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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Erdogan just played judo!

Turkey will deny passage to ALL warships through its straits towards the Black Sea.

So what started as a possible anti-Russia op turned into an ANTI-NATO op.

After all Russian vessels are ALREADY in the Black Sea.


US to Turkey
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Turkey to US
images (13).jpeg
SU25 is a very potent plane by firepower. It can take up to 160 unguided 80mm. Excellent against convoys of soft targets.
I say it for this reason:

Keep in mind that these aircraft will be a “soft loan” so why should the Ukrainians settle for the fleet of SU-25 half of which haven’t been overhauled and have 800 or so flight hours remaining.
I think the attack on Kiev is gonna start soon.
Yes, it seems very likely. They asked the citizens to leave the city from the southwest.
Yesterday they were trying to encircle Kiev from the left and the right (although the eastern front won't be near Kiev today)
The Russian troops are already invading the northern part of Kiev.
Yesterday they were trying to negotiate, even though both sides knew that negotiation is useless. Now it's time for Putin to get a little bit more serious.

The real attack on Kiev will start soon. Either today or tomorrow. It seems that they have already neutralized Ukraine's air defense and they can support their ground troops now.
The process of transferring all the forces designated for the war in Ukraine to the mobilization points took very long months!!!

Watch this video for example (10 months old)

Russia is one of the major exporters of mineral ores and energy. If it decided to sell its goods in gold or a second currency to defy America because of the sanctions, and the market could not adequately compensate for Russian exports, the financial system based on making the dollar a settlement system would be damaged in one way or another..

Today everyone should know that Putin still has the third world war card in his hand ..
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Russia never envisioned Ukrainians neighbours will openly come to its help I’m shocked to on this. Donating polish fighter planes if this is true Russian bluff has been called and it is hollow. Russians appear to be completely paralysed in halting anything coming in to Ukraine
No one thought a war of this scale is possible in Europe in the 21st century, but it is happening, if the west will take Nuclear threat lightly and continue to push Russia against the wall then it can lead to Nuclear exchange.

Exactly my point. I can't believe people are falling for all this fake propaganda but can't understand that if Russia really wanted to knock out Ukraine they can do it in couple of hours and beat the hell out of it. They have the experience, machine and the men to do it .
Russia is using its bare minimum resources and are not there to destroy Ukraine like what NATO did in Iraq.
Right now the power grids are intact, internet is running, water is available , heat and gas is available. They are not even killing Ukrainian soldiers because they don't want people to turn against them if they did any mass killings . Its quiet unfortunate that people on this form don't understand this.

People generally think in binary terms. Good versus evil. Positive versus negative. They forgot that the real world is a lot more complex.

Really... There is no good versus bad here. Russia had legitimate concerns that NATO did not address. Ukraine has a right to self determination but should not become a hub for extremist Nazi ideology. Not all Ukrainians are Nazi. Just like not all Russians are pro-Putin.

So it's a lot more complex.
I say it for this reason:

Keep in mind that these aircraft will be a “soft loan” so why should the Ukrainians settle for the fleet of SU-25 half of which haven’t been overhauled and have 800 or so flight hours remaining.

Givem their circumstances, everything should go. You don't need top avionics to drop 160 missiles on a convoy
Seeing that their plan A has failed, will Russia resort to their usual shock and awe and seige this time?
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