generals and politicians.

You are not even a Pakistani you pajeet

Why are you saying "we" in this post?
Kyiv is located near the border and was easy to approach.


Link: https://newsline.news/map-of-the-co...ukraine-assaults-on-kiev-and-kharkiv-proceed/

Russians are shelling Kiyv and Irpin as WE speak.

Baghdad is deep inside Iraq and not easy to approach from Kuwait.
Yes reason I think it's always better to have capital city in the interior center of the country to avoid it being so vulnerable during an invasion, especially in a hostile neighbourhood. Lessons for other capital cities like Delhi close to China's border, Beijing being close to U.S forces/bases in East Asia in Korea/Japan , Hanoi being close to China's border which made it easier to reach when China invaded in the 70s etc etc
Some poles said that many armored forces were assembled on Ukrainian land only a few kilometers from the Polish border. All equipment is marked with the letter V.
Is this the reason for the first deployment of the NATO rapid response force?
Did the Russian army go from Belarus to the border between Poland and Ukraine?
If the border between Ukraine and Poland is blocked, does NATO have other channels to support Ukraine?

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