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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine literally just needs to muster one airstrike of 20+ jets agains the column heading towards the capital - it will be the last mission for most of the pilots for sure but it will really tear up the column as they are all perfectly lined up.

There are no need for that. That "3km" convoy was already bombed repeatedly, and suppressed by artillery. It's too deep behind Russian lines, but I believe losses there are severe.

Instead, there are free airstrike opportunities. This following screws strategic options with these small spear pushes, and destroys units with more certainty because they already got very, very extended, and gorillas/territorials may pick them off later at small cost, and grab their equipment.

After that, Ukrainians will need to find out weaknesses in Russian deployment, and use aviation against that.

I repeat, Kiyv area now is a fortress which soaks 1 BTG per day with ease, and Russians are afraid to do anything big there now. Moreover, local mobile defence, and Baraktars are already seemingly doing good at destroying flanking pushes.

Instead, something more daring, and unexpected can be done now. What about bombing Belo? I believe NATO got all Belo air defences mapped now.

Or, the they can thoroughly cleanup Kharkiv surround, push off Russian artillery, and unfold the front there again. I see a lot of artillery there, hide & seek urban battles in suburbs, but not much units capable of holding the line with serious armour/firepower.

South is a big question mark. I believe Russians have air defence from Crimea there now. NATO's eyes should know.

@jhungary I think it's playing into Ukrainian side to not to let the flow of battle to slowdown. Russians will not let them exploit their initial messups for long.

Probably a downing of a Bayraktar with Tor-M1:

Zelensky must be asked, how many children in Donetsk, Luhansk etc did his Nazi soldiers kill.
Nonsense. Ukraines central government has every right to fight for its territorial intergrity against separatists groups on its territory, just like the Russians did against the Chechens separatists. Did you also condemn Russias "brutal" killings of chechnyans? (Or you didn't because they were commie . Lol) ? Using your logic Russia should have let chechnyans have their own country (which I'm not actually against) instead of fighting and killing them to remain part of Russia isn't it? Lol
When there is a war there will always be collateral damage obviously, however doesn't invalidate the reason for the war. Just like India has every right to get rid of the many separatists groups in its North East and south of the country who have been active for decades, just like Sri Lankas central government had every right to get rid of its Tamil separatists/Militants, just like Pakistan does with baluchistan separatists, just like China does with Tibetan and Uygurs separatists, just like Turkey and Iran does with Kurdish separatist groups/militants, just like a Burmese government does with its many separatists groups trying to divide the country etc etc. The list is so long I can go on and on . No government will tolerate armed separatists groups against its territorial intergrity.
So Ukraine has every right to get rid of those russian backed separatists like every sovereign country's military does .
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OK some simple question.

1. Why is the Internet still on air.
2. Why is Ukrainian TV still on air
3. Why is electricty still function to all of Ukraine
4. Why are the roads and bridges still in tacts and supplies and free movement in Ukraine
5. Why is the massive Russian airforce not in the air?
6. Why have only limited troops moved into Ukraine?

Now in Iraq they even destroyed water purification and sewage plants let alone electricty.
These are usually the 1stvtargets. Why has Russian not hit these?
Very good point, Iraq lost it all. and still the perpetrators were liberators... :p:, what a world we live in...
While 110,000 of our brothers and sisters were massacred in Bosnia, we did not see a tenth of the current arguments such - blue-eyed, blond-haired Europeans - in the western media. Disgusting, simply disgusting!

Putin, you fell into the trap of these bastards!
Yeah same with tens of thousands of chechnyans isn't it?
Did you also condemn Russias "brutal" killings of chechnyans? (Or you didn't because they were commie . Lol) ? Using your logic Russia should have let chechnyans have their own country (which I'm not sctually against) instead of fighting and killing then to remain part of Russia isn't it? Lol

1. Russian governments stopped being commie in 1991.

2. The Chechens, most of them at least, are now proudly part of Russia.

When there is a war there will always be collateral damage obviously, however doesn't invalidate the reason for the war.

By that logic what is Zelensky complaining about ?

Lukashenko warns of 3rd World War, as Belarus prepares to send troops​

The president denied that Belarus was taking part in the fighting, adding that no missiles were being fired from Belarusian territory • "Nuclear war is the end of everything"

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned that Western sanctions were pushing Russia towards a "third world war," as The Washington Post reported that Belarus was preparing to send troops into Ukraine on Sunday.

"In a situation like this, we should be aware that there are such sanctions. A great deal is being said about the banking sector. Gas, oil, SWIFT. It’s worse than war," said Lukashenko at a referendum on changing Belarus's constitution, according to the president's website. "Russia is being pushed towards a third world war. We should be very reserved and steer clear of it. Because nuclear war is the end of everything."

The Belarusian president stated that the retaliatory sanctions by Russia and Belarus would be very sensitive in order to ensure that they do not also impact them.


I recall mentioning exactly this months ago that if you force Russia or hunger them they will have no other choice but to declare much bigger war and imho Russia could reach that treeshold as soon as in few weeks time where Russia could start an operation against all NATO nations bordering them? You may ask why and when? Only when Russia reaches a certain point where they have nothing to lose
Lol even during ita peak power during Soviet times, Russia never attacked a single NATO country. To think Putin is silly enough to do it now is just wishful thinking on your part to be honest .
1. Russian governments stopped being commie in 1991.

2. The Chechens, most of them at least, are proudly part of Russia.
Ahahaha I was sure you supported Russia's action in Chechnya(though you are now crying crocodile tears against Ukraine's government operation against Russian separatists groups ) .
So you think Chechnyan's suddenly welcomed Russia and started loving Russia after being massacred brutally during one of the most vicious war since WWII right? Lol They had no choice, after being bombed and massacred indiscriminately, it was either they accepted Putins offer or they will be obliterated. They choose the former and I can't blame them to be honest(I would have done the same. Lol )

Whether Russia seized being commie or not is not the point. Do you supported Russias actions of trying to protect its territorial intergrity against separatists groups YES OR NO? LOL
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