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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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People are starting to believe that the Covid-19 thing was to prepare Humanity to stay at home for weeks and months and even work from home..because "someone" somehow might have seen a nuclear war approaching..
No shit. Covid 19 is the ZOG flu. Anybody with half a brain and truly knows how the world works can figure it out.
Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will begin in the morning

Remember the Biden arrogance just a few days ago when asked about Russia's demand to not require Ukraine to join NATO? I believe that was the face-saving exit for Putin; Putin will be gone before long--he is almost 70 already-- and I don't foresee anyone like him replacing him. Russia is a dying country as we know it. Next would be, at best, a Medvedev and at worst another Yeltsin. This would have sorted out on its own without such loss of life. Imagine the pain of the mothers seeing their dead sons? Or kids losing their father?

Be at it may, I hope such a guarantee is given now. Joining a military organization propped up by a power thousands of miles away to poke your next door civilizational kin was only stupid.
Managed to find a very good central Ukraine:

Transmission is in Ukrainian & English - Audio file included for your listening pleasure:

Me think that after encircling Kievv, Russia will block the Ukrain borders in the west. Then do other cities and pockets while still offering talks.
Me thinks the Russian satellite must keep tabs of weapons coming into Ukraine and to precision strike them once inside the country. Otherwise Russia will face a Vietnam situation. Can't let NATO send weapons that easily...they need to physical waltz in and give it to them.
Like the Indians shot F-16. Ukrainians shot half of Russian Airforce 😂😂
What are the Ukrainians going to do with NATO aircraft when they have no landing strips to land them on?
What is the legal status of these mercenaries? Russia is well within its rights to give no quarter to these terrorists, and execute them on the spot according to the rules of war...

Russians see Nazis genociding Russian speakers as a repeat of WW2. Europes solutions? Send every nazi and right wing trash they can find, to go fight in Russian lands.. in the name of "defending an invasion"

Russia has alot more right to those lands, then joe random From ireland. Who is too stupid to not liberate northern ireland before [playing soldier somewhere else.
Under UK it is illegal:-
Titled 'Encouragement of terrorism', section 1 criminalises the publication of statements that are likely to be understood by a reasonable person as encouraging some or all of the members of the public to whom the statement is published to commit, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism.Oct 3, 2020

Also a breach of US law:-

To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Oct. 26, 2001 - [H.R. 3162]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America <<NOTE: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001.>> in Congress assembled,
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